
police brutality video


Jan 21, 2004
As a skater, I really hope these kids quit. All they did, by putting this dumb video on the net, is make it that much harder for skaters in there town. Just like those idiots in Charleston, SC.


Aug 4, 2004
"Discretion" is no excuse for losing control. How about enforcing the laws objectively and consitenty instead of subjectively and "whatever kind of mood I'm in today."

Cops ought to be held to a higher standard than anyone. How can they possibly expect to gain anyones respect (not fear, respect), if they don't follow the same law they enforce, and apply the law consistently?

What a tough guy, beating up 13 year-olds. F-ing pathetic.

1. You're asking for a Judge Dredd world if you want officers to lose their discretion. There are good people in this world who mess up, sometimes those people learn from their mistakes and don't need a judicial process to make them know that. While others will always refuse to accept responsiblity for their actions, and they do need a legal reprocussion. Some laws such as urinating in public scream for officer discretion, as theres a difference between a drunk college student pissing outside of a bar and a motorist pulling over and peeing 15 feet off the side of the highway.

2. An Officer shouldn't have to gain anyone's respect. A person should respect what they represent prior to any police contact, obviously those brats in the video didn't. I understand what you mean though in that universal respect should be earned, and I believe it pretty much is. Rarely do good cops make the news, but the second something looks off, officers like Williams are made national news for a non incident because defense attorneys etc want it to be. Nobody went to that hospital in that arrest, is it really national news worthy, while the thousands off officers that put wife beaters in jail every single hour of the day are away in the shadows unpraised.

3. Beating up? 13 year olds? Two of them were legally adults. Witness statements indicate that the girl had at one point jumped on the officer's back. If someone were to be beat up, I wouldn't expect comments such as "hey get my skateboard" or the giggling that goes on at the end. The tactics look tabboo but nobody was injured and they served their purpose.

I can't say, "I would have done X" in that situation, because I have all the time in the world behind my little keyboard, while that officer was reacting and responding to a dynamic and volatile situation. I would like to think I would have let the kid that ran, run. That still doesn't stop the gal and the "kid" in the white shirt who left and were clearly gone from coming back as they did and interfering with the arrest.


Jan 25, 2007
dirty jersey
...with sh*thead kids that don't realize what happens when you make cops nervous.

Guess what kids, skateboarding IS a crime if there's a law passed against it.
That cop went way over the limit of the "crime". Choking a minor on the ground then strangle hold 2 more minors and 1 was a girl that is disorderly conduct becoming of a police officer. Think about it and watch it again,I personally think this is pathetic...


Jul 29, 2003
Westminster MA
Anybody that considers what's shown in that video as a 'beating' or 'brutality' is a farking pantywaist. Spoiled ass punks could use a bit of beating it looks like to me.

Bet they wish they hit the skate park a mile away instead.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
agreed. that was simply controlling the situation. if that's what people consider "excessive" or "brutal" than they need to just hold on to their pants when the junk really hits the fan.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Never saw what the first kid was doing to be restrained. But when you try running from a cop who is trying to arrest you that can and should do what they can to catch and stop you. Stupid over reaction.

Edit: Stupid over reaction = people blowing this out of proportion and thinking it is police brutality.


Oct 17, 2002
So I finally got bored enough at work to watch the video.

What ALL of you missed and fail to understand is that cop in particular does not eat donuts.


Aug 4, 2004
That cop went way over the limit of the "crime". Choking a minor on the ground then strangle hold 2 more minors and 1 was a girl that is disorderly conduct becoming of a police officer. Think about it and watch it again,I personally think this is pathetic...
1. A still motion picture of someones hand near a neck doesn't constitute "choking" in itself. For all we know is that his hand was placed on a shoulder etc. IF if if if, it was a deliberate choke, that kid seemed real concerned about it, eh?

2. a headlock does not constitute "strangulation"

1. the act of suffocating (someone) by constricting the windpipe; "no evidence that the choking was done by the accused" [syn: choking]
2. the condition of having respiration stopped by compression of the air passage
3. (pathology) constriction of a body part so as to cut off the flow of blood or other fluid; "strangulation of the intestine


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i finally watched it with the sound on...totally different perception. cop did nothing wrong in my opinion except for leaving a handcuffed prisoner on the ground while he chased the other kid. "we're just skateboarding!" is the same as saying, "we're just stealing cigarettes" when the city has posted signs stating that skateboarding is illegal in certain areas. those tards seem to forget that they BROKE THE LAW and weren't exactly cooperative. if my city was big on anti-skate stuff i'd have to enforce those laws just as harshly, we're directed by the "community" as to what is enforced. i'd give them a chance to leave quietly but my kindness would quickly turn to enforcement action as soon as i got any lip about it. cops can't issue empty handed warnings. it's like a kid being threatened with a spanking for being unruly and never receiving the consequences of their actions...the parents will just get walked on by the kids. same as in law enforcement....we can let the little things slide out of common decency but don't think for a moment that we can't put on the habeus grabus if we have to.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
i finally watched it with the sound on...totally different perception. cop did nothing wrong in my opinion except for leaving a handcuffed prisoner on the ground while he chased the other kid. "we're just skateboarding!" is the same as saying, "we're just stealing cigarettes" when the city has posted signs stating that skateboarding is illegal in certain areas. those tards seem to forget that they BROKE THE LAW and weren't exactly cooperative. if my city was big on anti-skate stuff i'd have to enforce those laws just as harshly, we're directed by the "community" as to what is enforced. i'd give them a chance to leave quietly but my kindness would quickly turn to enforcement action as soon as i got any lip about it. cops can't issue empty handed warnings. it's like a kid being threatened with a spanking for being unruly and never receiving the consequences of their actions...the parents will just get walked on by the kids. same as in law enforcement....we can let the little things slide out of common decency but don't think for a moment that we can't put on the habeus grabus if we have to.
1. Most people don't like to be hassled by the cops, particularily when they think they are doing no wrong (whether they are right or not). I think about all the speeding tickets I got in my car and that running a stop sign ticket I received on my bike, and my sympathies go out to these kids.

2. It is hard to enforce the law. If someone I know is acting up, I ask them nicely and they stop. If a cop tells someone to cease and desist, a criminal's reaction might be flee, flight, or fire.

I am not surprised the cop looked bad chasing after some kids. I think he was probably trying to do his job. And if this is police brutality, ask them about the Scottsboro Boys or Abner Louimer.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2004
The 909
1. Most people don't like to be hassled by the cops, particularily when they think they are doing no wrong (whether they are right or not). I think about all the speeding tickets I got in my car and that running a stop sign ticket I received on my bike, and my sympathies go out to these kids.
Next time you're getting a speeding ticket, be sure to have your buddy jump on his back while you run. :p