

<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
IH8Rice didn't give me dick for a list, which for me made it even more fun.

I had to do some work on who he was, but I think what I sent him, asian porn wrapping paper and all, was right down the line.

We're all riders here, and ya kinda know what we're into. Beer, porn, bike sh!t, strange and offensive t-shirts, not catching herpes, all good stuff.

Is this really that hard? Can I be next year's "SS Angel of Death" from RM? No gift = pedal wrench to the skull.


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
I, however, had a much harder time buying gifts this year. I think that maybe there should be a stricter guideline for what get put on each "Wish List."

I'm still in for next year!:thumb:
It takes some of the surprise out of it by sending a wish list and it is a bit harder without one (my elf didn't include one), however, after all of the brain wracking I did this year to come up with a gift I thought my elf would appreciate, it was a lot more personal and I got a warm fuzzy feeling when it was appreciated. With that in mind I was not planning to send a list next year and just roll the dice.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Oh I hope I get you next year, you're getting a box of coal.

Seriously though, I see your point but I think Stosh has done what he can to prevent flakes from joining however it has happened. Note though that we're not talking about deposits from everyone, just first-timers.
When I say "it's not so bad" I mean that there are people here to make up for it and with the number of participants, the cost is pretty marginal to make up for one guy not getting a gift.

I definitely don't think it's okay that someone gets shafted. But we can fix it :thumb:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
No pissing ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think we have a good plan for next year and some great ideas!!!

Thanks everybody.


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
When I say "it's not so bad" I mean that there are people here to make up for it and with the number of participants, the cost is pretty marginal to make up for one guy not getting a gift.

I definitely don't think it's okay that someone gets shafted. But we can fix it :thumb:
I think I missed a smiley or some <sarcasm> tags but really, I see your point and I'm not strongly for one or the other but like you, if the rules change so be it, it won't bother me or change my participation.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Stosh - thanks again for coordinating all of this. IMO each year it actually gets better and better.

I really enjoyed participating again and had fun picking out stuff for my elf. I think each year I've tried different "approaches" to my gifts and it has been fun.

Keep up the good work!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Stosh - thanks again for coordinating all of this. IMO each year it actually gets better and better.

I really enjoyed participating again and had fun picking out stuff for my elf. I think each year I've tried different "approaches" to my gifts and it has been fun.

Keep up the good work!
Ahhh thats what I like. I love when people research their elfs.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Stosh - thanks again for coordinating all of this. IMO each year it actually gets better and better.

I really enjoyed participating again and had fun picking out stuff for my elf. I think each year I've tried different "approaches" to my gifts and it has been fun.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks Stosh.

As far as how to make things better, I don't really know. Like I said before, I wouldn't even really care if there was some reason, this isn't a life-changing event, its supposed to be fun! I just wanted to know that I can stop checking my mailbox every day. :clue:
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
FWIW... I'm against banning booze from the SS program. BUT! It seems as if an RM beer exchange may be developing. If the beer exchange does indeed happen, I'd have no issue with banning beer from the SS.


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
Eammon, I just popped the first Pilsner - it is beyond excellent, thank you again for a whoop-assed SS package!
I popped the top on one of these last night and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. It poured with a nice thick head that fell pretty readily but left some nice lacing that clung to the sides of the glass as I drank it. The balance between the malt and hops was right on for my taste. I've never had a commercial imperial pilsner to compare against and this recipe was one of my own creations. It was remarkably easy to drink but I felt that if I had two or three I'd know it.

IAB don't worry, I set aside a couple for you.


Oct 2, 2009
T Bay
I'm going to guess that this will take a lot of people out of it. The hassle of requiring a Paypal account, sending and receiving money, plus if anyone sells through their account they lose a few percent during the transaction, and adding an additional $30 "cost" (though temporary) to the whole deal...

So what'd we have? We had one member completely fail to send a gift. We had one other member send a crap gift, but still a gift.

I would say as long as consequences are enforced, it's not so bad. I'm not sure there's a great way to prevent this without also making participation substantially more difficult.

Just my $0.02 - but if everyone wants a deposit, then a deposit it shall be!
The deposit would only be for NEW participants.
I absolutely agree with Binary on this, even though maybe opinion probably does not matter.

