
Pot Smoking Christians


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Personally I don't know if there is a god or not, but if there is then s/he put marijuana on the earth. Why would s/he do that if s/he didn't intend for it to be used?


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
OK, the legal side - if a law was passed to say you were not allowed to worship God what would be the Christian thing to do? Obey the law? Surely not. Therefore not all laws must be respected.

What God has created man should be able to use. Morally & legally we are allowed to kill animals for our own benefit, but we're not allowed to smoke weed? (Unless it's tobacco?) That's bollox basically.

Drugs generally? Jesus turned water into wine and used wine as a symbol of his own death.

Hypocrisy is not sinning when a christian, that is inevitable we are built to sin (according to the bible). Hypocrisy is bending/breaking the rules and trying to justify it to yourself without admitting the error.

And I am a non-believer.

My advice? Smoke it if you want to stop if you want to. Don't use religion as an excuse, don't use your wife's feelings as an excuse. Make up your mind and stick with it. I smoke it often but in your position I would not as it appears to be giving you a moral dilemma which is ultimately unhealthy.


Oct 1, 2001
personally, I would not think any more or less of you as a christian because you smoke herb. life is short, do what you want to do.

I would in fact think less of someone if they were attempting to recruit me into their religion (or get non-drinkers/smokers to use these substances)

I think Laura and fluff put it best. If it is causing inner turmoil or problems you need to look at that but if it is not adversely effecting your life and you enjoy it ... ENJOY IT!

for those that are coffee drinking, alcohol drinking, nicotine using, pill popping individuals who think weed is an evil trail to hell, you are on the same the trail. your just seeing it differently.

Lets just get together go for a long ride & then match & discuss this.
OK, whos packing? :)


Apr 22, 2002
in the 253
I read a couple of pages and had to come to the back and post...Seems people are comparing this to alcohol in moderation nether will kill you or the people around you...But alcohol was also an illigal substance once apon a time...and public dependance brought it back...So is alcohol a worthy substance in itself:confused:

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by gtastro
I read a couple of pages and had to come to the back and post...Seems people are comparing this to alcohol in moderation nether will kill you or the people around you...But alcohol was also an illigal substance once apon a time...and public dependance brought it back...So is alcohol a worthy substance in itself:confused:
You been smoking the wacky? :confused: Clarify. :rolleyes:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
You can die from alcohol poisining so it's not impossible to die from alcohol. You can die from Marijuana if you ingest a crapload. Besides they both impair your judgement and ability to function so you could croak off that way as well (alcohol more so). I was tokin with this one guy on a log toy at a school years back and he went into a seizure, started bangin his head against the logs. I almost passed out myself from taking too many burly knife hits. If your core enough you can find a way to get coffee to almost kill you. If you have experienced stories like this, maybe it's time to hang it up like i did.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by Skookum
You can die from alcohol poisining so it's not impossible to die from alcohol. You can die from Marijuana if you ingest a crapload. Besides they both impair your judgement and ability to function so you could croak off that way as well (alcohol more so). I was tokin with this one guy on a log toy at a school years back and he went into a seizure, started bangin his head against the logs. I almost passed out myself from taking too many burly knife hits. If your core enough you can find a way to get coffee to almost kill you. If you have experienced stories like this, maybe it's time to hang it up like i did.
They're all poisons at the end of the day. If you took the nicotine you inhale from one cigarette and injected it into your veins you would die very quickly.

The point is not whether something is better than something esle, it is whether you understand the risks and see them as worth taking. I see it as a personal choice until you start to hurt others (which in my mind makes alcohol a more dangerous choice in many ways, I've seen plenty of drunk people start nasty fights but not too many stoned people doing the same).

Personally I am approaching a point where I may give up both alcohol and weed for a while and re-evaluate what I'm getting out of them. I'm not taking up religion though...;)


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Personally I am approaching a point where I may give up both alcohol and weed for a while and re-evaluate what I'm getting out of them. I'm not taking up religion though...
Wise choice, supplant your bad habits with more bike rides.:) ;) :cool:


Jan 16, 2002
See Dar Hills, OOTah
Personally, if you feel you have to justify anything before God and your country's laws, there's something wrong... PERIOD.

If you're a Monkey, you're obviously living in a free country that is allowing you to speak your mind and live your life as you see fit. You can destroy your own life if you want to and, ultimately, you will be responsible for the actions you take and the decisions you choose to make.

True there are wacky countries that live in oppression with tyrannical governments and unbelievable laws. Fortunately, we don't. It is God who will judge and liberate those people in those countries under such conditions. In the US and most of the free world, there are substances that are illegal. We should obey these laws.

The bottom line is this: our bodies are the centerpiece and most important creations on the earth. Our bodies are akin to temples, synagogues and other sacred places on earth... even more so. We should take care of our bodies. Anything that would cause harm to a functioning body, in my mind, is against the very reason God created us in the first place.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that smoke in the lungs (pot, crack, nicotine) is NOT good for the lungs. Alcohol in the system is not good either. ANY SUBSTANCE which alters the body and causes harm or abnormal reactions is wrong.

I'm not going into a medical debate, that's entirely different.

We are here to experience life; joy, pain, happiness, sorrow. We are also here to take care of our bodies. Imagine how much sorrow God feels every time someone destroys the bodies he created for his sons and daughters.

The bottom line is that smoking pot is not Christian, but in the end, it's entirely up to you. Neither God nor any man can take away your agency to choose. Choose wisely!

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by powderboy
The bottom line is this: our bodies are the centerpiece and most important creations on the earth. Our bodies are akin to temples, synagogues and other sacred places on earth... even more so. We should take care of our bodies. Anything that would cause harm to a functioning body, in my mind, is against the very reason God created us in the first place.
My body is an ever-ready sex machine, I have to ready and able whenever the possibility presents itself. My penis and testicles are centerpiece of my personal body temple. Smoking pot, cigarettes or using alcohol greatly diminishes sexual stamina and function. That is not cool, monkeys are nothing without monkey love. Plus - the thought for shrunken testicles alarms me! :eek:


Originally posted by powderboy


. Alcohol in the system is not good either. ANY SUBSTANCE which alters the body and causes harm or abnormal reactions is wrong.

The bottom line is that smoking pot is not Christian, but in the end, it's entirely up to you. Neither God nor any man can take away your agency to choose. Choose wisely!
Alcohol is wrong!? Then why did Jesus turn water into wine? Get a grip man


Jan 16, 2002
See Dar Hills, OOTah
My body is an ever-ready sex machine, I have to ready and able whenever the possibility presents itself. My penis and testicles are centerpiece of my personal body temple. Smoking pot, cigarettes or using alcohol greatly diminishes sexual stamina and function. That is not cool, monkeys are nothing without monkey love. Plus - the thought for shrunken testicles alarms me!
That's right brotha! You've got the spirit! :thumb:


Jan 16, 2002
See Dar Hills, OOTah
Alcohol is wrong!? Then why did Jesus turn water into wine? Get a grip man
Yeah, like I can see Jesus just boozin' it up with his buddies. I'm sorry, but the word "wine" referred to both juice and juicy juice (modern wine). I don't believe Jesus was just boozin' it up with his buddies and all the congregations that followed him.

The "wine" referred to in the bible for religious use was akin to our modern-day grape juice, not firmented spirits.

Call me crazy if you will, no biggie. To me, alcohol is wrong. This is coming from a guy who's grandfather drunk himself to death... I never met my grandfather because he was an absolute alcoholic. How good is that?


Originally posted by powderboy

Yeah, like I can see Jesus just boozin' it up with his buddies. I'm sorry, but the word "wine" referred to both juice and juicy juice (modern wine). I don't believe Jesus was just boozin' it up with his buddies and all the congregations that followed him.

The "wine" referred to in the bible was akin to our modern-day grape juice, not firmented spirits.

Call me crazy if you will, no biggie. To me, alcohol is wrong. This is coming from a guy who's grandfather drunk himself to death... I never met my grandfather because he was an absolute alcoholic. How good is that?
Wine in the Bible was wine; The Bible warns of the pitfalls of too much wine. It declares wine is a mocker and whoever is led astray by it, is not wise. On the other side of the same coin, it reminds us God made the wine that gladdens the heart of man. Clearly, moderation is called for here. This doesn't sound like grape juice to me.


Jan 16, 2002
See Dar Hills, OOTah
But God didn't create the wine... man did.

God created grape juice... man let it firment and become alcohol.

It's all fine and dandy, but I don't believe that alcohol should be a part of any religious offering. That's my belief.


Originally posted by Tenaciousle0

Wine in the Bible was wine; The Bible warns of the pitfalls of too much wine. It declares wine is a mocker and whoever is led astray by it, is not wise. On the other side of the same coin, it reminds us God made the wine that gladdens the heart of man. Clearly, moderation is called for here. This doesn't sound like grape juice to me.
You have to understand that the wine back then was very weak compared to the stuff they make nowadays, and they usually diluted it further with water. I remember seeing this on a show on the Discovery channel that had to do with the history of alcohol.


