
Politically INcorrect to support peace???


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Why did that one movie poster with a girl flashing a peace sign get removed? Because the movie studio didn't want to offend someone when they saw the peace sign? Please, Tim Robbins and Susan Surranden(sp?) created controversy when they flashed peace signs at the Emmys(?, I didn't watch it). Does this bother anybody else?

It seems like the American public is growing more intolerant of differing opinions with each passing day. Have you noticed how it is now politically INCORRECT to publicly support peace? Suddenly everybody (namely famous persons) are shunned because they flashed a peace sign in publice and risked "offending" someone.

Could it be because people assume that supporting peace means a lack of support for the troops? I could see the relationship when looking at the harcore peace supporters, but I believe they are a small minority. When looking at the majority of us peace supporters, I believe that mentality, and troops support are hardly mutually exclusive. I can go on and on about this, really explain my thoughts on the subject, but I don't want to write a novel for a first post.

So, what are your thoughts, anything at all, on this?


Mar 5, 2002
To all those who say that protests before the war were ok but that now we should be “supporting the fighting men and women” since the war has started I say “screw you.” The military gets enough support in the form of cash, and they know very well what they’re getting into, nobody needs to violate their morals in order to make the grunts feel happy.

That having been said, I would think that supporting peace would support the troops. After all, if the world is stable and calm, all the military types have to do is parade around and oil their guns. Supporting a war is only causing harm to the soldiers.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by LoboDelFuego
The military gets enough support in the form of cash, and they know very well what they’re getting into, nobody needs to violate their morals in order to make the grunts feel happy.

.......After all, if the world is stable and calm, all the military types have to do is parade around and oil their guns. Supporting a war is only causing harm to the soldiers.
Are you drunk?!:angry: :rolleyes:

"the military" get's enough in the form of cash.......???!!! you must not be referring to those who serve in the military, just the machine as a whole right? of course how would you know, with an attitude like your's you'd probably get stomped on the moment you stepped foot on base....so you'll really never know the living conditions of the average servicemen.

and no, we don't need you to violate your morals and support us but it does make us sick to know that we're fighting for your right to spit in our faces

we didn't choose this war, we were sent. regardless of personal convictions of the war, disrespect towards our servicemen will not be tolerated.

and if you think that all we do in peace time is parade around and oil our guns; i'd like to extend an invitation to you to visit my old helicopter unit and try to work the hours those guys do. 730am to about 930pm and cram an hour of physical training there in the middle. with those hours, the pay comes out to around $4 an hour:angry:

so to all of you who say that you can't be pro-peace and still support our troops i say "screw you" and "watch your back".