
Remember that girl from high school?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I’m sure some of you older folks have experienced this, but I’m just now getting to the age (31) where people I know and old friends are far enough removed from high school to actually fondly recall it. I had a rather strange pseudo-relationship with a girl who was super cool, great fun to be around, 5’6”, 90lbs soaking wet, but for some reason, probably due to the fact that it was high school and we were underage idiots who didn’t know how to handle a relationship, it never got more than semi-serious. Of all the women I’ve known, she is the only one that I’ve ever reminisced on and thought “what if?” Well I got that answer this morning what I happened to run across her profile on facebook. While I’m sure she still has a great personality, she also probably exceeds the gross vehicle weight rating of most Asian small to mid-size automobiles. :shocked: I know that might sound shallow, but it just made me kind of sad about how people and things change, and that I might have dodged a big bullet with her. I guess I learned a lot about what not to do in those first awkward stages of a relationship from her, and for that I’m grateful, but its true, you just can’t go back. Besides, I have a great wife now, and without that experience who knows? Anyone have a similar story? Run into a fatty at the reunion who used to be hot or vice-versa? The jock that’s now a raging cross dressing queen?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
I don't have my old yearbooks, so I have to rely on memory. The worst is when people have changed so radically I don't recognize them. That's tough.


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
My story is almost identical. There were two different girls, one was a cheerleader the other was a soccer player. Both seem to have let themselves go since high school.

I don't have my old yearbooks, so I have to rely on memory. The worst is when people have changed so radically I don't recognize them. That's tough.
I had a friend in high school, Rob, we lost touch after graduation. While perusing the friends list of one of the girls mentioned above I saw a woman, Kim, with the same last name who looked very similar, same age, could be his twin but I know he doesn't have a sister. Turns out he's she.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
haha I've gotten in touch with a lot of old high school friends through FB. Its absolutely MIND BOGGLING how many of them have:

-gotten fat
-gotten married
-had kids
-never left town, and are doing the same crap as they were doing in high school
-any combination of the previous 4

FWIW I graduated high school in 2002.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 21, 2005
Lancaster, PA
haha I've gotten in touch with a lot of old high school friends through FB. Its absolutely MIND BOGGLING how many of them have:

-gotten fat
-gotten married
-had kids
-never left town, and are doing the same crap as they were doing in high school
-any combination of the previous 4

FWIW I graduated high school in 2002.
I signed up for FB once to see what it was all about. After promptly being contacted by all of those people, I deleted my account, and haven't ventured back since. Man, F high school, and F those people.

Jon, I don't know the real you (only your e-presence here) but I always pegged you as closer to my age (graduated HS in 1993). Sorry!
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Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
This is the classmate of a a guy I worked at the bike shop in Connecticut.

She was selected to be in Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition when she graduated from high school. One of her pics:

I was never more jealous.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
2002? i thought you graduated in '01 like me
Did I stutter?

I'm amazed how many people I went to high school with are dead.
Seriously. Just found out one of my old friends from all the way back in middle school through high school died last Wednesday.

Jon, I don't know the real you (only your e-presence here) but I always pegged you as closer to my age (graduated HS in 1993). Sorry!
nah dude I'm a young'in. Only 26. No worries though! :cheers:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
P.S. One of my friends dated a hottie which I always hated myself for not getting some when she was on the market (and she did play the field).

She ballooned up after having a few kids and it has been a struggle to lose the weight.

But I like her and her husband, so I recognize the good things about her even though she is on my "DO NOT WANT" list now.


Jul 16, 2007
I live in CO and go back home to WI once a year or so. Its been 12 years since HS and I have the same best friends. 2 of them were out here last week to snowboard for 4 days.

Sometimes I'll see people from HS that I vaguely remember. Once I pretended to not be me to avoid talking to one guy. Honestly I'm back for 3 days to see my family and best friends who still live there, I don't have time for some guy I never talked to in HS that happened to recognize me. I guess I look the same so I'm easy to recognize and not much happens back in Green Bay so old HS folks will come talk to me at bars.

I get friend requests from HS people on facebook, I ignore the ones I'm not actually friends with.

I agree with lots of you folks though, its amazing the number of them who've had kids, gotten fat and never really accomplished much.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
I'm coming up on my 10 year reunion this spring/summer...haven't decided if I'll go or not. I keep in touch with only one person from high school (he also lives about 10 minutes from my house) and we're pretty good buddies. I run into people that know me all the time but I don't recognize them at all. Didn't help that I was the tallest one in my hs....

Maybe I'll go and surprise a lot of people at the 10 year...


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I went to my 25 year HS reunion last summer. All the people who thought they were hot sh!t in high school are fat and scary now, both the dudes and and the chicks. The people they looked down on through HS, for the most part, have held up much better. As I was leaving the reunion about 2 hours before it ended, I remember thinking, "I never bothered keeping in touch with any of these assholes after graduation, what possessed me to come to this stupid reunion?".


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Hey guys, here's a news flash. All the girls you went to high school with, could do one or more of the following:
- get married
- have children
- put on weight
- still look hot
- not remember who you are
- still be the same person after so many years

Welcome to life.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Hey guys, here's a news flash. All the girls you went to high school with, could do one or more of the following:
- get married
- have children
- put on weight
- still look hot
- not remember who you are
- still be the same person after so many years

Welcome to life.
Welcome to the internet. We're free to complain as much as we want, as well as mock, embarrass, and belittle wherever we see fit (everywhere).


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I had my 20 year last year and it was very interesting. That being said, I ended up hooking up with a girl I stalked in high school and we have been together almost a year now.

