
Rim Choices?


Nov 21, 2003
I'm building up a 26" rear wheel and I want something UST. I plan on using it for urban freeride, light dh, and alot of trail riding. I was considering the Mavic X819, do any of you Monkeys use them or do you think there is something better. Thanks for any input.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
Get a Mavic EX721 and use a Stan's NoTubes kit to make it tubeless. An 819 won't hold up well for DH or urban. An EX823 might be another option, but I'd avoid it based on all the flat spot horror stories I've heard about those rims. Don't limit yourself to just tubeless rims though. Stan's NoTubes exists for a reason, so you might as well take advantage of it and get the right wheel for how you ride.


Nov 21, 2003
I'm using the Stan's now on two of my bikes Mavic 321 for dh and Arrow FRX for my freeride bike. I want to change the 24" rear FRX rim to a 26". I would use the Arrow in 26" but wanted other opinions. I would still use Stan's with the UST rims.

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
dexterq20 said:
An 819 won't hold up well for DH or urban. An EX823 might be another option, but I'd avoid it based on all the flat spot horror stories I've heard about those rims. .

hahahahahahahha, a 823 that holds up hahahahahahahah i put another flat spot in mine this weekend


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
zedro said:
probably because your wrists arent strong enough to properly tension your spokes....

....did i use that one already?... :D

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... zedro, the world's most outspoken cynic. And a damn funny one at that.


Jul 21, 2004
does anyone here have any positive experience w/ the 823 rim? i read the old threads on the flat spotting. i'm building up an extra pair of wheels that will mostly see aggressive trail riding w/ 4,000 vert foot climbing in the tahoe area i.e. i won't be slamming northstar w/ this set of wheels & therefore i want to keep weight reasonably low and don't need super wide rims, just fairly wide. have heard that the UST 823 plus the michelin hot S 2.5 inch tires on Hadleys is probably the best trailride / light FR option currently available but this flat spotting reputation makes me wonder....

i know i can convert an non UST rim w/ stan strips etc but i'd like to be able to seat the tire w/ regular pump and don't mind paying more for a UST rim (i'll still use stan's sealant in there of course).


May 25, 2004
i dont know about those tubless rims. all the mags say there the way of the future but some close friends of mine who run tubless rims and they say that they had to end up running tubes in them cause they werent holding air. and also you pay a fortune for the rim and the tire. yeh it saves you from buying a tube. but what happens when a stick impails your tire. then you have to buy a whole knew 50 dollar tire when you could have put a 4 dollar tube in it. so if i changed your mind i would suggest the sun single track if your on a bugget. or the mavics they suggested up there. i can never remember the number of those things.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
me89 said:
i dont know about those tubless rims. all the mags say there the way of the future but some close friends of mine who run tubless rims and they say that they had to end up running tubes in them cause they werent holding air. and also you pay a fortune for the rim and the tire. yeh it saves you from buying a tube. but what happens when a stick impails your tire. then you have to buy a whole knew 50 dollar tire when you could have put a 4 dollar tube in it. so if i changed your mind i would suggest the sun single track if your on a bugget. or the mavics they suggested up there. i can never remember the number of those things.
well, some people arent using UST tires, that could be the problem. As far as large punctures, i've simply used tire plugs, and others use patches.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
you know, i'm wondering if this EX823 bashing is simply a glass is half full/half empty situation.

Like if someone puts their D321 through hell, they'll say "wow, the rim is beat, flats all over but it's still holding up :thumb:"

but then when its a precious bling UST rim where everyones worried about holding air and such, little common flatspots become an ordeal...."oh what a piece of crap, i flat spotted my rim, no wonder France wont go to war..."

anyways, i'm keeping my spoke tension extra tight....


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
zedro said:
anyways, i'm keeping my spoke tension extra tight....
well why don't you just keep on doing that...until you're on you're 3rd..4th rim! You might be able to cut cost buy building your own wheels, which is something I don't know how to do...so it ends up costing me a fortune. Even Brian was giving me a hard time for voicing my displeasure about the EX823 rims...until he called me one day after flat spotting his 3 one...

If there weren’t a problem with the EX823's, then why would Mavis acknowledge that there was a problem with their EX823, granting me warranty on my rims

You’re having good luck with your Mavis UST rims? Then I’m happy for you – I wan’t, so I’m looking for an alternative, which is Stan’s in 521’s for now.

Once the 2005 Mavic UST rims come out, I should be receiving a few of them (warranty replacement for the ones I busted)…I “might” give them a try to see if they are any stronger…so I’m not saying I will never use Mavic UST ever again! But for the time being I won’t take that chance. I’m already over my rim budget for this year ;)

Joe Pozer

Mullet Head
Aug 22, 2001
Redwood City
Acadian said:
now you can start blaming Michelin Tires.. :rolleyes:
Based on my exhaustive research, which consisted of reading a couple of posts in this thread, and my Internet Engineering skills, I have concluded that Michies can't handle the abuse of downhilling. I will now go unto every single Mountain biking board on the internet and post my results. :devil: :D

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Acadian said:
Even Brian was giving me a hard time for voicing my displeasure about the EX823 rims...until he called me one day after flat spotting his 3 one...
Well, my scientific research came to this conclusion..................... If you ride slow-semi fast and ride where there are large rocks, they will flat spot, and yes I was running 32lbs of pressure too. I really do love the UST concept and hope something different will be out for 2005. I have been told there is, so we'll wait and see. I now have a EX729 on the rear with Stans, we will see how that works on Sunday :dancing:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Joe Pozer said:
Based on my exhaustive research, which consisted of reading a couple of posts in this thread, and my Internet Engineering skills, I have concluded that Michies can't handle the abuse of downhilling. I will now go unto every single Mountain biking board on the internet and post my results. :devil: :D
Thank you Dr. Pozer................


Nov 21, 2003
So what you're all saying is, I have two choices.
(A) wait for an 05 model UST rim or
(B) go standard rim & Stans for now.

Is any one else using the using the XM 819 disc?