
Random Poly Picture Thread


Artisanal Tweet Curator
of course it's fucking alabama based on that logo

that's too ironic to not be deliberate

that actually rang a bell and I do remember seeing it



Artisanal Tweet Curator
or he could do the original stickers in his own state...RIP Matthew Shephard
I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of wyominsers view that in the correct light. There's being a homophobic dumbass, and then there's murder. Plenty of the first, not many of the second.

Fun thing about wyoming is that it's stuck in the dark ages in many ways BECAUSE of jackson.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Shit, I have a ‘trans’ child, I am not sure if many of you could relate exactly to what it's like to process this. True, many, many people DGAF, really, but some sure as hell still do.
However, I would way rather have them going to school/etc here than in Worland or Gillette.
Out in public, yes, most Wyomingites are chill about this, the Shephard thing, etc, but there is still a LOT of religion, racism, bigotry, etc, that just doesn't fly in Jackson.
Jackson is the ONLY town in WY that saw through Trump's bullshit, for one thing.
(As far as I know)
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
Shit, I have a ‘trans’ child, I am not sure if many of you could relate exactly to what it's like to process this. True, many, many people DGAF, really, but some sure as hell still do.
However, I would way rather have them going to school/etc here than in Worland or Gillette.
Out in public, yes, most Wyomingites are chill about this, the Shephard thing, etc, but there is still a LOT of religion, racism, bigotry, etc, that just doesn't fly in Jackson.
Jackson is the ONLY town in WY that saw through Trump's bullshit, for one thing.
(As far as I know)
yeah man you live in a neoliberal hot bed, just like I do. They'll put up a trans flag and a black lives matter sign at time appropriate opportunities but at the same time literally starve you to death and think nothing of it.

You know the difference between some dipshit uneducated redneck not knowing how the world works because they've never been anywhere else and the banality of true evil right? The kind of evil that skis in chamonix when the rockies are shit, calls jackson home for their one of 9 houses because taxes, and wants to talk about discomfort when they see someone asking for food money in a snowstorm?

You're comparing camelot to the rest of the dark ages. Wyoming is fucking weird and entirely financially black and white. There is no middle. That applies to the US in general but it's so much worse in jackson vs wyoming. The rest of wyoming exists in all its poverty and gnarly strip mining partially for the purpose of making everyone in jackson feel better about patting themselves on the back regarding their own superiority. You live in vaulted halls surrounded by suffering. Congratulations. It's the same here. I know what it looks like. I don't take credit for it, I recognize its hypocrisy.
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Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
For the record, Matthew Shepard was killed because of a drug debt, not because he was gay.

Wyoming has all of 500k people in the whole state. It's high elevation and has harsh winters. Most people can't/won't put up with the climate to live there.

Jackson is off on its own. It might as well be it's own little nation. Rich people want to look responsible but not actually live responsibly.

Laramie, the Wyoming college town - only an hour north of Fort Collins - is hands down the most normal and liberal place in the entire state.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I would agree with that regarding Laramie.
Shame about that wind, though.

Woo, do you really think I don’t know this (hypocrisy, self absorption, greed, etc) even more intimately than you?
Fuck, as you know, I arrived here as a homeless alcoholic snowboarder-snot, if it had been L.A. or Seattle, I likely would have ended up truly homeless, and either slowly or quickly robbed of all my possessions.

For my first ten years in Teton Valley, I prided myself on trying to only ever go to Jackson when I needed a doctor, the airport or if I had a free ticket to the Village.
Yes, we live here now due to the Schools, access to medical care, and wifey’s firm, which she started from total scratch, as her parents were misers.
We were REALLY, REALLY lucky, and our lives as we live them now wouldn’t have been possible without the money bullshit here, but here we are.
we do what we can to change what we can, volunteer money, time, and energy in a number of different ways, and try to be grateful and hopeful rather than cynical and defeated.
Every place has its issues, there is no Shangri-La, no matter how hard you might wish it to be so.
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
For the record, Matthew Shepard was killed because of a drug debt, not because he was gay.
my faith in american media is shattered

Laramie, the Wyoming college town - only an hour north of Fort Collins - is hands down the most normal and liberal place in the entire state.
I view 'liberal' as just as brutal as 'conservative'

Just using different means to get to similar oppression outcomes

It's all class war with different makeup
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
Woo, do you really think I don’t know this (hypocrisy, self absorption, greed, etc) even more intimately than you?
Based on some of the shit you post, yes. Or just regularly forget it.

