

Jan 25, 2016
Perth, WA.
It has been fascinating watching this unfold.

You've come in here, challenged established frameworks ("we need to think beyond AS, LR" etc etc) and I suspect this has challenged an established hierarchy. And for all your over exuberance to defend, it does seem to be in direct response to some antagonism directed at you (amidst the engineering talk, of course).

It's been a ballsy move to act the way you have, but if what you say is true, then you will be vindicated. And if so, historically, this will be a classic thread to look back upon. We should all be taking screen shots in case this thread is deleted by the reptilian overlords....

Good luck to you mate, I hope it works out well for you.

Just returned for the second media test ride. Of course, some of the haters may call the guy a hack and deny he could possibly know anything about bikes. He was a pretty damn good young rider and he knew what he was talking about. I asked him to guess the CS length and he was off by 3 mm.

I also went against everything you should do when testing with a mag. I asked him negative leading questions, put bad thoughts in his head. I told him it had a falling rate with a pretty low MR at the beginning. I said "conventional wisdom may predict this bike will be harsh of the top, especially when the wheel is unweighted."

His reply "no sign of harshness anywhere, especially off the top. Plush, bottomless travel."

I asked him" any sign of plunging into the travel? Lack of support for manuevers?

Not a bit.

Bottoming? Nope. About 3-4 mm left with a smooth, progressive feel.

Climbing behaviour?

"brilliant" (he was riding the Meltdown Race with a 64 deg HT.)

Rough climbing?

"great traction and geometry" (64 HT??)

response to bumps while climbing at max effort with the shock fully extended?


pedal kickback?


End of mankind as we know it?


Ok, made the last one up. The rest are verbatim. if any of you have experience testing with magazines, you know the last thing you want to do is point out potential flaws that they might not have noticed otherwise. Why did I do it? I'm not afraid. The bike does what I say it does.

This will surface in about 2 weeks. Of course I will let you know, so you can share my trajectory with me. This particular tester was aware of the pb test and intentional did not read it before hand. Then he essentially said the same things.

This will continue to happen with each successive test. Ballsy of me to say so? No. I know what the bike does. I'm not a gambling man. There is no gamble here. Those here who have so incorrectly analyzed and predicted how horribly bad the bike can be, are so far off, I'm wondering how you will reconcile this.


ancient crusty bog dude
Jul 7, 2013
Free Soda Refills at Fuddruckers
In Vermont recently we saw a tantrum after an enormous Real Estate scandal. Ski & MTB resort development going back many many many years as a pitched investment-material. FAILED, taking Govt. Program money along with it landing in Trump Towers in NYC.

During the fallout, an anonymous jerkoff took to FB pages of the failed property reassuring a new Bicycle Company would remain devoted to the troubled area. "...Spoke to the Governor..." IIRC.

I'd not draw comparison except about 6months ago another website has already had this content play out and Tantrum Bicycles was intent on having a demo in a very peculiar part of the country having no Mountain. The only trail network in the county has rugs laid down on the slightest of climbs for traction - it's in South Florida.
This was the immediate surrounding area to the then-largest Investment Scandal to hit that part of that state feature involvement of the players in the Burke Mountain Resort junket in Vermont.

I had one bastard in now Federal Lockup spew 'Q Burke' et al. as being relevant to goings-on with 'Stadium Naples' in SWFL in early 2002. And, Naples is Marco Rubio's Political base.
Tantrum Cycles is cooking books on RM and insists the 'Intranet' is in use. Desperate measures and, me wonders how desperate these times.

You brought that shit on yourself so don't cry about it.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
596 replies and 226 from Tantrum alone and not one mention of how the bike corners. Granted I'm no mechanical engineer, but suspension plays a big role in railing some corners at stupid fast speeds. Going up hill in a straight line is fine and all but...
Note to marketers: more is not better. Know when to walk away from the keyboard before "more" makes your reputation not so hawt.

Tantrum Cycles

Turbo Monkey
Jun 29, 2016
596 replies and 226 from Tantrum alone and not one mention of how the bike corners. Granted I'm no mechanical engineer, but suspension plays a big role in railing some corners at stupid fast speeds. Going up hill in a straight line is fine and all but...

You're the first one to ask. It corners great. The requirements are really the same, right? If the rear is too harsh and non compliant, the back will be stepping out. Conversely, if it is soft and wallowy, it can't support the cornering load and will sink into the travel. Bikes typically don't handle very well in that state.

The bike loads up evenly fr and rear and the back end still soaks up all the chatter and maintains grip.

The only issue with cornering on the Meltdown Race is the 64 degree HT angle. If you are on flat ground, it take a little more effort to get it into the corner. You have to back it in a little. With the standard Meltdown's 66 deg HT, that goes away, even on flat ground.

thanks for asking

Tantrum Cycles

Turbo Monkey
Jun 29, 2016
Note to marketers: more is not better. Know when to walk away from the keyboard before "more" makes your reputation not so hawt.
Ya, but I'm not a marketer, so I don't give a shit about the "right way" to "market". If you want to think less of me for describing the performance of my bike in the face of idiotic "analysis", that's great. If you think the assembled cast of experts here can do no wrong, I don't care if you ride my bike or not.

See what I'm saying? If that's your mindset, I prefer not to do business with YOU. Who would want to do business with some negative thinking, self important know it alls. Thankfully, the reality of the world is that while these forums harbor such personalities, there are plenty of good people here that can wade thru the hate and still get a good idea what is really going on. Granted, I'm sure most of them have vacated this thread long age. Hard to get real info when the high IQ illuminati fill the thread with funny pictures and videos when they become afraid to answer a simple engineering question.

Really, I'm just still here because it's great marketing PRACTICE. You guys are giving me great material to use to address any and all possible concerns. Some of the questions and concerns brought up, I never thought to ask anyone (because they don't happen). But now, I've become aware of some of the potential objections and am getting better at explaining them. Even the new videos i'm working on came from ideas presented here.

So thanks everyone. I am having a blast. If it costs me a few sales to haters, so much the better. Bikes are fun. I have fun. My customers have fun.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am

You're the first one to ask. It corners great. The requirements are really the same, right? If the rear is too harsh and non compliant, the back will be stepping out. Conversely, if it is soft and wallowy, it can't support the cornering load and will sink into the travel. Bikes typically don't handle very well in that state.

The bike loads up evenly fr and rear and the back end still soaks up all the chatter and maintains grip.

The only issue with cornering on the Meltdown Race is the 64 degree HT angle. If you are on flat ground, it take a little more effort to get it into the corner. You have to back it in a little. With the standard Meltdown's 66 deg HT, that goes away, even on flat ground.

thanks for asking
Oh I don't really care about the bike's cornering, just an observation.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Ya, but I'm not a marketer, so I don't give a shit about the "right way" to "market". If you want to think less of me for describing the performance of my bike in the face of idiotic "analysis", that's great. If you think the assembled cast of experts here can do no wrong, I don't care if you ride my bike or not.

See what I'm saying? If that's your mindset, I prefer not to do business with YOU. Who would want to do business with some negative thinking, self important know it alls. Thankfully, the reality of the world is that while these forums harbor such personalities, there are plenty of good people here that can wade thru the hate and still get a good idea what is really going on. Granted, I'm sure most of them have vacated this thread long age. Hard to get real info when the high IQ illuminati fill the thread with funny pictures and videos when they become afraid to answer a simple engineering question.

Really, I'm just still here because it's great marketing PRACTICE. You guys are giving me great material to use to address any and all possible concerns. Some of the questions and concerns brought up, I never thought to ask anyone (because they don't happen). But now, I've become aware of some of the potential objections and am getting better at explaining them. Even the new videos i'm working on came from ideas presented here.

So thanks everyone. I am having a blast. If it costs me a few sales to haters, so much the better. Bikes are fun. I have fun. My customers have fun.
You really are an asshole.

Tantrum Cycles

Turbo Monkey
Jun 29, 2016
It has been fascinating watching this unfold.

You've come in here, challenged established frameworks ("we need to think beyond AS, LR" etc etc) and I suspect this has challenged an established hierarchy. And for all your over exuberance to defend, it does seem to be in direct response to some antagonism directed at you (amidst the engineering talk, of course).

It's been a ballsy move to act the way you have, but if what you say is true, then you will be vindicated. And if so, historically, this will be a classic thread to look back upon. We should all be taking screen shots in case this thread is deleted by the reptilian overlords....

Good luck to you mate, I hope it works out well for you.
Hey Kurt,

thanks for the note.

Yes, in the words of an angry person, I have "swatted the hive"

It will be fun to watch the bees' confusion after the queen dies.

Tantrum Cycles

Turbo Monkey
Jun 29, 2016
I'd not draw comparison except about 6months ago another website has already had this content play out and Tantrum Bicycles was intent on having a demo in a very peculiar part of the country having no Mountain. The only trail network in the county has rugs laid down on the slightest of climbs for traction - it's in South Florida.
What??? You are confused. We never had even thought about having a demo day in florida. Not that I'm against it, it just never came up, other than maybe somebody asking if we would.


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Hey @Tantrum Cycles . I found a new avatar/headbadge for you. It's an improvement. Don't worry, I'll let you use it for free, no dentist bike discount required.

Trump Head Badge.jpg

Also, I think we should have a contest to come up with a custom title for you (I know you like contests). An important guy like yourself needs a solid custom title.


RM Chief Ornithologist
Mar 14, 2005
wait, you douchebags can edit other people's tags?
I've tried to restore the hilarity, but can the lizard lords increase the max tag count and remove the "anyone can delete" option again? It's no fun if they keep getting wiped.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
it's possible, but i doubt very much that anybody cares about tags in any other thread in the past OR future.

FWIW, I didn't even change the title.