
"Protesters" suck.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Caitlin had an assignment today to go to one of the many pro/anti-Bush-Iraq War-Death to Israel "protests" today since Shrub and a pair of henchthings (Rum and the Poodle) are in town for the American Legion convention.

We went to the "We the People for Peace blah blah blah blah whiny hippies..." protest this evening. I've never been to an actual rally, so I figured maybe it would be an enlightening experience.

Not really. A random dude was singing with his guitar about crap...blah blah, all religious books advocate peace, blah blah... Some weepy war mother rambled on and on about a topic she obviously had very little knowledge of, and one that was of very little consequence to...anything at all (depleted uranium rounds being used by the US). Anyway, I've decided the anti-war protesters have no balls. Hell, I was so disinterested and relatively disgusted that I didn't bust out the camera to pop off a few shots.

The message of media-sedated and veritably retarded American war protesters:
"Um, sir, if it's not too much trouble, can you end the war? Please? Pretty please? Depleted uranium is bad!"

If you wanna send a ****ing message, grab a mob and march down the middle of State St. at 4 PM. And please, for the love of God, have some informed "leaders" who aren't so deluded and mis-informed that they ramble for 30 mins about depleted uranium rounds? Who the hell files for a permit when they have something to say?

Anyway, so we decided maybe we'd check out the pro-Bush rally going on across town. A simple drive-by sent me into dry heaves, so we decided to pass.

I did have an opportunity to go join the welcoming brigade at the Nat'l Guard airstrip for Shrub, but I wasn't sure what the legal implications for heckling the president on a military base were...

Am I just a ball of H8? Or is everyone stupid?


May 25, 2006
You know protesting can go wrong at anyone moment. When everyone is unified around a single moment or cataclismic situation then things more than likely go better than planned. Anti-war is really broad just lokking at the protesting side, for example when the vice president came to SPokane the protesting was phenomenal and probably should have earned a medal or award for their actions. Anti-War activists can range from pacifists to parents with a son or daughter that died in Iraq. Not every activist is one the same exact page and many are on for very different reasons and because of these reasons, they dont protest for the same exact goals but for a broader goal such as the war in Iraq to quit. I think i over explained myself but thats the way i see the protesting way. Some people dont even agree with protesting eventhough they agree on the same subject they are protesting for. The main thing is people are different not matter how you look at it.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Over here: It's not a protest until Wellington grinds to a complete halt from having one major road closed.

Sh1t there were gas works on Tinakori this evening and it took me 1/2 an hour to get from the Terrace to Northland :mad:


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
here, its not a protest until someone dies, or when a single gold mine that pays enough taxes they singlehandedly pay for the whole public teachers payroll for millions of kids closes.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
hehe, typical scandinavian opression.
i feel ya brotha.
=) Seriously, I'm not saying we don't have it good here in comparison to the rest of the world, when it comes to how violent societies are as a whole we probably have it best. What I was refering to was the EU summit in Gothenburg in 2001 where "our good and rational police" was behaving like the nazi SA force in the 30's.

Over here: It's not a protest until Wellington grinds to a complete halt from having one major road closed.
That is a healthy reaction. Swedes are so quite and carfull, afraid of making a scene and standing out, so they sit infront of their TV's and mumble. :rant: Like that but a lot more controled, picture frozen fishsticks geneticly crossed with homo sapiens. :mad:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Here in California it's, "Damn, these protesters are in my way and I'm late!"

Well, SoCal any way. In NorCal, they are too stoned to protest.



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Here in California it's, "Damn, these protesters are in my way and I'm late!"

Well, SoCal any way. In NorCal, they are too stoned to protest.

wrong. go down to market street and check some of the peace protests there.

i am not a protester type, but i respect people feel so strongly here in SF that they do meet semi-regularily. even though it was just get dismissed a bunch of pinko-hippies, at least the message is still there - out of iraq, out of the white house.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
all this protesting sure has worked out well.
Sitting infront of our computers sure do a lot more to change the world to a better place. :rolleyes: The redcoats didn't leave on their own initiative. It took a lot of people to force them to leave, not just a few core activists.