Jan 16, 2002
See Dar Hills, OOTah
You have to understand that the wine back then was very weak compared to the stuff they make nowadays, and they usually diluted it further with water. I remember seeing this on a show on the Discovery channel that had to do with the history of alcohol.
Thanks zibbler! Gotta love the Discovery Channel!

What about beer? Does beer count? I might have a dozen or so beers a year? I love a good cream stout before a long ultra, it puts me to sleep and helps me carbo load.
Baaahaaa!!! :D ROTF I think beer counts brotha! :nope: Load up on Powerade instead... remember the shrinking loins you mentioned above?


Originally posted by powderboy

Thanks zibbler Gotta love the Discovery Channel!

Baaahaaa!!! I think beer counts brotha! :D Load up on Powerade instead... remember the shrinking loins?
Yup, I love the Dicovery Channel and TLC. Always interesting stuff to learn about.

Here's another tidbit of info from that show. The Egyptians were the first to make beer - also very weak back then. The Mayans used to chew the roots of some plant, spit it in a bowl and let it ferment, then drink the fermented spit. Eeeewwwww. :blah:

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by powderboy
Baaahaaa!!! I think beer counts brotha! :D Load up on Powerade instead... remember the shrinking loins?
Oh no... you are wrong - the Bible says... uh... :confused:

Powerade not only tastes like crap - it is not a significant source carbs. If there is only powerade on an ultra I'll stick to water.


Originally posted by zibbler

The Mayans used to chew the roots of some plant, spit it in a bowl and let it ferment, then drink the fermented spit. Eeeewwwww. :blah:
what's so gross about that, have you ever drank Miller Lite?


Jan 16, 2002
See Dar Hills, OOTah
Powerade not only tastes like crap - it is not a significant source carbs. If there is only powerade on an ultra I'll stick to water.
Try chewing on a powerbar, then spit it back into your water... then you'll be sure to get some carbs... maybe even firmented, alcoholic carbs! Giddy UP!


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by powderboy
Personally, if you feel you have to justify anything before God and your country's laws, there's something wrong... PERIOD.

If you're a Monkey, you're obviously living in a free country that is allowing you to speak your mind and live your life as you see fit. You can destroy your own life if you want to and, ultimately, you will be responsible for the actions you take and the decisions you choose to make.

True there are wacky countries that live in oppression with tyrannical governments and unbelievable laws. Fortunately, we don't. It is God who will judge and liberate those people in those countries under such conditions. In the US and most of the free world, there are substances that are illegal. We should obey these laws.

The bottom line is this: our bodies are the centerpiece and most important creations on the earth. Our bodies are akin to temples, synagogues and other sacred places on earth... even more so. We should take care of our bodies. Anything that would cause harm to a functioning body, in my mind, is against the very reason God created us in the first place.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that smoke in the lungs (pot, crack, nicotine) is NOT good for the lungs. Alcohol in the system is not good either. ANY SUBSTANCE which alters the body and causes harm or abnormal reactions is wrong.

I'm not going into a medical debate, that's entirely different.

We are here to experience life; joy, pain, happiness, sorrow. We are also here to take care of our bodies. Imagine how much sorrow God feels every time someone destroys the bodies he created for his sons and daughters.

The bottom line is that smoking pot is not Christian, but in the end, it's entirely up to you. Neither God nor any man can take away your agency to choose. Choose wisely!
What about cars? Are they Christian? Them and all the other stuff that pumps out poison. Nuclear power stations? Nuclear weapons? Interest-based loans? Guns?

This stuff is legal in most countries. Killing people in legal is some. That sure ain't Christian.

However taking a plant and smoking it is wrong?


Originally posted by fluff

What about cars? Are they Christian? Them and all the other stuff that pumps out poison. Nuclear power stations? Nuclear weapons? Interest-based loans? Guns?

This stuff is legal in most countries. Killing people in legal is some. That sure ain't Christian.

However taking a plant and smoking it is wrong?
Wow fluff, I actually agree with you on something, except for the fact that nuclear power plants don't make polution


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by Tenaciousle0

Wow fluff, I actually agree with you on something, except for the fact that nuclear power plants don't make polution
Er, which bit? And does that mean we normally disagree (I don't generally remember who I agree with and who I don't).

And surely I can classify nuclear waste which remains dangerous for hundreds of years and needs to be buried/sunk as pollution?

I sure wouldn't want any of it my house.


