
See anything interesting at the polls?

Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
I just voted and got sick to my stomach because there was only one other person at the polling place who was under the age of forty. This reminds me why I need to move out of my part of the suburbs. It's too "old" for me.


Aug 17, 2004
I noticed that most of the people where I was were older too - I just figured that it was because I voted right @ 7am... old people are always up early.


Apr 4, 2002
I had a strange one:

I was at the polling place before 7, and they had us in one big line. When they opened and we got in the door they split us by last names into A-Ks and L-Zs. Not really unusual in my experience. But as it turned out, there weren't many L-Zs there at that hour of the morning, so they were having to move them up from the back of the line. Big whoop I and most of us figure -- that's the luck of the draw and we'll all get to vote eventually. I say most of us though, because these two azzholes, who unfortunately happened to be directly in front of me in line, started to get all pissed that people were getting in front of them. And they started to and continued to harrass the polling place volunteer (even took her name so they could call and complain). And saying nasty insulting things to the (several) people who told them to just relax and go with the flow. And neither of them would shut up for the entire half hour it took to get through the line! I seriously thought a fight was going to break out between these two dickheads and the more patient people around us.

Then, once we signed our names there were three voting booths and I picked the right line so I got to vote before either of the assholes. I felt like waving my "I voted" sticker in their faces and taunting them for being dicks.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
No surprise.

Older people vote in vastly larger numbers than youngsters. They take the time to do it while younger folk typically blow it off.

Remember this when there are non-presidential elections and local issues when the voter turn out precentage is in the low teens.

Everyone needs to vote.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
pixelninja said:
It was a good mix of ages where I voted.

Looked like mostly white collar professionals aged 30-50 where I voted, but it's a white collar town. All of the people working at the polling center were older folks, though.


Nov 11, 2001
Seattle, WA
We asked for an "I Voted" sticker, but they didn't have any. The volunteer said it was because someone thought it was unfair to others because of the quantites of votes cast or something stupid like that. :confused:

It's lame because I was stoked to get a cool sticker! Poop! :mumble:


Jun 20, 2004
standing at the edge of reason
I voted Saturday and the guy behind me looked like he was 15. There were a TON of young black voters - one guy with his parents who were asking him if he was excited that he was participating in government. There were people of all ages - it was really nice to see. I mean, how many people do you know who would stand in line for over two hours on a Saturday morning to vote? It was wonderful to see. I felt pretty upbeat about the diversity of the turnout.
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
bigginsis said:
I voted Saturday and the guy behind me looked like he was 15. There were a TON of young black voters - one guy with his parents who were asking him if he was excited that he was participating in government. There were people of all ages - it was really nice to see. I mean, how many people do you know who would stand in line for over two hours on a Saturday morning to vote? It was wonderful to see. I felt pretty upbeat about the diversity of the turnout.
Right on. My polling place was so honk it wasn't even funny. Maybe there were five Asian people, but the rest were just crusty whites, like me.


Oct 27, 2004
The County of Kings
Went this morning, and was told that I was at the wrong polling place, after being in line for an hour. My wife and I decided to wait and check with the older(ahem) woman who had the book with the names/district assignments in it. Turns out we were in the rigth place, but the gentleman who informed us we were at the wrong polling place was clueless, and had put us in the wrong district line. The woman running the other table let us cut in front of the line for our correct district, and, after a bunch of dirty looks and comments from the people in line, we voted, didn't get our stickers, but went on our way anyhow.
The things that I hear of going on in Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania soudn like they are verging on federal offenses.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 27, 2001
Avondale (Phoenix)
I was at the polling place where a mother and daughter both had filed for absentee ballots and wanted to not use them and vote in person, which you are supposed to be able to do, but of course they were also in the wrong place....

dh girlie

Echo said:
Weren't you class of 1984? :nope:

Yes...but I started kindergarten at 4! Funny, I used to get so bummed out as a kid being younger than everyone in class...I think I even lied about my age when I was 14 and all the kids in my class were turning 15! HAHA! How times change! I don't lie about my age yet, but it's certainly not out of the question in a few years!
All I can say is some people are absolutely frickin stupid. Be responsible, read the measures BEFORE you get to the polling place, verify your polling location BEFORE you show up. Sheez. Better yet, just register for an absentee ballot and avoid the whole waiting in line crap.

I dunno, I'm starting to warm to the idea of creating a manditory identification process to be put into place BEFORE you can cast a vote. Hell, you have to show ID for everything else in life, (well almost) yet one of the most important things, like voting for the President, requires no proof what so ever. :mumble:

Bah, it's gonna be worse than back in 2000. I seriously think the courts will end up deciding what votes actually get counted, thus by their decisions, deciding who gets elected.

My $.02
Brian HCM#1 said:
I didn't stand in on stinking line today, I voted absentee last week:thumb:
Good on ya Brian! Well, since I just moved about three weeks ago, I didn't get mine until Friday last week. I didn't want to risk my vote not being counted, so I went to the nearest polling place to drop my absentee ballot off this morning, check things out and get my uber cool "I Voted" sticker.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
wooglin said:
I had a strange one:
I felt like waving my "I voted" sticker in their faces and taunting them for being dicks.
damn, you got a sticker?

It was a mix of people at my polling place. not fun but it was quick & painless. a sticker would have been nice.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
What I think is ridiculous is that we don't automatically register every citizen when they turn 18. How hard can it be when your SSN is already in a database and most people have a drivers license? People are so f'ing lazy in this country that unless you remove every possible barrier to a responsible existence they will cry foul and stay home watching cops instead of voting.


dan-o said:
People are so f'ing lazy in this country that unless you remove every possible barrier to a responsible existence they will cry foul and stay home watching cops instead of voting.

Dammit - I coulda been watchin cops???


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
I went down after lunch and had an interesting experience. Went with my mom.
1. I noticed my brothers name on the list and asked my mom if he had voted absentee since he lives in Colorado. She "No", b/c he is now registered to vote there.
2. My dad and I have the same name, except that he has no middle name. I do. This confues the hell out of the old lady checking off name. I knes it would happen, so as soon as I saw our names on the list I said "The second one! Not my dad!" She just stared blankly at the list. 2 or 3 times she went to check off my dad, but stopped when I wold say "No!", and look at the list and me all confused. She eventually got it right.
3. Checking out did not go as well. As I was saying "No, the second Repack!" to the old man checking names where you turn the ballot in, he just got all confused and drew half an "X" through my dad's name.

This may be nit-picking, but I feel fine bitching about it b/c it should not have happened. People with that much responsibility should be capable. I know that the case of my dad and I and my brother did not make a difference, but it should not have happened. The old lady even crossed off my brothers name based on what my mom and I said, with no verrification of anything.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
dh girlie said:
People should not worry about how many people are out voting, they should be more worried about people voting 'educated-ly' rather than just showing up cuz it's cool to vote...

Like one guy I work with who walked in my office to announce he voted republican straight down the list and said he wanted to see WW3 break out because he was bored.

Yeah, I work with some Rednecks.


Feb 5, 2002
Orange County, CA
I voted in someone's garage. No seriously, my assigned polling place is at the Smith residence on 12 Deerfield Lane. I always thought that voting was held in some sort of official location, but apparently not in my part of Socal.

Next time I am going to start a proposition here in Cali that limits the number of propositions! I swear, I think we had 15 propositions, all of which you had to be a lawyer to understand :angry:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I appreciate the sentiment of "everyone should vote," but let's be honest here, think of all the stupid people you work with or see on a daily basis, and ask yourself, do you want these people deciding who your next president is going to be?

I hope everyone who can make a truly informed decision gets out there and votes. The rednecks who want to see WW3 break out simply because they're bored do not add anything useful to the voting process and it would be better if they stayed home.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
OCDH said:
Next time I am going to start a proposition here in Cali that limits the number of propositions! I swear, I think we had 15 propositions, all of which you had to be a lawyer to understand :angry:
I never seem to get propositioned in Cali. Those skanks are stuck up. :mad: