
Real world names that make you laugh.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
BV you jinxed me by bumping this thread.
Last night I had to go this big Christmas party that my wife was singing at, so I was sitting up front near the mic.
Anyway, this old real estate agent woman who had been with the company for 30 years was retiring, so she gets up and is making a serious speech. She starts naming the brokers who helped her out so much when she got started.
I take a big gulp of ice water, and I then I hear her say:

Next, I worked with Rose Crotch.

I spit water all over my table.


YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
I went to school with a girl named Dusty Cox, always thought that was funny. Also, on the way up the Raliegh, on US 1, there is an off ramp to a road called Colon Road. I haven't tried to see where that road goes yet.
I'd be willing to bet that road stays muddy most of the time.

Jeff P.

Nov 13, 2006
East Bay, Ca
I went to HS with 3 siblings with the las name Cox. My anthropology teach is Mr. Rogers, and a chick in my class is named Sunshine...it was actually on the roster that way, and shes hawt. My pop was talking about someone named Sharon Peters, and i used to work with a guy named Sukvinder, he went by sunny, i called him suck.


May 16, 2006
Los Gatos
I went to high school with these two guys (they were brothers). One was named Viet, the other one was Nam (they were Vietnamese).

My sister knew this guy named Free Taylor.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
My eye doctor growing up:
Melvin P. Brain

If you drop the middle initial, it's not as funny. But for some reason he had it on EVERYTHING.

Also, my high school coach was Mr. Foot. He had a fake left foot and used to joke his name was Mr. Feet back in the day.

<edit> My friend Danny's nickname was "four" growing up. He was the 4th son, the oldest son was Juan. Bad, I know, but we were like 8 when it started and just stuck.


blumpkin catcher
Jan 29, 2007
Greenville, SC
The last job I worked at we had vendor named Harry Beaver.

Needless to say there were many interoffice jokes going around about him...

But I think that Harry Nutzack guy that Tenchiro mentioned is priceless :biggrin:


ass rainbow
Jul 12, 2005
Some of these are pretty popular - I know a Dr. Payne, had a science teacher with the middle and last names Harry and Calk, a kid named Yu Suk, and a family of Boners.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
while in the marines, i worked for a guy named jason wood, he was a captain. about 2 months before i got out, he picked up major making him "Major Wood." That still makes me laugh when i think about it.


Apr 11, 2002
Wellington - NZ
I didn't read this entire thread but I have a more than worthy nomination... I had a former co-worker named after her father... One of those cheese female-version-of-a-male-name things. Her dad was a guide named Woody... He was gracious enough to name her Woodrina. All was dandy until she married a man with the surname dick. The kicker is that the man's parents must have been retarded because they named him Richard with that family name. The result... Woody Dick married to Double Dick. No ****ting you.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
I worked room service back in the 80's at Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, AZ. We would get a list of visitors that would have to pay cash for their order instead of signing to their room. One day, this name showed up--

Cocke, Bendt

Last name first, so you can imagine the laughter going on in the office......

Of course, there was also my nickname growing up through the school years. My last name is "Lester", with the nickname "MO". Funniest thing is that my grandma (on my dad's side, no less) had a t-shirt custom made for me that said "MO" on it. Thanks, Grandma!!!!!!!!!!!!


Apr 30, 2004
Rocktown, VA
Currently dealing with a lady from Backup Exec tech support named Manmeat Nu something. Not sure the nationality - I presume India.