
Riding Japanese Gultch with Eren, Stephen, and the best 16yro I've seen! *Not 56k*

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
So I went to Japanese gultch in Mukilteo today with Eren and Stephen where I met them for the first time (Great meeting you guys!). I was just their to take pictures of them and do some trail riding, which turned out quite succesful in our 2+ hours of riding. I think its fair to say we all had fun, especially when Stephen fell...I just wish I got a picture of it. It broke his pants (zipper and buttons)!!!!! But he was alright so that was good. Went to the car and got some shoelaces(?) and hit the DJs. Eren was testing out his new Transition double and wanted to do a bar spin for the first time, but didnt have time to find a sweet enough jump (Next time bro!) so he just jumped around instead. And Stephen desided he wanted to hit the roll in drop to a pretty big jump and did pretty well (pics...).
When we were their having a grand old time another guy, Dylan and his mom showed up (a riding family) on his Stinky Dee-lux and his mom on a Kona FS XC bike. And when he showed up he started throwing down on the double then the tripple at the DJs (massive air). When Stephen and Eren had to go I stuck around with Dylan while his mom rode singletrack and convinsed him to take a look at the fairly new 20+ ft drop (by the poop for thoughs of you who know it, but not the one above the poop). He was siked to see it and was definatly up to the task.
After about 30minutes of looking at the dirt, the drop, landing, ect. to see how things would go (I've only heard of it ever being attempted/landed once) he got up to the ladder looking out and did a few roll ups. Then he hit it just before his mom came bellow us at a connecting XC trail (she was scared out of her mind for him, and honestly I was too...but I was ready with the camera). And I got some sick pictures of him hitting and landing it succesfully.
Then after all that we went to the 10ft drop to step-up and I convinced Dylan to throw some tricks, it went from no footers and whips to an attept at the can-can (for the first time I think). He did the can-can twice...with his last not being to succesful and landed on his nuts on the seat. It was overall a good fun ride and I got to meet some cool people and see some sick ripping, not to mention get awsome pics! I had fun, and cant wait to ride with these guys again :clapping: .

Pics to be posted soon. I shot about 400 in the 4.5 hour period of being their. I'll post the main ones, and give a link to the set of them.

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
yeah man it was the sickest thing ever! Seriously I was blown away. Him and his mom were so happy when he landed it too, it was just awsome.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
¿donde estan los picturas?

this thread seems very safe for 56k at the moment :D


Dec 2, 2004
Edmonds, WA
As an aside, can anyone pm me some directions to the decent trails in there? We were up there trying to find anything interesting with the dogs a month ago, and all we saw was joggers and XC trails, but admittedly we were looking blind. We went up from near the bottom, walked up the west side of the tracks from one of the parking areas...

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
Alright sorry guys, the pics took FOREVER to load...I ended up keeping them going when I slept. It took an hour for 20 pics to load.

All pictures from yesterday are here.
But anyhow here are some of my favorites.

Dylan when he first randomly showed up. Kinda surprized us just hoping on the drop in and jumping.

Dylan on the 3rd DJ, getting huge air.

Dylan checking out the 20ft drop. The landing isnt even in the picture...

The landing was just above dylan's head.

No-footer after the drop.

The can-can.

What a great way to end the day!


P.S. If anyone wants to order prints, let me know! I'm in need of a flash (oviously...) and all money for prints will go toward one (they cost $400 unfortunatly).


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2006
mill creek, WA (now in Surrey UK)
that drop god damn, so sketchy, props to him. yea man well come back out this week hopefully, and i decided fcuk it, im gonna try to barspin the step up, i looked around so long while everyone was riding yesterday, next time im gonna ride more and just throw it off the step up

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
Yeah I know what you mean Eren...thats why I dont have a bunch of pics of ya :-/. Next time we can go to the other side though if you want and you can see how you like thoughs jumps.

But like you said, I think the step-up will be the best jump in the whole area for you to throw down on.

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
Yeah sounds good man, and thanks for all the comments guys! It really helps boost my moral! :-D
I always feel bad when I get on the computer and look at shots I take mountain biking, because I KNOW a flash would have saved them and they would have turned out super killed. But I dont have the money...

As for Brad using the pics, no problem, tell him to PM me though. I'll probly just give him the rights to use them for free.

