
Scammed by Nemesis Project Bikes

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Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
Asking for photos is not much to ask, there is no excuse for not providing them.

If the product was not delivered in the time frame specified at the time of order, then the customer has a right to ask for his money back. This shouldn't even be debated here.

Just refund the money and it's over. Plain and simple.
Nov 28, 2007
Finksmister, Maryland
You kid do realize Eric pulls these stunts all the time, like I said befor this is the third known problem HE has had with people...I'm starting to think that he IS the problem. I've also noticed he got his homeboys to post up alot to make it sound like Brad is terrible...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 3, 2006
Brooklyn, NY
Asking for photos is not much to ask, there is no excuse for not providing them.

If the product was not delivered in the time frame specified at the time of order, then the customer has a right to ask for his money back. This shouldn't even be debated here.

Just refund the money and it's over. Plain and simple.
100%. if the product is a one-off custom, asking for progress pictures is not out of hand, especialy since they were promised.
a refund is in need, and this discussion should be closed. everybody wins.


Nov 13, 2007
If this is not enough talk to Dave Weagle the mastermind of E13 and Evil and Ironhorse and Indy Fab.Brad told Dave that he could make frames for him ,Dave sends material and money to Brad and the frames never get made , Dave has to threaten legal action for the material back and money .
I don't think this is entirely true. You’re referring to the Sovereign. Which Brad helped with some of the geometry and the prototype. An issue came up a manufacturer was to be selected. I believe Brad(and a few others) was under the impression that Nemesis would be doing the production. Kensis is the one who makes the frame.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 17, 2006
I'm not taking sides here... just observing that this is a classic "contract" dispute.

Some of the typical terms of a contract are: 1) the specs of the item being built 2) the price 3) time of payment 4) time of delivery. (Other terms too).

It seems that in this case, all of these contract items may have been vague, misunderstood, or just breached.

1) THE SPECS -- Pressfit headset & Euro BB ? Were those essential, or just a request "if you can do it." etc. Was it clear that an Internal HS and Spanish BB would not also be acceptable? I agree that it should be delivered as promised, but that might not have been as clear to start with. (Or maybe it was !)

2) THE PRICE -- Was it a fixed price or a price with flexibility depending on Brad's costs ? Spell it out ahead of time in the contract. Good communication prevents these types of issues.

3) TIME OF PAYMENT -- All the money up front before Seller starts fabrication, or installment/progress payments, or payment only on delivery of acceptable product ?

4) TIME OF DELIVERY -- Another essential item in any contract. How definite or flexible is it ? If it is definite, what happens if the seller can't deliver by the date ? If it is flexible, what is a reasonable amount of time ? Should be in the contract.

Handshake or verbal agreements still count as contracts under law, but there are advantages to writing it all down up front.


Apr 8, 2007
Cranbrook BC
After reading this thread, I feel that I need to express my opinion on this situation.

When buying a product, especially a custom made product, I couldn't imagine paying for it in full without progress pictures, that being said, Eric did have a good chunk as a down payment (a $500 deposit) in turn expecting pictures and a progress report. It seems to me that Brad has been dodging sending the pictures to Eric, for whatever reason Brad may have. As stated before, you can clearly see that the picture Brad posted up was not infact Eric's frame.

I would like to say that I am not on a side in this debate. I do know Eric on a friendship basis, I haven't done any business with him, nor has he asked me to post in this thread. I do not know Brad or much information on Nemesis Project Bikes and their business practices. Therefore I can not have a solid opinion on the topic at hand.

To me, it boils down to this, Eric paid for a frame and expected progress pictures and news of it's completion. Brad regretted to post said pictures and progress of the frame. In turn after a substantial amount of time Eric simply stated that he does not want to deal with it anymore, and just wants his $500 back; which Brad is refusing to return.

I think that Brad shound refund Eric's $500, and we can put this to rest. People can move on with their lives and put this all behind them.


Sep 14, 2005
San Diego / London
I see a lot of your complaints, and they are valid. But you need to leave them at that, list your complaint and be done with it. DO not fill in the lines with your own thoughts, assumptions, stories, tales, lies and/or exaggerations. You are on the internet telling everyone, really assuming with words like "At this point I think it is fairly obvious that my frame doesn't exist at all". What the hell kind of thing is that to say unless you are trying to rally the audience behind your cause?.
While everything you typed sounds eerily similar to something that one Brad Hodges would write - there's not much harm in giving you the benefit of the doubt until an IP check can sort everything out.