But yes, a lot of the hotties from back then hit a wall a long time ago. Some of them are WAY hotter now. I have no room to talk as I am almost 100lbs heavier than I was in high school. Granted, I was a stick in high school, but I still have about 40lbs to lose myself.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I just had my 10 year HS reunion. I think for the most part the jocks and 'cool' people were the ones that haven't accomplished crap and let themselves go. The chicks that were average in HS are crackin' now. Most of the idiots stayed idiots (not surprising), but I am actually surprised at how many people went to college and still haven't amounted to anything. One guy went to UCLA and works a sales job at the mall. Congratulations for wasting your parents money.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
I got fat AND judgmental.

But I graduated in 1981 so I could give a f what they think about me now.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
I've run into quite a few people from high school. Some are very successful, and some really aren't.

I've noticed a running stream that girls who weren't thought of as "hot" are beautiful; my wife being one of them. I always thought she was very cute, and very much so my type (medium height, blond, rail thin, great smile, cute nose). She's only gotten more and more beautiful if you ask me. Not a day goes by she doesn't glow more than the day before. But the girls who were the hot ones have all gotten knocked up, overweight, and to be perfectly honest, ugly. Although, going back into my yearbook, I think I'd find that the girls who were deemed hot simply sprouted boobs earlier than the rest and wore a lot more make-up.

Either way, after high school I started taking a lot more notice of the not-so-hot, not-so-popular ladies because they began to come into their own, and grow more beautiful. And the "hot" ones were always in their early stages of decline from their 4 years of tramping and whoring it up.

No matter. I'm happily married to one of the girls from high school who only gets more gorgeous.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
i went to my 10 year reunion and was shocked to see what happened to people in general (male and female). some got better, some got worse, a few stayed the same. it was worth going... not just because i showed up in a floor length skirt and makeup, but that certainly helped with the fun reactions and made for an easy ice breaker :weee:

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
i went to my 10 year reunion and was shocked to see what happened to people in general (male and female). some got better, some got worse, a few stayed the same. it was worth going... not just because i showed up in a floor length skirt and makeup, but that certainly helped with the fun reactions and made for an easy ice breaker :weee:

Usually when I see people on the street that I went to hs with, this is their reaction: "Wow...you certainly didn't get any shorter..." I think the 10 year will be fun.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
"I never bothered keeping in touch with any of these assholes after graduation, what possessed me to come to this stupid reunion?".
Haha word. i was willing to go to my class reunion, then i found out there was like a $100 price tag, and that was the final non-motivator.

As far as women putting on the poundage, who cares. Maybe that chick was anorexic to keep herself thin and now her metabolism is shot. Maybe she married a cook. Maybe she would have been thin and unhappy with you, super self-conscience, but maybe she's with someone who loves her unconditionally and so she's letting her love lard expand exponentially. (that's almost poetic)

But really there's always something about young love that's special, and nobody should assume things would be the same had you stayed together or whatever... i've rewritten my history quite a few times in my life, who knows what "could" have been.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I didn't go to my 10 year and didn't miss much. The funny thing about my 20 was there was about 350 people there. My graduating class was about 800 people. Of the 350 people that were there, 348 of them I couldn't stand back then. None of the people I wanted to see decided to go, I should have known better. I was glad I went so I KNEW what I obviously wasn't missing rather than wounder.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
At my 10-year, about 25 people of 300+ showed up. It seemed mostly people who lived in town.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Didn't go to my 10-year. 20-year is coming up. With the advent of Facebook, it pretty much makes reunions obsolete, I think. I already know what 60% of my class is doing(or lying about doing) by keeping up with FB, so I'm doubting that going to a reunion would be worth my time.

Maybe it's because I live in the supposed "Bible Belt" but it's simply amazing how many of the morally questionable women and party-animal guys have turned to teh Jeebus since walking out of the hallowed halls of high school. :confused:


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
I quite literally never went on a single date with any girl from my high school. I spent every waking moment at Fairfield Mountains in Lake Lure, NC. It was a time share resort I worked at in the next county over from our podunk place.

It was the scene of Dirty Dancing and Last of the Mohicans and they were making a killing off them both with review shows and tours. Girls came and went every week and we were their only option. I had the fortune of dating WAY out of my gene pool. I dated everything from skinny model types to beach bomb curvy ones.

The ones with curves for days in high school usually continued gaining. All the ones that were skinny or "fit" are pretty well curvy cougars today. Now, the chics from my high school, good lord did they all crash and burn. They never got the memo regarding proper diet and adequate exercise.

And, I too can be hyper critical because I'm blessed to have married a girl 7 years younger and fit as crap. She's got a 6 pack and veins in her forearms. She actually gets to attend a fitness "boot camp" for free so the instructor has a "model" to encourage clients. Me, we won't go there.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
I went to my 25 year HS reunion last summer. All the people who thought they were hot sh!t in high school are fat and scary now, both the dudes and and the chicks. The people they looked down on through HS, for the most part, have held up much better. As I was leaving the reunion about 2 hours before it ended, I remember thinking, "I never bothered keeping in touch with any of these assholes after graduation, what possessed me to come to this stupid reunion?".
i went to my 25th last november, and had a great time...i hadn't been back to my hometown in about 18 years and not kept up w/ many people at all, but i was surprised to see that most of them still looked pretty good, and i had a lot of fun hanging out and reminiscing.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
My 20th is this November. I'll be on a cruise...the ship is docked at Cozumel that day. I have not been to any reunions and really couldn't care less.