
Ride of Silence hypocrisy



So I went to do the ride with Julie last night. As I understand, it's to help promote awareness for people that have been killed and our right to share the road. Great. We started out to do 12 miles at 12mph. Great. Fast forward to riding and people were grouped like quail down the service road of the interstate, blocking cars on a two lane road. It had been suggested riding in line, but that apparently wasn't something people can be capable of. We got to a stop sign where cars were at every location of a 4-way stop, with the exception of where we were. The first group of 5-7 folks went through the sign, making the cars wait. I stopped, along with Julie and 2 others, when another group passed us on the left to roll through. The guy in one truck was waving us on, but the others were not, so I continued to wait. We got our turn and we rode on. There was one more stop, just over the interstate and the group was stopped in an entrance to a gas station waiting. I rode up and said, and I quote verbatum -

"Wow - I know this is a Ride of Silence ride, but I feel obligated to speak. We are here to help heighten awareness of how we share the road and you guys just blow a f*cking stop sign with cars all over the place. Incredible. I can't begin to tell you all the amazement going through my head. Ingenius."

It turns out that in the group running the sign was a woman that is a highway patrol officer and one woman is a local police officer. We got done and several bitched that I had no right to speak out. I thought that I did have a right, and a duty. A few said that they never stop, so it would've been hypocritical to stop then. I was just amazed. I pointed out their inconsideration again and pointed out that I can say that I try to adhere to the laws. I really couldn't believe it, but still think it was right to say it.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
loco said:
A few said that they never stop, so it would've been hypocritical to stop then.

You should have waited till the end of the ride, but yes you were right to say something. Waiting might have made them actually listen.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I guess I have to agree with you loco. That sounds pretty ridiculous. It takes a show of respect to get respect in return.

Then again I can't say that I've never blown a light or a stop sign either.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Probably nothing wrong with expressing your opinion, but I think by doing it during the ride instead of after, you completely jaded everyone against you. They probably don't even remember what you said, only that you talked during the ride.


It seemed like a lesson that needed to be addressed immediately.

edit - they were all talking during the ride. It was really quite a fiasco. I kind of figured that since they were stopped and appeared to be chatting that I should reciprocate.

double edit - the part that made them not hear was likely the f bomb, but I was pretty pissed off and let it slip.


Nam I am
While I thought the Idea was good. I sort of expected to hear those kind of stories. and Yes you had every right to speak up .

The ride was to remeber those killed while riding ther ebikes , well guess what riding like an Idiot is what can get you killed!


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
But did you pour some out for your dead homies?

I agree, I would have spoken up as well. That sort of things happen all the time in Portland. Bike protest where the riders become asshats and nobody knows why they are protesting to begin with.


Oct 3, 2005
It sounds like typical masshole behavior.

"hey everyone, let's get the folks in cars to respect us by clogging the streets during rush hour, flagrantly ignoring traffic laws, and/or vandalizing other people's stuff!!"


Hey Pete - there was no vandalism. I would've been on board for that.


Apr 17, 2004
splat said:
While I thought the Idea was good. I sort of expected to hear those kind of stories. and Yes you had every right to speak up .

The ride was to remeber those killed while riding ther ebikes , well guess what riding like an Idiot is what can get you killed!

What he said.