.......in the contest no one is having

If you know these things then act like it. Instead of bragging about your superiority you got to choose regarding 'schools' vs. your rural neighbors. You're bragging about making a sticker that 'triggers the poors'

You familiar with the concept comedians always talk about regarding punching up vs punching down? The central precept of why conservative so called comedy is never funny?
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Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Here’s the thing, Woo.
I can’t recall EVER opining on what a shithole Tahoe is becoming, because I have never lived there. Sure, I comprehend the challenges, but it’s not in my wheelhouse, and I don’t actually know what it’s like to live there, as a member of whatever class. I think you have a cartoonish view of Jackson and it’s problems, and the resentment burns in you, far from anything to do with me, but you find ways to cast unfounded aspersions about everything here as if everyone here is the same.
They aren’t.
Im not gonna say it’s diverse, by any means, but not everyone is a rich or ultra rich liberal.
90% of all of the people you might interact with here on a vacation are NOT rich, hell, almost all of them are working for peanuts, just trying to get by. Sure, maybe a lot of the remaining 10% might be douches, but there still are a whole lot of great people that have a little money, it’s not that black and white.

Arguing can be fun, but it’s getting pretty old, at this point, we aren’t going to change each other‘s minds about much of anything. We have WAY more in common than not, even our political viewpoints. I guess I understand the vitriol, and take it in stride, but it’s not really helpful or productive.
Get your ass out here, bring a dirt bike, and we can get thrown out of the bar at Amangani, because that would be a lot more fun than endlessly bickering over nothing.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Here’s the thing, Woo.
I can’t recall EVER opining on what a shithole Tahoe is becoming,
I can help when you're ready.

this place sucks for all the reasons I bitch about

Jackson is this place on steroids.

The dynamics that create each aren't unique, and certainly don't exist solely within them. Only a dumbass thinks that rampant capitalism and millionaire/billionaire community dynamics are unique to a specific locale. Literally every city in this country and definitely any mountain town experiences the same same. The only difference is degree.

For some reason you decide at opportune times to take pride in those dynamics, and in this case flaunt them to fuck with the 'other wyoming'

I don't do that. Maybe one day you'll understand the difference. I take no pride in this place like you do in jackson when you want to flaut superiority. I don't ponder the comedy of driving through fresno or bakersfield with some zany sticker that says "the bible made me gay"
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Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
You STILL don’t understand that I both despise and enjoy Jackson, in roughly equal measure. I think everyone that has met (and ridden) with me understands this. I got dragged over here, but I’m making the best of it, and still finding good people doing good things.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
You STILL don’t understand that I both despise and enjoy Jackson, in roughly equal measure. I think everyone that has met (and ridden) with me understands this. I got dragged over here, but I’m making the best of it, and still finding good people doing good things.

I feel the same way about where I live.

I just don't drive around in other areas with clever stickers fucking with people not as fortunate as you or I.

You keep wanting to make this personal, I'm talking about the concepts.

I don't hate you, I just think this particular idea is stupid as fuck, and demonstrates a severe lack of understanding of some concepts you claim to know better than I.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
We were REALLY, REALLY lucky, and our lives as we live them now wouldn’t have been possible without the money bullshit here, but here we are.
You mean, wouldn't be possible without going criminal.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons

I feel the same way about where I live.

I just don't drive around in other areas with clever stickers fucking with people not as fortunate as you or I.

You keep wanting to make this personal, I'm talking about the concepts.

I don't hate you, I just think this particular idea is stupid as fuck, and demonstrates a severe lack of understanding of some concepts you claim to know better than I.
I agree, it was juvenile as fuck, and a dumb idea. Might have been funny when I was a skate rat in 1982.
It had nothing to do with class, globally, billions of extremely poor people dont wanna hear about Christian hypocrisy, either.
Whatever, it was just a snide comment,….like none of us ever do that accidentally, right?


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
my faith in american media is shattered

I view 'liberal' as just as brutal as 'conservative'

Just using different means to get to similar oppression outcomes

It's all class war with different makeup
It's not the same as urban liberals. Laramie is at 7000ft and has harsh, long winters. There's no homeless people anywhere. Fat people have heart attacks there. Laramie is still conservative - it's a tolerant conservative though. The ranching rednecks put up with long hairs and college kids. The Greenies get all the hate directed at them. Being a WY local is better than being from Colorado.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
It's not the same as urban liberals. Laramie is at 7000ft and has harsh, long winters. There's no homeless people anywhere. Fat people have heart attacks there. Laramie is still conservative - it's a tolerant conservative though. The ranching rednecks put up with long hairs and college kids. The Greenies get all the hate directed at them. Being a WY local is better than being from Colorado.
I've been there. I slept in a city park in rawlins for a week traveling through on a bike (same in jackson too).

when I have something to do for work across the country, I drive and see shit.
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