What's quoted above is the only valid point I can salvage from your post. You are right that the only reason I posted something on here was to rally the audience behind my cause. I couldn't get the man who's definately holding onto my money and supposedly onto my frame to even acknowledge that I had tried contacting him repeatedly on multiple occasions.

At this point it is fairly obvious to assume that my frame doesn't exist. The one picture that Brad has used to try and prove his sincerity throughout this whole ordeal turned out to be blatantly bogus. Brad has never had any trouble posting pics before, be it to show off new colors he's offering, his personal rides, other customer bikes, whatever. Suddenly he can't come up with a legitimate picture in four and a half months? It takes little stretching of the imagination to assume my frame just straight up doesn't exist.

You reiterate over and over the people are ignoring facts; well the one fact you seem to have overlooked yourself is:

I've offered to pay the remainder multiple times if you could just show me ANY proof of actually having some product to exchange for my money.
I even went as far as to take a screenshot of one of the many emails sent to Brad which state exactly what is written above. It's kind of hard to overlook the fact that all my offers have gone unanswered, and the first time Brad actually pays any mind to my complaint is when it surfaces in a public forum.

Why drag this out any longer? Just give me my money back and let's truly have a reasonable resolution.

It doesn't get any more reasonable than that.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
im trying to stay out of this but a few thing:

first i ride for nemesis project and talk to brad all the time about everything that is going on, have been doing so since september/october of 06. so take that as what you will.

second brad's has had an excellent track record, hundreds of frames, forks, bars and stems have made there way just fine to people in the past few years.

third, Eric has pulled this **** all over the net before. There have been threads about it on other sites.

fourth, Its seems that these "mishaps" that have occurred have only been with very custom bikes ie the chrome pimp ship. That bike required so much work that no one originally thought it would take to complete.

Brad has told me multiple times since god knows when about eric not paying for the rest of his frame. Brad has complained to ME multiple times about trying to contact eric through email, phone, and friends to get the rest of the money but with no such luck. Brad told me a while ago that if he didn't finish paying for it, he was going to hang it in storage until he did finish paying for it. even if it was 5 years down the road. lots of custom road bike companies do this. you can take someone to court if you pay part for a custom bike, they make it, sell it to someone else without your permission, and then pay you for the rest.

This is completely blown out of proportion and everyone needs to ****ing relax and let brad and eric deal with it. The picture **** throws me off, but im not worried about it.

note: i have nothing to gain from this no matter where it goes. i am just reporting what i have heard, and what i believe has happened over the past few months. I have never asked for pics of my bike, or parts, from anyone i have ever purchased from or ridden for but i could see how someone would. Like i said everyone let them deal with it for Christs sake


Sep 14, 2005
San Diego / London
third, Eric has pulled this **** all over the net before. There have been threads about it on other sites.
I'm going to have to ask for some sort of proof or link on this one because I really have no idea about what you're referring to?

So far throughout this thread I've been the only one who's been able to back up any/all of the statements I've made - I'm not quite sure that "this ****" that I'm pulling is, or how I've pulled it before, so I'm interested in what you have to offer.

everyone needs to ****ing relax and let brad and eric deal with it. The picture **** throws me off, but im not worried about it.
I was all for just Eric and Brad dealing with it, but it's difficult when only one party is willing to participate and openly communicate.

If he's really built the bike, what is the big deal of showing one of the many pics he's promised? How is this even an issue?


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
This is completely blown out of proportion and everyone needs to ****ing relax and let brad and eric deal with it. The picture **** throws me off, but im not worried about it.
Well, if I had $500 into a frame that was delayed multiple times, I'd want some proof that it was ready to ship before i gave him any more money as well dude. I really don't think a digital photo is a huge thing to ask or unreasonable, and in this case it would resolve the whole issue.

Hell, Orange sends me pics of custom team bikes being built just for kicks.

