
Ride to Conquer Cancer 6/9-10


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Hey Guys.

On June 9-10th this summer I'll be participating in the Ride to Conquer Cancer, here in Toronto. Its a +200km ride over two days from Toronto to Niagara Falls, with proceeds going towards the Princess Margaret Cancer Center.

More info here; http://ride.conquercancer.ca/toronto/about/

I'll be doing the ride as part of the team that my employer has put together (if you want to know the name of the team, PM me). Collectively, we've raised about $53000 so far.

If you'd like to help out by donating a few dollars towards cancer research, it would be more than appreciated. You can donate to my profile here: https://secure2.convio.net/cfrca/site/Donation2;jsessionid=00000000.app227a?idb=972921307&df_id=2662&FR_ID=1641&mfc_pref=T&PROXY_ID=4323612&2662.donation=form1&PROXY_TYPE=20&NONCE_TOKEN=2462007622623DF099DA125B96D5FF91&_ga=2.221568283.2074499654.1523921406-1465941966.1513778911

Any dollar amount is more than wonderful. If you just want to say good luck, that's more than cool too! Feel free to pass the link along to anyone else who might want to donate. :)

FWIW, I'll be doing this ride on my cross bike, complete with TLD helmet, Mallet DH pedals and Giro XC shoes. Smartly, I've also signed up for the longer +240km route. It'll be the longest two rides I've ever done...

Thank you!


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011