
Real? Tagging Air Force One


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I am also an AF cop, in the same area as MudGrrl (Sembach. Dont think we have ever crossed paths though...) and will also say that the tagging could have happened. I have worked AF 1, and will say that it is pretty well secured while it is on the road. At Andrews, I dont know. Had this really happened, I can say with confidence I would have heard about it, officially and un-officially (The true story and the news story.). It also would have triggered alot of pain in my world. But the video seems to be simply a bunch of clever editing.
BTW, AF 1 is simply the designator for any plane carrying the POTUS. Could be a Cessna, could be a 747. Your gee whiz info for the day.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Knowing full well how inept the military is at alot of things, it REALLY wouldnt surprise me if this happened. I cant comment on the secret service, I only worked with them ONCE when the POTUS was in Hawaii, and they were a pretty sharp group. But if the security was left up the airforce, well... you know...its the air force.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
BurlyShirley said:
Knowing full well how inept the military is at alot of things, it REALLY wouldnt surprise me if this happened. I cant comment on the secret service, I only worked with them ONCE when the POTUS was in Hawaii, and they were a pretty sharp group. But if the security was left up the airforce, well... you know...its the air force.
Right... and you are supremely qualified to comment.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
JohnE said:
Right... and you are supremely qualified to comment.
Supremely? Maybe not. Is my opinion valid? I think so. Ive worked with all the services at one point or another. I worked with Hickam AFB, when the president flew in there a couple years ago.
Aug 6, 2005
theres not really any point in doing something like that even if it did happen, youd be thurouly screwd if someone happend to glance over at you painting crap on the engine


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
JohnE said:
BTW, AF 1 is simply the designator for any plane carrying the POTUS. Could be a Cessna, could be a 747. Your gee whiz info for the day.
I was going to say the same thing but you beat me to it.... :)


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
MudGrrl said:
I worked in Wyoming...guarding the nuculars.....
and at the Elite Guard at Ramstein.
Shhhh...there are no nukes...there are no nukes...
Someday I will tell you about retreiving a soccer ball that went over the fence into the generals quarters area. (Good thing I knew the guys working the gate.) Partsy used to put up tents in there for their high society parties.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
JohnE said:
Partsy used to put up tents in there for their high society parties.

My unit attended a party there.

There was beer and shots.

Then we got to thinking about the alarms in the house, and one of our guys set an alarm off, which obviously made the guys on duty freak out.

It was awesome.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
RimJobbed said:
Mark Ecko is a genius...
marketing genius maybe.

not real. you could fake that grainy, jumpy-ass video so easily.

naive youngsters.....you need some more heroes. :rolleyes:


Mar 16, 2005
rebel Ecko bombing the system? Nope, the dude is fully married to the dollah.

Just hype for his video game empire.

P.S. I thinks it's absurd that altering the COLOR of the surface of someone else's property with less than a milimeter of pigment is a mandatory felony if it costs over $300 to PAINT SOME MORE over it. Here, if you
get wrapped for graff you also lose your DL for a year (*or the ability to get one if you don't have one yet) Graff has exploded here since the Big Crackdown....jailing people never works and deters only a few it seems. I'm all for it and tagging is the essence of graff. We did it in caves, we do it in the streets. Property owners, your views?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Did anyone bother to read the legal disclaimer?

StillFree.com said:
Please read the language set forth herein carefully as it may affect, inhibit, modify or otherwise influence the interests or perceptions of any end user (hereinafter "you" or "end user") viewing the preceeding video (also referred to herein and hereas as "The Still Free Video"). You, the viewer of the preceeding are hereby advised that the video does not depict a real event. It is intended for the sole, limited and express purpose of entertainment and to induce you, the viewer of the video, to think critically about freedom of expression and speech and the government's responses to the same. Therefore, and by reason of the foregoing, the producers, creators and distributors of this video hereby verily certify that the foregoing fictionalization and dramatization was not real. Furthermore, and without limitation now, since the beginning of time and without perpituity, the producers, creators and distributors of this video and anyone else who was involved in the making of this video assume no risks or liabilities stemming from or related to your ("the end user's") viewing of same and assume no liability for any damages that result directly or indirectly from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletions of files, viruses, errors, defects or any failures of performance, communications failures, theft, destruction or unauthorized access. Copying, duplication and distribution of this video is encouraged.
Maybe I should buy Ecko's tagging video game so I, too, can virtually deface Air Force One.
Backpack1 said:
P.S. I thinks it's absurd that altering the COLOR of the surface of someone else's property with less than a milimeter of pigment is a mandatory felony if it costs over $300 to PAINT SOME MORE over it. Here, if you
get wrapped for graff you also lose your DL for a year (*or the ability to get one if you don't have one yet) Graff has exploded here since the Big Crackdown....jailing people never works and deters only a few it seems. I'm all for it and tagging is the essence of graff. We did it in caves, we do it in the streets. Property owners, your views?
How about you take your art to the canvas and leave my Sh!t alone!!!!


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Backpack1 said:
P.S. I thinks it's absurd that altering the COLOR of the surface of someone else's property with less than a milimeter of pigment is a mandatory felony if it costs over $300 to PAINT SOME MORE over it. Here, if you
get wrapped for graff you also lose your DL for a year (*or the ability to get one if you don't have one yet) Graff has exploded here since the Big Crackdown....jailing people never works and deters only a few it seems. I'm all for it and tagging is the essence of graff. We did it in caves, we do it in the streets. Property owners, your views?
I think if you do it on my property, you'll get shot. And it won't be with paint.

You want to deface things, how about you start with your windshield, your house, then your parents house. :rolleyes:


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
PsychO!1 said:
How about you take your art to the canvas and leave my Sh!t alone!!!!
Art my ass. Some graffiti is indeed art - when it is done in sanctioned locations on commission. You know, like legitimate artists and not hoodlums.

Tagging is nothing but a bunch of delinquent losers with nothing better to do then ruin other people's property and cost tax payers and private business owners money.


Transcend said:
Art my ass. Some graffiti is indeed art - when it is done in sanctioned locations on commission. You know, like legitimate artists and not hoodlums.

Tagging is nothing but a bunch of delinquent losers with nothing better to do then ruin other people's property and cost tax payers and private business owners money.

You're just pissed that they have more talent than web design hacks. :D


Mar 16, 2005
Welcome to Middle Age, Fraser.:dead:

You got Vandals and Writers out there,
A lot of accomplished Writers use urban decay
for a canvas rather than your suburban mailbox.
This little Twist gem is right by my work


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Backpack1 said:
Welcome to Middle Age, Fraser.:dead:

You got Vandals and Writers out there,
A lot of accomplished Writers use urban decay
for a canvas rather than your suburban mailbox.
This little Twist gem is right by my work
So do it on your own home and property. All they do is cost other people money with their eyesores. If i wanted some nonsense painted on my buildings, I would hire a legitimate artist.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Backpack1 said:
Welcome to Middle Age, Fraser.:dead:

You got Vandals and Writers out there,
A lot of accomplished Writers use urban decay
for a canvas rather than your suburban mailbox.
This little Twist gem is right by my work

Looks pretty good. Bravo.

I see this thread going the wrong way real fast. Some people need to take the stick out of their asses.


chicodude said:
Looks pretty good. Bravo.

I see this thread going the wrong way real fast. Some people need to take the stick out of their asses.
I'm with Transcend, even though I was screwing with him, and think people should respect other people's sh*t.
I'm with you Fraser. If they consider their work art, and want to be respected as artists, they need to do it legitimately (sp?).
Regardless of how good your art is, when you place it on someone elses elses proeprty with out permission, it's just vandelism.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
chicodude said:
I see this thread going the wrong way real fast. Some people need to take the stick out of their asses.
Oh i see, so it's ok to deface people't stuff? Sweet.