It just seems really sketchy to me that no photo of said frame has been produced. It would have shut this thread down instantly if it had shown up, as then it would be clear who owed who what.
Sep 20, 2007
Champaign, IL
All I know is that I got my fork from him, on time, as promised, and in the exact shape as it was described. I'm happy and have no reason to ever bash NemPro. Brad's a good guy in my book.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
Now...I will for sure direct people as far away from NemPro as I can get them.
Gaaah. I really didn't want to contribute to this sh#tstorm, but that is just a plain irresponsible and irrational position. There are 2 people involved with a dispute here, which may or may not have any merit whatsoever.

The responsible thing for the moderators to do would have been to lock and sticky this horrorshow until the parties came to some kind of conclusion. Posting a "bad seller" thread as a means of coercion and manipulation is just, because I can't think of a better way to put it, cheesy as hell.

I have no idea what actually occurred here, no vested interest either way, but things like the fundamental power imbalance of the whole situation bums me out enough to scrawl this diatribe.

We have due-process in this country. We don't need lynch mobs.

Eric may or may not be owed something here, but it isn't the business of the collective internet mountainbike community to act as a coercive element on his behalf.

At most frame shops (including my own) a deposit for a custom frame is very clearly non-refundable. I have no idea what Nemesis's policy is, california state law, Verbal Contract, ad. infinitum, and frankly I don't care.

$1150 for a whole boatload of Profile stuff and a custom frame is, to put it bluntly, a hell of deal. That is obviously far, far below retail, and I'm sure That Mr Sokolowski could have made plenty of money selling off those profile parts that he got so very, very cheaply, likely at least half of his deposit, which in most shops would have been non-refundable to begin with!

Yes, there seem to have been many gaffes (some of heart-wrenching naivete) and mis-steps on Nemesis's part on the "Public Relations Front" relating to this matter, but this manipulative campaign being waged in the annals of the internet messageboard culture by the complainant is not following civilized rules of engagement in the business, or ethical world.

I would expect more from a CPA student.

Parties involved (including now, "moderators" and vindictive bystanders),

For the love of fair commerce, of 2 wheels, and fairness, people, whatever axes you may have to grind with either party, no matter what your underlaying allegiances may point you too, take your conflict into the realm of real discourse and not internet subterfuge, editive gerrymandering, and thinly veiled passive-aggressiveness.

Mediated, impartial dialogue transforms conflicts.

This has certainly turned into anything but, including a crass and callous turkey shoot, one that lowers the class of anyone who fires an accusatory missive in either direction....


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Mickey, this isn't the first time this same business person has been involved in the exact same kind of dispute. There is a reason not too many people are surprised.

Additionally, if I were to order a frame from you and i had a deposit in, it took months of delay and then you told me I owed more money, I am pretty sure you'd be quick to deliver a photo of said frame when I asked for it.
....What about the numerous occasions of excellent customer service posted by other members of RM? Nope - those were quickly shot down by WCH. Why did he shoot them down?...
seems fair i should share my negative experience that went down similar to the OP. considering, as you say, there are other valid praises of his tactics...

peronally, i would love to go back in time, taken a different route and not had to deal with the circumstances. i was warned beforehand as well and still went ahead. if there were as many other situations then, like the ones that are coming to the surface now, i would have certainly steered clear and never been left with the disdain and the memory of what a hassle he became...


Sep 14, 2005
San Diego / London
Gaaah. I really didn't want to contribute to this sh#tstorm...
While I'd actually really enjoy the chance to sit down and discuss the current socio-political landscape of the times in which we live with you, now is neither the time nor the place I'm afraid - so until we get that chance, there's only a few things I'll touch on that you brought up in your post.

You begin your arguments by stating
I have no idea what actually occurred here
yet you continue less than a paragraph later with
$1150 for a whole boatload of Profile stuff and a custom frame is, to put it bluntly, a hell of deal. That is obviously far, far below retail, and I'm sure That Mr Sokolowski could have made plenty of money selling off those profile parts that he got so very, very cheaply, likely at least half of his deposit
And ever so gently make the implication that I've sold the Profile parts off for profit? I'm not sure how you go about defining your terms, but to me paying $600 for two hubs and a set of cranks is neither a "hell of a deal" nor is it a "boatload" of parts.