Next year I would like to participate, but I don't feel I should have to make a deposit to participate. Why paint me with the same brush as the dbags who didn't send a gift.

I guess guilty until proven innocent.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I like the 21+ idea but not sure if we need to do a deposit...I'm on the fence. Shipping to Canada is just as easy as shipping to the US so that's cool too.

As for not knowing your SS...that's part of the fun. Do some searches, see who they chat with and ask for assistance if you need it. I didn't know my elf, but I choose from his list and added some things that I thought went along with it. I wasn't 100% sure about age so I didn't send beer (just an opener and pink glass :busted: ) Be creative. It's all in good fun.
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Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I've never participated and am quite drunk at the moment, so take this with a grain of salt. The SS this year has been fun to observe and one MIA present and one marginally good taste present are pretty limited casualties. Keep it simple and encourage new participants to what is a uniquely genuine holiday activity.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I was first to get my gift out, and I would have loved to get a box of wacky **** from Archie McPhee.

If you have no sense of humor, or really need to "come up" on gifts through an internet SS, then you're prolly an idiot.

Will I participate again? Take a wild ****ing guess...


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
Looking for some feedback on the event this year.

First off the gifts get better every year. I love how thoughtful some people are and how much time they put into wrapping etc.... Good job to all of you with the few exceptions.

Please feel free to respond here or via PM or e-mail at rmsecretesanta at gmail .com

I'm always looking to improve and streamline the event.
-International Shipping: There will no longer be truly international shipping aside from Canada. I'm leaning towards saying that all who enter must be willing to ship to Canada. Is the cost of shipping to Canada prohibitive or does it make a difference?

-For new contestants should I require a security deposit? I know this is crazy but the people who don't follow through are always the newbies to the event. Any suggestions?

PS. PLEASE don't make this a pissing match just looking for quality feedback.


Maybe bump up the post count on people who sign up for the event - maybe 1000 post. Doing a deposit would suck - and I can only think it would be with paypal and that 3%

Shipping to Canada would stink as well for people that like to send beer and such. It already cost a ton to ship

again JMO

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
I really don't mind shipping to Canada, though I haven't in the past. Last year I wracked my brains to pick a gift for my list. This year I just let the dice roll, and was ecstatic when a package from Narlus arrived.

I agree with the 21+ requirement, but I'm on the fence about a deposit for 1st timers.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I enjoyed participating very much but got a complex when my SS gift wasn't photographed or described and then... I didn't photograph what I relieved either so I'm a bit of a hypocrite on that one.

I personally could have used another week - I had difficulty finding the number one item on my list and had to go back and research posts for another ideas.

I am against any restrictions other than age, I feel participants should be 21, particularly if beer is involved.

I would participate in an RM Beer exchange if I knew the recipient was over 21. I don't have access to any home brews but there is one (yes, only one) market in Butte that sells a variety of interesting beer. Everyone should taste Moose Drool at least one in their lives. :)

EDIT: No deposit - its an unnecessary layer of complexity that would be hard to administer. One deadbeat a year is pretty good odds - I say there should be a participation requirement of 2 rep points, red or green, either way. :)
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Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Ok discussion over.

This gave me a good feeling of how people view the event.

Next year Secret Santa:
-21 and over only, if you don't won't any type of Alcohol there will be a space to opt out of it.

-I will create a PDF Form so that all the typical information will be included. Every year people want to know sizes of hats or gloves, etc... etc... so I think this will help.

-No deposit for first timers however the Join date and or Post count will be revised.

I'm glad that people are ok with the fact that only one person got stiffed. I really try for 100% and it aggravates me to no end to know that someone got stiffed. Typically the mods step in to help out but I don't like that they have to do that from year to year. The idea of the deposit was to help them out more than anything.

Thanks for all the advice and every year I think Secret Santa gets better!!


Aug 3, 2008
Quebec city, Quebec, Canada

Maybe bump up the post count on people who sign up for the event - maybe 1000 post. Doing a deposit would suck - and I can only think it would be with paypal and that 3%

Shipping to Canada would stink as well for people that like to send beer and such. It already cost a ton to ship

again JMO
I vote against all of that.

1- My GF is way under 1000 post and she did pretty good for the last 2 year, in fact, better than me who have a lot more post than she did. Not sure on deposit tough, but in the same time, I don't like the Mods having to "pay" for someone's gift he didn't received from is Elf...