Mar 17, 2002
Everett, Wa
You were totally in the right to speakout, good job and thankyou. Just because they have people with badges in their group doesn't mean they don't need to follow the laws. Jeez, what better way to give riders a bad image than to break the law on a high visability ride. I don't agree with H8R on waiting until after the ride, you were right to say something when you did. They ride was not over and maybe you saying something would make the offenders think a little more about what image they are conveying to the motorist around then. If I was in a car sitting at that intersection i would have been pissed off (oh that's what we don't want!). I guess if they wanted to make sure that the drivers notice them, and that riders don't think they need to follow the rules, they were successful. Big set back for the rest of us. Dumba$$e$!!:nonono: It's totally true we have riders die every year because they were not seen, a driver broke the law, road rage, bla bla bla (I've lost friends) but common some loose their live because of rider arrogance. I have the right to be on the road too, however because it's a pain in my a$$ or interupes my training to stop I don't think I should have too and so I am not. Besides we never do anyway so it's ok an we have badges in the group, so even more ok, ok. Oh yeah even though there is not enough room on this road I am going to ride side by side by side so I can talk with my group because I have a right to share the road but I don't have to follow the rules because, aaahhh well because. It totally unimportant to some that getting hit by a car can end a life more important to stand your ground and be seen as an a-hole in front fo a big moveing mass of metal that in an instant (for whatever reason or who's fault) will make you a road stain. The image I see portayed by these people is what makes some people so angry at us and others ignor the fact we are there. When they do see us it's just a stupid dumba$$ (sometimes arrogant dumba$$) on a bike in their way chewing up their time. This is the image that caused me to hange up the road bike and get an MTB, I haven't had any humans in metal monsters mad at me because of the image some other cyclist left them with. Whew, ok Evil calm down think of the forrest, peacefull forrest, aahhh ok better now, 3 more hours and I will be riding, all better now.:evil:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
justsomeguy said:
It sounds like typical masshole behavior.

"hey everyone, let's get the folks in cars to respect us by clogging the streets during rush hour, flagrantly ignoring traffic laws, and/or vandalizing other people's stuff!!"
Sounds like you've been on some of the Portland rides I spoke of.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Ya could have kept your mouth shut and respected what the ride was about (even if others didn't, and you decided to be a cop for a minute) and addressed it after the ride.


stinkyboy said:
Ya could have kept your mouth shut and respected what the ride was about (even if others didn't, and you decided to be a cop for a minute) and addressed it after the ride.
I'm not sure what an hour of silence has to do with it anyway, but I figured I'd get some response from you about how uncool I was. Whatever.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
loco said:
I'm not sure what an hour of silence has to do with it anyway,
That's the problem, you were unclear on the concept.

Silence in respect for the dead. It means stfu until an appropriate time to speak.

Not that what you were speaking against wasn't valid, but it would have been respectful to save it till the end of the ride. (then unleash on the idiots)


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
stinkyboy said:
..... (even if others didn't, and you decided to be a cop for a minute)
Well....I guess since the other two cops in attendence weren't being as cop-ly as they should have been, somebody had to say it. I would have done the same thing...........traffic ain't nuthin' to play with.

Although......my uncle used to tell to go out and play in it a whole lot. Don't think he liked me. :think:


H8R said:
That's the problem, you were unclear on the concept.

Silence in respect for the dead. It means stfu until an appropriate time to speak.

Not that what you were speaking against wasn't valid, but it would have been respectful to save it till the end of the ride. (then unleash on the idiots)
I understand that part, but waiting for them to pretend like they didn't know what I was talking about would have been stupid to me.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
loco said:
I understand that part, but waiting for them to pretend like they didn't know what I was talking about would have been stupid to me.
After the ride:

"Great ride everyone, thanks. Except for all of those stop signs you rolled through. Way to promote cycling safety, assholes. You made all of the motorists out there hate us that much more. Nice going fvcktards."

How about that?


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
H8R said:
After the ride:

"Great ride everyone, thanks. Except for all of those stop signs you rolled through. Way to promote cycling safety, assholes. You made all of the motorists out there hate us that much more. Nice going fvcktards."

How about that?


Jul 10, 2001
justsomeguy said:
It sounds like typical masshole behavior.

"hey everyone, let's get the folks in cars to respect us by clogging the streets during rush hour, flagrantly ignoring traffic laws, and/or vandalizing other people's stuff!!"

Word. I've done 1 Critical Mass event and vowed never to be seen around one again. I think you did the right thing for what it's worth.


Mar 17, 2002
Everett, Wa
H8R said:
That's the problem, you were unclear on the concept.

Silence in respect for the dead. It means stfu until an appropriate time to speak.

