
Ridemonkey Photographer Feature: 7 Frames with Nic Teichrob


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009

Nicolas Teichrob is developing into one of mountain biking's most ambitious and creative photographers. In this piece, he shares with us a selection of his 2009 photos that aren't going to the magazines!

Photos and Captions by Nic Teichrob

Self photo, location: Sunshine Coast, BC. This shot was taken in my early days of exploring mountain bike photography. I had recently moved to Roberts Creek and did not know any of the riders in the area. Still keen on producing new and creative images, I got to work building various mounts to shoot self photos. This was one of my earlier shoots that I was pretty stoked on. The blurred green streaks in the bottom of the frame and top left of the frame are fern branches as the camera went blasting right through the local foliage. I also get stoked on this shot because this is one my favourite section of local trail, and the same section which yielded the November 2009 cover of Bike Magazine.

Dylan Dunkerton, location: SSC, BC. Dylan is a human beyond his age. His talents behind the lens and on a bike are stellar. In Fall 2009, we spent some time rebuilding a rotted out section of trail for the purpose of this image. With a perfect Fall sunset, Dylan tabled his way into the glaring sun until the light was no more. Every single element aligned in this image. I love the light, the colours, Dylan's style, the fireweed pollen following his tire off the ramp, the tack-sharpness, and the fact that Dylan's 'stubs' are so clearly visible. For this who do not know, Dyl only has one full finger to hold onto the handlebar with on his right hand, yet he manages tweaking moves like this again and again. It is sunset evenings like this that will never get old for me.

Brandon Semenuk, location: SSC, BC. Brandon came over to the coast to do a little shooting with The Coastal Crew for a web video. He joined Kyle Norbraten and they took turns getting dizzy spinning endless 360s off this ramp. Rad!

Kyle Norbraten and Brandon Semenuk, Location: SSC, BC. Later in the shoot from the previous photo, Kyle and Brandon were just crushing it with back to back 360s. It was super awesome to witness this skill go down during a freezing December sunset (it was ~ -3'C). Needless to say, I was stoked the entire time. With epic light and talent from two riders to match, the session was one for the memory bank.

Dylan Dunkerton, location: SSC, BC. Tall trees, early evening light, rich foliage, and Dyl shredding super hard. Sweet and simple. This shot is kind of funny because we were initially trying to shoot a different section of trail, which I had a prefocus on. As Dyl came ripping down the trail I was following him in my viewfinder, and it was at this moment when I 'saw' this shot. Taking pictures is funny like that, as no matter how much one may plan a shot or guess where the prime action may be, something else can often catch the photog's eye, drawing him/her to something totally unexpected. I love the unexpected.

Travis Grey, Bolivia. I was traveling in Bolivia and hanging out in the town of Sorata. Owner/operator if Andean Epics, Travis Grey and I hooked up for some epic riding and photo shooting. This shot was taken at 17,000ft elevation as we dropped into a steep chute leading to snowy, rocky gnar. I was pretty gripped riding this as I had only ever ridden something so steep and mandatory 'no-fall' on skis. Four hours of singletrack radness followed this entrance.

Travis Grey, Bolivia. On the same shoot/ride with Travis as the above image, he hiked his bike up a gnarly line he had previously built. This 'trail' is basically a super steep and fast, jagged rocky path amongst even more jagged rocks. Bike Magazine is holding a number of nugglets from this trip to Bolivia, so stay tuned to the mag and hopefully you'll see something in there to get you stoked on riding in a foreign country.

That's it for the first installment of our photographer feature series, but there will be more to come in the near feature. Part two of Nic's banger photos that aren't being held by magazines will be coming down the pipe in a few weeks, so keep an eye out for that. In the winter, Teichrob is the co-producer/director of ski movies, under the label of Dendrite Studios. Their last film, Out of the Shadows, is available at a "pay what you want rate" here. Nic spends his summers traveling with other mountain bikers, largely with the infamous Coastal Crew, as they are from the same tiny but awesome hometown, Roberts Creek, BC.

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binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002

Dylan Dunkerton, location: SSC, BC. Tall trees, early evening light, rich foliage, and Dyl shredding super hard. Sweet and simple. This shot is kind of funny because we were initially trying to shoot a different section of trail, which I had a prefocus on. As Dyl came ripping down the trail I was following him in my viewfinder, and it was at this moment when I 'saw' this shot. Taking pictures is funny like that, as no matter how much one may plan a shot or guess where the prime action may be, something else can often catch the photog's eye, drawing him/her to something totally unexpected. I love the unexpected.
I freakin' love this shot.