Originally posted by fluff

Er, which bit? And does that mean we normally disagree (I don't generally remember who I agree with and who I don't).

And surely I can classify nuclear waste which remains dangerous for hundreds of years and needs to be buried/sunk as pollution?

I sure wouldn't want any of it my house.
Obviously nuclear waste is unsafe, but compared to the chemicals produced in coal and other power plants, nulear power is pretty clean


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Originally posted by zibbler

You have to understand that the wine back then was very weak compared to the stuff they make nowadays, and they usually diluted it further with water. I remember seeing this on a show on the Discovery channel that had to do with the history of alcohol.
have the yeast changed? the amount of sugars in the grapes which they ferment? i am sorry, i just don't buy that premise that wine in jesus' time was weaker than your average plonk today. yeast working on a decent amount of sugar will produce anywhere from 10 - 15% alcohol content (v/v). to get more, you have to distill the liquid, because over a certain amount, the percentage of ethanol is lethal to the yeast.


Originally posted by narlus

have the yeast changed? the amount of sugars in the grapes which they ferment? i am sorry, i just don't buy that premise that wine in jesus' time was weaker than your average plonk today. yeast working on a decent amount of sugar will produce anywhere from 10 - 15% alcohol content (v/v). to get more, you have to distill the liquid, because over a certain amount, the percentage of ethanol is lethal to the yeast.
I'm just tellin' ya what I saw on the Discovery Channel. It was a couple of months ago, so I can't quote it word for word, but that's basically what it said. I don't think they added yeast to the grapes juice, they just let it ferment naturally.
For those of you who want to know about the wine back in Jesus' day....

the MAIN reason wine was used back in those days by Jews was NOT to get drunk on. It was (are you ready for this) as a sort of 'neutralizer' to ensure that microbes and the like in water were neutralized - in other words, it served the same purpose that chlorine (I think that's what they are) tablets are used in Army canteens to purify the water.

And even if the wine back in Jesus' day wasn't weaker, if you think about it, when Jesus turned the water to wine, He didn't sit around and let it ferment. They served it immediately. That kind of shoots down the argument that they were drinking it to get drunk. There's a lot more to it, actually.

I have a few tapes on this subject alone. FOR the record, I'm not against beer. I've got a 6-pack of Dos Equis Amber sittin' in my fridge. :D However, while the Bible doesn't say drink and of itself is bad, it DOES say that being affected by it is bad. (This is a huge paraphrase.) If anyone doesn't believe me on this subject let me know and I'll find the studies I have and send them.


Jan 16, 2002
See Dar Hills, OOTah
And even if the wine back in Jesus' day wasn't weaker, if you think about it, when Jesus turned the water to wine, He didn't sit around and let it ferment. They served it immediately. That kind of shoots down the argument that they were drinking it to get drunk. There's a lot more to it, actually.
True, true... but we've digressed. Jesus didn't say anything about not smoking pot. Hey, he didn't say anything about ingesting cyanide either.

The bottom line is it's the spirit of the law. Substances that are harmful to the body or harmful to others through it's affects (drunk driving) are spiritually wrong. Our bodies are too important and sacred to just trash them on meaningless habits and temporary "highs".


Jul 21, 2002
the tablets used by the military (and outdoor enthusiasts) contain iodine (i think an iodide salt). they're great for killing the cooties in the water, but they ain't so great for the body. again, its the dose that makes the poison.

as for contaminating these things called our bodies, well... everything that you take in alters it in some way. cells continually die or get damaged, rebuild, and continue functioning. substances that are vital for homeostasis can also kill, and this can happen under a great many circumstances.

the body is a mystical system that we aren't even close to knowing or completely understanding. damage can be repaired. spirituality is a cognitive function that is not damaged by the way we treat our bodies: it is merely transformed.

hence, GOD (if that's your poison) gave us two gifts, which sets us apart from other living organisms on our planet: opposable thumbs and the ability to reason. GOD has a great sense of humour, and i think we take him too seriously. i think GOD is happy if we are happy.

that's kewl. 'nuff said.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
First of all, the Jews invented beer while imprisoned in Egypt. Talk about making good use of a bad situation!

Second, you couldn't go down to ye ole brewers supply and buy a pack of brewers yeast back then.

They stored the trub (unfermented grape juice or boiled/cooled malt) in open containers. Whatever yeast, bacteria, bugs found its way into the container then began the fermentation process. I would guess that they probably had more than one really bad batch. So depending upon the strain of yeast spore that settled into the trub you could have wide variations in the degree of fermentation. Or you simply create a very rotten bucket of grape juice.