I sold off most everything that I owned prior to this transaction as on my budget of a tight disposable income I couldn't justify keeping around copious amounts of parts and/or frames. My intentions have been the same since day 1, to purchase a new frame and the components to go with it - and like I mentioned previously, to Brad's/Profile's/and the United Parcel Service's credit, I did recieve the parts I paid for. It's the lack of a frame or proof thereof that I take issue with, and that's exactly what this thread is about.

Mediated, impartial dialogue transforms conflicts.
You and I both know that you need two active participants to have a dialogue. I'm sad to say as "cheesy" as this thread is in your eyes, it has been the only effective means of getting something remotely close to a dialogue for the first time in months. Since the beginning I have stated that I would like to settle this between Brad and myself, but after what turned into months of getting ignored, I see no problem in gaining attention through means of a public forum.

That is what it's here for after all.

It's a say day when a business who's entire livelihood is founded upon customer service believes that it can ignore it's problems until they go away.

I for one don't intend to fade on my position anytime soon.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
how many custom builders the size of Nemisis have perfect track records? i can't think of one. how often to people post up when things go as planned? rarely.
Actually, in the 5+ years I've been on these forums, I've seen a bunch of custom builders come and go, and not one has raised the kind of ire that Nemesis has. I mean, Sideways may have started a lot of arguments on these forums, but not a single argument was about whether or not someone's Endless Lifetime frame was actually in existence, or questioning if they were getting screwed. We've seen virtually all of Evil's growth years on this board, and no matter what the delays or problems, nobody has ever questioned their business practices.

It's simple: those people were honest and open with the problems. Manufacturing delays happen, but if communication channels are kept open, people get regular updates on their items, and everything that's said is truthful (which is clearly not the case here), then there is no reason to drag a fight out into public like this.

Let's leave Strauss out of this. While his dialog was a little over the top, both of his IP addresses are sourced many hundreds of miles away from Brad and neither show up as open proxies.

Seems like most everything that was relating to the off-topic fixie side conversation was nipped out to keep everything clean from what I can see?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Parties involved (including now, "moderators" and vindictive bystanders)
You make several good points, as usual, however just for the record, this is of concern to moderators, because it appears at least possibly that a RM member ripped off another RM member. If that somehow turns out not to be the case, we will clean up the threads. Until then, we are waiting, like everyone else, for Nemesis to come up with a valid story.


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003

And why shouldn't it be hashed out here? He uses these forums to advertise and shape the image of his company. It is his responsibility to handle the good and the bad in a professional manner if he wants that image to be positive.
100% agreed and why I support the open thread. If some of you defenders out there want this thread closed then the mods should have closed/deleted Brad's spam too.

I commend Sokoloka on the manner in which he has handled all of this, including many of the replies in here to which I never would have been able to keep as even-toned as he has. Good luck Sok!

And good luck Brad. You have some very reasonable people in here hoping you see the light and own this wrong - then right it.


Jan 4, 2008
Let me preface the following post by saying that this is so long that most of you won’t read it, and I spent entirely too long writing it. It’s an attempt to clear up the facts of this situation so that the readers of this forum can form their own opinions based on more complete information, although my own opinion does sneak in at times. If that doesn’t interest you, you’d do well to skip this, but for those of you who do take the time to read it, I hope you get something useful out of it.

Hello all,

Some of you may know me from other internet forums or from riding with me, my name is Garson Fields, and if you check out the email that Eric took a screen shot of, you’ll notice that it was CC’d to my email address, gfields(at)uvm.edu. I have been an observer of sorts because I know both Brad and Eric. Because of this, I’ve spent the past month and change getting CC’d every bit of email correspondence between the two of them, as well as talking to them both about this situation on many occasions. Those of you who know me may know that I have had my issues with Brad, and that I stopped riding for Nemesis Project after about a year because I didn’t want to be involved in some of the drama that was following Brad around at the time. Despite that, I still consider Brad one of my good friends. I’ve known Eric through email correspondence for over a year now, and have never had any issues with him. I’ve been in contact with both of them throughout this whole process, and I think that some things need to be cleared up, because this is turning into a “he said, she said,” battle with a bunch of under informed people spouting off their opinions on the matter and I believe that I’m the only one in a position to set the story straight, because I’m the only one other than Eric and Brad who has been involved in this situation since the beginning, and I don’t have a stake in its outcome.
Basic timeline: Eric ordered a frame some time in early July, and was supposed to have the frame by August 15th, a deadline he decided on for reasons involving his school schedule. From here, the details become less clear. Brad called me around the middle of September, asking if I had heard from Eric. Brad knows that Eric and I exchange emails occasionally. He told me that Eric had ordered a custom frame and hadn’t finished paying for it, and he couldn’t get in touch with Eric by phone or email. In this phone conversation, which again took place in mid September, Brad told me that the bike was done, and had tried to tell Eric that it was done but was getting no response. An email that I got from Eric on November 8th, over two months after the conversation with Brad, informed me that until November, the last time that Eric had been in touch with Brad was August 15th. An email that was CC’d to me on November 3rd by Eric says the date of their last correspondence was September 2nd. This discrepancy is a mundane detail, but in the interest of accuracy, I think that I should include both dates. According to the November 8th email, in August, Eric had, “asked him what the delay was this time, his response was that ‘he was waiting to weld on the cable guides before he could send it to clear’ - a little fishy considering we had agreed that there would be no cable guides on the frame that I ordered.” I asked Eric why it is that if he was talking to Brad on the phone like he told me he was, I don’t understand why he didn’t just remind Brad that he didn’t want cable guides, and the issue would have been settled then and there. Eric attempted to rationalize his silence on the matter, by giving me a round about answer involving giving Brad “the benefit of the doubt” which made literally no sense, and led me to believe that Eric was trying to talk around my question, although for what reason, I do not know. Furthermore, Brad has told me that the only remark he ever made to Eric involving cable guides was a phone message he left in late September, to which he got no response, in which he told Eric that if he didn’t hear from him, he was considering welding cable guides onto the frame he ordered and sending it to a different customer. I do remember Brad telling me that either in September or October and saying he had no plans of doing that, but he said it to hopefully get some sort of response from Eric, who at this point was hadn’t been heard from in about anywhere between three weeks and a two months, depending on which date of their last phone conversation is actually correct, and when this conversation between Brad and I occurred. I find the scenario of the phone message more believable than this comment being made during the course of a phone conversation. So there is a window of time from the August 15th/September 2nd, again depending on which date is correct, to November 2nd in which Brad tried numerous times to contact Eric to tell him his bike was done, and to which Brad got no response at all. Until November 2nd, it appeared as though Eric had simply abandoned this bike that was almost completely paid for, and then when he resurfaced on November 2nd, he told Brad that the bike had taken too long and that he wanted a full refund of his deposit.

This is too long, so it's continued below


Jan 4, 2008
For a little over a month, Brad and Eric have been in a textbook stale mate. Eric still owes Brad $150 for the frame, and Brad still hasn’t sent Eric pictures which he asked for, and which Eric claims Brad promised to send him. The first record that I have of Eric’s request for photos was in an email sent on November 25th, almost three weeks after his first email to Brad after resuming contact with him. If a previous request was made for photos, it was made no later than August 15th/September 2nd. Eric has good reason, to be skeptical about sending the remainder of the money in light of the fact that Brad has not produced photos a month after Eric’s first request for photos since he resumed communication with Brad, and Brad clearly has no reason to send a bike that isn’t fully paid for, as I know that he’s been burned in situations like that in the past. Given that Eric seemed to have already given up on wanting the bike, judging by his decision to not respond to any of Brad’s attempts to contact him for close to months, then coming back with the attitude that the bike has taken too long and he now wants a refund, I’m not surprised that Brad isn’t bending over backwards to dig a frame out of an off site storage locker, where I’ve been told that it’s been sitting to keep it from taking up space in the shop, to take a picture of it and appease Eric. Like I said, textbook stalemate.
To be honest, I think both of them are to blame in this situation. On the one hand, I personally have been asking Brad to send Eric photos of his bike for about a month; since before Eric’s request for photos on November 25th. Now I have known Brad to say things were ready to ship when they weren’t done, which has caused me personally a couple of headaches over the years. At the same time, I can only think of three times in the past four or five years that I’ve known Brad that this has happened. Two of those cases turned into well publicized nightmares due to a lack of willingness to compromise, and the third was resolved amicably. Brad has been telling me since August that the frame was done, and I would be sincerely surprised even if he was fudging the details a bit then if he hadn’t finished the frame by now. Regardless, like I said, I’ve been asking him to send Eric pictures to put an end to this nonsense, but to no avail, and that really is starting to piss me off. A simple picture, as many people pointed out, would have placed the ball firmly in Eric’s court, and I wouldn’t have to write this novella that most of you won’t bother to read in an attempt to clear the air. Furthermore, I’m not exactly psyched that I got dragged into this situation to begin with, but it’s water over the dam at this point.
On the other hand, I think that Eric has done a damn good job of twisting the story around to make himself seem like an innocent victim of a scam, when that’s really not the case. Like I said already, after paying most of what he owed for the frame, Eric dropped off the face of the earth for close to three months, not resurfacing until November 2nd. In that period of time, Eric declined to respond to any of Brad’s attempts to contact him. Brad has a business to run, and really can’t be wasting all of his time in pursuit of non-paying customers who refuse to respond to his calls. After refusing to contact Brad for nearly three months, Eric is now saying that the bike wasn’t ready when he wanted it to be, and that the fact that he doesn’t have it is Brad’s fault. This is an absurd claim, when Brad clearly had no responsibility to send Eric a bike that wasn’t paid for, and since Eric refused to return any of Brad’s correspondence, even if Brad didn’t get the frame done by the August 15th deadline that Eric set, there were still almost three months where Eric essentially decided to voluntarily not finish paying for the frame, and hence not take delivery on it, which makes it almost entirely Eric’s fault that three months after the deadline, he still didn’t have the frame he ordered.
The long and the short of this is that Eric caused this problem by not paying the remainder of what he owed on a bike, then ceasing all communication for nearly 3 months, and then rather than sending Eric a picture to protect himself from the possible backlash in this situation, Brad made it worse by ignoring those requests and just demanding that Eric send him the remainder of what he owed so he could get the bike off his hands. Now, Eric is pretty much attempting to strong arm Brad into giving him $500 back by bashing him on a public forum and hoping that Brad decides the bad publicity is no longer worth continuing this battle and gives in. Given the stalemate he was in, that seems like it was Eric’s only available move, well, short of sending Brad the remainder of the money that he owes. Brad has managed to embarrass himself thoroughly and make himself look really shady. I would give him more ****, but he seems to be getting enough without my help. On the other hand, Eric is being completely dishonest about this whole situation to try to make this an issue of him not getting pictures of a frame, when it’s quite clear that the real issue is that he doesn’t want the frame he ordered and is now trying to weasel his way out of paying for it, and is trying to blame the fact that Brad has not produced photos for his own change of heart so he can avoid looking like the bad guy. Eric, if you can’t see that you bear a huge burden of responsibility in this situation, you are in denial. Brad, send Eric some photos, and post them up on here. I’d rather not give you some arbitrary deadline that I think is appropriate, seeing as I know you have a business to run, but if you could do it some time this weekend, I’m sure we would all appreciate it. I have no reason to believe the frame is not done; all you’re doing by dragging it out is making yourself look bad.
Just for the record, I’m not writing this open letter to give my own opinion on the situation. I’m doing this in response to the amount of word twisting and half truths that have been spread in this thread. If you read all of this and still think that Eric deserves a refund, then that’s fine. If you still think Brad’s shady, that’s fine too, given the way he’s conducted himself, I can’t really blame you. Regardless, I simply cannot stand by and watch people form opinions based on incomplete information any longer, especially when I’m literally the only third party involved who has any grasp on what actually happened.

Garson Fields

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I got about two thirds of the way through that massive block of text and quit.

There were at least half a dozen irrelevant points brought up in the part that I read, and there's absolutely no reason it needs to be that long. You may have good points, you may not, I don't know... but in order for them to be useful, people have to read it, and people will not read that.

Sorry. RE: one valid issue that I read, if the sticking point is the pictures, then nobody should even care why Eric wants pictures, just send him a damn photo.

I'm not sure if you understand here, though. It doesn't always matter who's right. All a small business has is their reputation - if you lose that, you're done. So sometimes you need to make the customer happy, regardless of what you think of them. That might mean a refund. That might mean sending pictures when you think it's just a futile run-around. That might mean posting a patient, reasoned and intelligent response on a message board when you think it's a private matter. Sometimes you have to suck it up and fix the problem, not stubbornly insist that you're right and everyone else should adjust themselves accordingly.

With numerous complaints about Nemesis on these board, they have lost business. Period. Even if, by some off chance, Brad was fully in the right each time.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
It seems there has been some confusion about production photos of a custom frame built for Eric S. posted on the RideMonkey webfourm earlier this week , First off after the confusion of referring to the wrong frame it's a little hard to go back and say .. Oops it's the one to the left.
First off please let me apologies for not being able to give the thread on ridemoneky all the attention it deserved this week , I have just signed the Lease to our first true production facility and dealing with Landlords , Contractors and electricians all week has taken up all of my available time, some of you might understand tenant improvements can be a real PITA.

I was however was able this morning to drive to my Storage Locker , where the Frame in question has been in Storage for the past 5+ months since it's completion.
There has been some confusion in a He said She said sort of manor on the Net forums , I personally am not going to go through each of Eric's blatant lie's and try to defend myself. I will let a mutual friend and impartial voice of reason Garson Fields post his current time line of event's and let the reader and end Nemesis Project customer make their own educated decision .
During this entire process / sale to Eric I knew something was up , so after learning from prior mistakes I CC'd all correspondence to a mutual friend of both Eric's and mine Garson Fields some of you may remember him as Garson413 when he was actively posting in the Urban/DJ bike forums . I asked Garson to review these Emails and make is honest judgment on his feeling . He will be posting these on RideMonkey shortly.

I will take a few lines to comment on the direct claims dealing with the public matter of this sale , as it refers to our company policy here at Nemesis Project cycles .
This was and has been clearly discussed and explained to Eric many times .
We do not send out product before it is 100% paid in full, nor do we once accepting a deposit for a custom frame refund said deposit once said frame has been completed and is ready for delivery.
If the customer does not choose to take deliver of said product it is shelved and the customer receives a open invoice for the product until it is paid off, this is done as a courtesy to the customer so they can take the time to finish paying for their product.
We in turn eat the time , cost of labor and materials until this invoice is paid off.

In Eric's case I had been in direct contact with him up until his sisters wedding , were he stated he would be transferring final payment out for his discounted custom frame.
Shortly after this is when we lost contact with Eric , His frame had been ready for delivery for several weeks prior.
I personally had left several very sincere messages for Eric , both letting him know his frame was ready for delivery , and also with our concern for his person well being as he had basically dropped off the face of the planet for the 2+ months prior to this point.
A few weeks before this I made a point to inform mutual friend of both Eric and I Garson Fields of all interaction with Eric and started CC'ing Garson ALL correspondence as record for a situation just like this.

During this unfortunate situation i have tried to contact Eric personally many times , with no response .
I have also Emailed him 4 very generous offers in getting his $500 deposit refunded , at this point he replied with blatant threats toward me and my company's good name. Since Eric is not willing to accept both our company policy and our offers of peaceful resolution we take this as a matter of principle and as company owner of Nemesis Project I choose to stand my ground . People have attacked Nemesis Project as being a shady business but I say please let my current list of clients I am building custom bikes speak for it self.
Disney Block-28
Mark Arcnel , Fat Lace owner and NIKE Global brand manager

Eric's custom RAW Secret Agent frame , press fit headset , euro BB no cable guides as ordered is pictured below , outside my storage locker were it has sat for the past 5+ months , please refer to current issues of Sacramento BEE and USA Today for date . Eric's frame has been ready for delivery since the date requested by Eric , and at anytime when he is ready to complete payment for the remaining balance on invoice his frame is ready to ship .

Thank you
Brad Hodges
Owner / Frame builder
Nemesis Project cycles


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Wow. By far the most well-spoken, reasonable and professional post I've seen from Nemesis.

Brad, if that had been the second post of this thread, that's as far as it ever would have gotten.

Thread locked. Either party may PM me if there is information to be added to it.
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