
Road trip around SLC?


Sep 23, 2001
here 'n there
Hey all-I'm dying to get out of town this coming weekend and take a MTB trip but can't rally the troops (everyone else went to Brian Head this past weekend and are traveled-out/broke). Recommendations much appreciated:

-within 6 hour drive of Salt Lake City (preferably 4 or less)
-must have some sort of paid shuttling or lifts available since I may be going solo (and I'm only bringing the big bike)
-trail riding/XC-ish locations OK (never been up to Stanley, ID and have heard great things about it).

Thinking about:

-Stanley, ID
-Jackson, WY (but those 2 probably don't have shuttles...?)
-Moab (forecast was looking cool, now it's hot. if it's hot I'm not going (cutoff is over 92F for a high).
-Silverton, CO
-Summit Co/Vail CO (these two would be fun but might be too far away)
-Brian Head

-Any other ideas?? Thanks!