And BoltupRight - Yeah I'd love to show you around, let me know. It would be cool if you could make it up next time Stephen and Eren come and maybe even a few other monkeys? That way we could have a phat monkey session at a place other then sst or galby!

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
Bad news [EDIT] : So turns out a 20ft drop that was near the 10ft drop to step-up I was taking pictures of was torn down this weekend. Someone actually took the time to take an axe to it and chop it down. I dont know why anyone would tear down things they didnt make, and plus...whoever it was that tore it down did nothing with the wood, and didnt touch the other drop. I can only hope its the sign of progress for a new drop.


Why waste time?

A fitting name...now.

I'm still confused for why they didnt touch this one. But thank god they didnt.

Jimmy B

Apr 11, 2007
Muddy a flash would help:-) Maybe I should make a trip to the gulch next weekend? Let me know.

Jimmy B

Apr 11, 2007
Can't make it during the week, I work in Kirkland and don't like the traffic:-( Maybe Sat.? Don't know what the plans are for next weekend? I would ride in and not do anything the youngsters are doing I am old and have just as much fun with my Camera(s).

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
haha yeah I know...I dont have money for a flash though.

and yeah I'm down for wedseday...but I think after that Ima take my bike to the shop. I'm in despriate need of a tune up. My cranks come off every ride, and my shifting is WAY off...like no matter what its suck inbatween gears so I have to hold my shifter with my hand.

Hopefully wens. will be nice.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2006
mill creek, WA (now in Surrey UK)
yea stephen rode his hardy. think the m3 would be waaay to much bike there. but yea me and dan are actually going there tmrw so if u want in let me know, if u can only go wednesday me and dan will go then

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
Yeah wednesday I found out I have a band concert...GAY! I'm quiting anyways.

so I wont be able to stay long wens. if people do go out. I'm down for tomaro though. Give me a ring, PM for the number.


Jul 11, 2005
Hey I'd love to tag along and check out the local spot too. Maybe meet somewhere by Boeing or something, as I'm still not really sure where they are.

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
Yeah I'll come out, I just spent the last 2 hours tuning up my bike a bit. Unfortunatly, I failed at getting my derailleur right, so I'm 99% sure I have a bent hanger. :-/

I also informed dylan about our plans, he said he'll try to make it out.
What time you thinking to go out if you do?

P.S. If some people hit the 10ft to step-up, I think I MIGHT just do it again...I havent done it in almost a year so its scary :-/...lol. And I'll be doing the step-up with you guys when Im not taking pictures.

dh gangster

Jul 31, 2006
P en Doubleyou
yeah tomorrow wont work for me i gotta do some yardwork in return for the parentals taking me to hood. But wednesday for sure i could go. That place looks really tight.
I'll ask my brother if hes workin so we might be able to meet you somewhere but if he is i (and harry if he wants to go) might need a ride, from sammamish. which might be a problem.
do you think that might be doable?

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
If I do ride wednesday I cant do it for much longer then a few hours, so till 5 or 6 at the latest. Which would seem sorta pointless for you to drive all the way down for. But thursday I can ride all day if you want. And as always, I'd be glad to give the tours to everyone.

P.S. Eren, I'll take a look at the "old DJs" (the ones I was telling you about) on the way to meeting you tomaro if everything works out, and I'll take a pic with my camera to show you and make sure there all in good shape.

Anyone else wana join in on the fun tomaro? Mostly freeride, DJ stuff. We could throw in some "DH" though if you want to walk up the hills again...

PM me if you wana join to get my number, and I dont suggest a full face unless your planning on trying the 15 or 20ft drops (they get way to hot for back there). Bring your shins, skate helmet, and water (and extra water for me! since I have to carry my camera!).

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
If you guys are going to come early wednesday (like 2:30-3 ish) then I can probly get some riding in with ya. Otherwise, today or thursday are my only real chances.

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
guess whos chain fell off on the way home? lol...

no go on tomaro...taken the bike to the shop

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
thats the thing...I fixed in last night. Somethings wrong with the derailleur that I cant pin point. And my wheels need trueing and my bearings need lube which I dont know how to do. So I just brought it in, and that way I can get an application for a job after wards :-D.

Anyhow, it looks like I'll be getting it friday.