Not that what you were speaking against wasn't valid, but it would have been respectful to save it till the end of the ride. (then unleash on the idiots)
I guess it is acceptable to some to say nothing out of respect for the dead no matter what. I guess if you were one of the ones who chose to blow the intersection you would be totally understanding if the rest of the riders stood there quietly in dumbfounded silence after you got crushed to death by a car(saying something could have saved your life). At that point should we continue to say nothing about it untill the ride is over, I mean we will continue the ride in your honor, quietly and respectfully because your dead. And it would be totally acceptable to continue to say nothing for the remainer of the ride even in light of your recent demise due to you not following the the rules of the road, which might save another riders life out of respect for your death because it's a "Ride of Silence" :nonono: :nonono: :nonono: I call BULL****! Out of respect for the dead don't let fellow riders get dumba$$ dead. If you don't say something you might as well be the one running them over. :( shame shame shame :nope: :nonono: :nonono: :nonono:


I want to point out that the ride organizer suggested we call out cars back and up. It wasn't truly silent. I just don't plan to ride with these guys much, if at all, in the future.


N8 said:
I was gonna go, but then I have Chris King hubs.....
About 3 miles into this my saddle rails started creaking. I plan to grease them today, but jeebus it was loud. :o:


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
evilbob said:
I was not aware that it was my responsibility to teach experienced riders and cops how to ride. Tonight I will stop a bike cop and help him across the street.


If some moron rides in front of a car, they're an dumbass. If a person in a car plows into a legally riding biker, I'll show respect for that rider's life.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
evilbob said:
If you don't say something you might as well be the one running them over.


If I'm STOPPED at a stop sign, waiting my turn on my bike, and another rider blows by me and runs the stop sign, they take their own life in their hands. My being STOPPED and waiting my turns says everything I need to say.

Their actions speak volumes as well. It screams "CYCLISTS ARE SELF CENTERED FVCKS" to every motorist.


May 23, 2005
I participated in the one in Austin. I have mixed feelings about it now.

Generally speaking, most of the people followed the rules of the road. We also mainly stuck to multiple lane roads, so we did not hold up traffic *too* much. It would have been hard for some one to turn through the long line of bicyclist though.

I saw more angry motorists last night than I have in the past year+ of commuting.

On the other hand, the news coverage was very positive.

The positive indirect impact effect probably out-weighs the negative direct impact.

I definitely don't think critical mass rides are useful. That seems like it just all around increases negative feelings towards cyclists.


splat said:
you sure that wasn't that bean burrito you had for lunch ?
That was for dinner last night, but it's torn me up today. I feel like Douglas's co-worker, but it's from my ass. :help:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
loco said:
I feel like Douglas's co-worker, but it's from my ass. :help:
You have feelings for someone Douglas works with in your ass?

That's gross.


Jan 20, 2006
SoCal Supermarket Shelves
loco said:
It would be sooo awesome if I are baboon was offended and banned you. :thumb:
I doubt he lacks a sense of humor like you obviously do.

This is what I find hilarious:

Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Is it a harmful cheeseburger?
Posts: 16,266

16,266 pieces of nothing that has anything to do with riding mountain bikes and everything to do with your lack of cajones and penchant for being a tool.


MisterClean said:
I doubt he lacks a sense of humor like you obviously do.

This is what I find hilarious:

Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Is it a harmful cheeseburger?
Posts: 16,266

16,266 pieces of nothing that has anything to do with riding mountain bikes and everything to do with your lack of cajones and penchant for being a tool.

OK - piss off. This is where I draw the line. Sure it's 16,000 posts, but there have certainly been a pile of instances that someone got good advice, musings, or simply a part that they needed. I am going to Midwest monkey fest and I will be welcomed by most with a true desire to meet me. If you think for one second that I get that same feeling about your chest thumping superior feeling stupid ass, you would be wrong. You are, in the truest sense of the word, a douche bag. Your true colors have flown high on too many sites to mention. Fall in sh*t and bleed you asshole.