I'm gonna key my name into your car hood, soap my name onto your windshield and use krylon on your bike in random spots.

Just for good measure i might spray paint my name in big bubbly letters along your front door and living room window too!


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Transcend said:
Oh i see, so it's ok to deface people't stuff? Sweet.

I'm gonna key my name into your car hood, soap my name onto your windshield and use krylon on your bike in random spots.

Just for good measure i might spray paint my name in big bubbly letters along your front door and living room window too!
If you could key a sweet design into the hood of my car I would be okay with it.

I think gang taggings and crap like that are way lame, but stuff like the above picture just adds some color to the world around you. its not like they are tagging your car.
chicodude said:
If you could key a sweet design into the hood of my car I would be okay with it.

I think gang taggings and crap like that are way lame, but stuff like the above picture just adds some color to the world around you. its not like they are tagging your car.
It is a beatiful piece, I would just rather see it in a museum than my property.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
chicodude said:
If you could key a sweet design into the hood of my car I would be okay with it.

I think gang taggings and crap like that are way lame, but stuff like the above picture just adds some color to the world around you. its not like they are tagging your car.
I agree, so offer or ask to do it first. If it's not a big deal, people will be ok with it. Montreal has a few designated spots for it, and businesses downtown hire graffitti guys who are GOOD to do murals. They get paid for it.

99.9% of graffiti is simply idiots tagging overpasses with bubbly letters.

And as for the last part...if i own a building, it very much is like them tagging my car - only worse as I can't simply repaint brick and the building costs a hell of a lot more than a car.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Just in case anyone doubted that it was fake…


Air Force One Graffiti?
Posted by Jim Miklaszewski, Pentagon Correspondent
(06:51 pm ET, 04/19/06)

Imagine my shock when I received an emailed video today which appeared to show vandals on a nighttime prank, breaching security at Andrews Air Force Base, scaling a tall, barbed-wire chain-link fence then spray-painting graffiti on the President's plane, Air Force One!

At first glance, even second and third, the video appeared absolutely legit. As someone who's flown into and out of Andrews hundreds of times over the past 20 years, often on Air Force One, the video seemed rich with precise details. It showed the massive hanger which houses both VC-25's, the military's designation for the two 747's which fly the President, the security patrol vehicles, even shots of the vandals running across a golf course. Andrews has three golf courses at one end of the runways.

But with all the elaborate security surrounding the President's planes, how could this have happened? The simple answer, according to the Air Force, it can't.

"It's all a hoax," according to Lt. Col. Bruce Alexander, head of public affairs at Andrews. "There's no way this could have happened. It didn't happen." Alexander and others point out several glaring discrepancies in the video. The vandals only had to scale one fence adjacent to the "Air Force One" on the tape, when the planes are actually protected by double-fencing at Andrews. The real Air Force Ones have an array of a half-dozen antennas on the top of the fuselage; the video version had only two. The plane on the video also had a weather-worn dull finish, not the high-gloss of the real Air Force Ones which are washed and spit-polished almost daily. Alexander also insists no one could have as easily penetrated the several layers of security that surround the planes at the Air Force base.

Despite all that, the video does appear to include at least one actual shot of Air Force One at Andrews. Lt. Col. Alexander concedes that the long-distance shot of the plane next to that massive hanger appears to be real. But Alexander insists, "It does not validate the rest of the video."

Even the makers of the video admit now it's all part of an elaborate hoax to promote all forms of freedom of expression, including graffiti. What's disturbing to me is when Air Force officials first told me it was a hoax I didn’t believe them, which may say more about the current state of military-media relations then the realistic-appearing video itself.

By the way, you can see the video for yourself at www.Stillfree.com. I'll take a pass however, because the more I watch it, the more real it gets.