
riding in america


sexist pig
May 14, 2006
leicester uk

ok so im new to this and i apologize if this topic is in the wrong section.

anyway next year me and a couple of mates are coming to the staes for a month and we are planning to go from colorado to north carolina and doing some riding but as i've never been there before i was wondering if you could suggest some riding spots, also could you give me some advice on where im aloud to ride regarding the law because in this country we are only aloud to ride on bridleways and the cops in our contry dont have guns so i dont realy want to start pissing your cops off.




Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
lol, cops have guns, but will not use them unless provoked.
so, if you tell them to piss off wanker and ride over there
hood they might shoot you. so don't do that.

no, seriously you will have no trouble.
there will be signs that will say NO BIKES.
just follow the rules.

i don't live there but i did live in new mexico
for 5 years.

if you are looking for dirt jumps
sante fe has a big area of dirt jumps.
dirve on down top I-40 in albuquerque
and we have a 2, 2000' dh tracks that
you can shuttle using a paved road.
albuquerque also has a great free concrete
skate park.

drive west to amarillo, that is where i live
and ride my trails.

after that i would go to arkansas they have some good dh there.

anyway after you tour colorado drop down to I-40. there is a
lot more to do than going east from denver.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
When are you coming? How much time do you have for Colorado? What type of riding are you looking for?

All of the above effects the advice we give you because seriously, you could ride in CO everyday for a month (the time you say you have here in the states) and never ride the same trail twice.