2-We ship FROM canada each and every time we enter, it's 100% chance for us, this year, you had 2 chance on 30 + to have to send to Canada, much better than us. And for your personnal info, we like beer but not that much, we can live pretty good with receiving something else... It cost us over 20$ each to ship our gift without any beer in them, and you???

As what would be nice for next year, More infos on our elf would be great, like T-shirt size and maybe a "general" list of thing we like, for exemple, I'm into scale modeling but never talk about it on RM, maybe my SS would have liked to know about that ...

21 over seem's to be a good idea.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I vote against all of that.

1- My GF is way under 1000 post and she did pretty good for the last 2 year, in fact, better than me who have a lot more post than she did. Not sure on deposit tough, but in the same time, I don't like the Mods having to "pay" for someone's gift he didn't received from is Elf...

2-We ship FROM canada each and every time we enter, it's 100% chance for us, this year, you had 2 chance on 30 + to have to send to Canada, much better than us. And for your personnal info, we like beer but not that much, we can live pretty good with receiving something else... It cost us over 20$ each to ship our gift without any beer in them, and you???

As what would be nice for next year, More infos on our elf would be great, like T-shirt size and maybe a "general" list of thing we like, for exemple, I'm into scale modeling but never talk about it on RM, maybe my SS would have liked to know about that ...

21 over seem's to be a good idea.

Do you like the model glue the best? Just kidding!!!
All your ideas are being used next year!!
You and your GF are some of the best participants and one of the MAIN reasons we continue to include Canada in Secret Santa. Keep it coming you guys are great!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Ok discussion over.

This gave me a good feeling of how people view the event.

Next year Secret Santa:
-21 and over only, if you don't won't any type of Alcohol there will be a space to opt out of it.

-I will create a PDF Form so that all the typical information will be included. Every year people want to know sizes of hats or gloves, etc... etc... so I think this will help.

-No deposit for first timers however the Join date and or Post count will be revised.

I'm glad that people are ok with the fact that only one person got stiffed. I really try for 100% and it aggravates me to no end to know that someone got stiffed. Typically the mods step in to help out but I don't like that they have to do that from year to year. The idea of the deposit was to help them out more than anything.

Thanks for all the advice and every year I think Secret Santa gets better!!
You may also want to ask about other hobbies/interests on the pdf so we can branch out. Bike stuff is nice, but it is the norm and it's cool to know that people are into other things too.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
This is a bike site.

I don't care what else you're into. Maybe its just me, but I agree with whomever said I don't feel like getting you a kung fu or women's fitness (unless its the hand job weight thing) video.

I would say that a 99% year is pretty good. If we all beat Igz with a cue ball filled dirty gym sock, would the aggrieved member of the group feel better?


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I would say that a 99% year is pretty good. If we all beat Igz with a cue ball filled dirty gym sock, would the aggrieved member of the group feel better?
I agree. 99% is a good year. Although 100% would be better, getting is only half of the deal and I know you dug your stuff. :thumb:
No need to beat Igz. Just let the mods deal with it, and the chips fall where they may.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Taking all of the fun out of being me. I'm really handy with a sock full of quarters...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
You may also want to ask about other hobbies/interests on the pdf so we can branch out. Bike stuff is nice, but it is the norm and it's cool to know that people are into other things too.
Yeah I'll incorporate that stuff as well.


Aug 26, 2009
Montreal, QC, Canada
Stosh, I had a lot of fun reading and watching what you guys have done for the SS. I would like to participate next year but things are looking bad for me. I dont have 1000 posts, and i joined RM mid 2009. If you plan to put a minimal post count or something like 2 years membershis i'm f*** .At least i'm 21.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Stosh, I had a lot of fun reading and watching what you guys have done for the SS. I would like to participate next year but things are looking bad for me. I dont have 1000 posts, and i joined RM mid 2009. If you plan to put a minimal post count or something like 2 years membershis i'm f*** .At least i'm 21.
Nothing is in stone yet.


Mar 14, 2005
can we do a secret easter bunny as a trial run for all the new rules?

I say leave it be.. you can't worry just because one person is irresponsible.. if he has been giving enough time to come through and he hasnt, a banishment is necessary