

Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2006

"This is footage from my grandparents' surveillance camera. Workers for my grandfather were leaving. Just to clear up some confusion here. The guy did not run away. He saw what happened to him and ran to call 911. I have the footage separate for the paramedics. The man who was run over (60 years old) was trying to release the parking brake but couldnt from the seat because of how big he is. He stepped out to release it and did but the truck started rolling downhill with him clinging onto the truck. When the man in the green truck saw what happened, he bolted out of his truck without thinking about putting his in park. It was in reverse and started rolling backwards. He then ran and called for help. Hope that clears up some things. The man is okay and didnt break any bones because of his size. He does have a gash in his leg, however."
this made it on Tosh last night!? Not sure if it was a rerun or whatever but I caught it last night! haha


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
The fact that she's looking away and squinting in case it gets her is the best part. You can tell by the expression on her face, she's been pelted before.:thumb:
To the contrary, there's another episode of that show where her character gets asked to demonstrate putting a condom on a dildo for some sex ed class, and she gets super flustered because she didn't know what a penis looked like. :rofl:


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
To the contrary, there's another episode of that show where her character gets asked to demonstrate putting a condom on a dildo for some sex ed class, and she gets super flustered because she didn't know what a penis looked like. :rofl:
I think you miss my point. The "character" may be naive, but by the expression on her face...the "actress" has obviously been gunned down by the velvet revolver before. Something like....:shocked: