
SDSU Sponsorship


Dec 9, 2003
San Diego, CA
Hey Everybody,

I'm working on the Team Kits for the SDSU Cycling and Tri Team for the 010-011 Season, so I'm asking everybody if they know anyone interested in sponsoring the SDSU Team to have them contact me or one of the SDSU officers. I'd like to get sponsors finalized asap so that art can be put on there jersey and have it all ready for the Fall season.

Take it easy,


p.s. I've also attached a couple of images of the XC and DH jersey for you guys to have an idea of what everything will look like. They will be available to pre-order once the design is finalized. All proceeds will of course go to the SDSU Team.



May 6, 2003
Framingham, MA
As someone that has been the sponsorship coordinator for a collegiate team i'll give you this advice:

Sponsorship acquisition works mostly in the other direction. YOU have to send in sponsorship applications to the companies you are interested in as sponsors for the team. Saying "hey who wants to sponsor us?!" doesnt really attract sponsors because they want to know that a.) you are interested in promoting THEIR brand and not just whoever you can get, and b.) can provide them with some sort of return on their 'investment'. This is where a well thought out/written sponsorship application comes into play.

Sponsorships usually go in during the fall/winter.