
Service Dogs, Medical Marijuana, and other overused security blankets


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I was in the gym, when in walks a membership guy with a prospective client on a tour. The prospect was accompanied by a service dog, and had no outward signs of a physical disability. I'm aware that not all disabilities are visible, since most people don't notice mine until I point them out. However, living in LA, I see this "service dog" usage everywhere, and several of them are obviously more pet than helper. So I got to thinking about concepts that started off with, and generally still have legitimate purposes, but have become assimilated into pop culture as security blanket accessories. So here is my list rant. Please feel free to comment and add.

Service Animals - Agreed there are people benefitting from this. However, I see modern day wizards toting familiars into every inconceivable public place in this town. Stop being silly.

Medical Marijuana - Evidently, there are lots of sick people around me. I can't swing a dead service cat without hitting the awning of a local pot shop. Again, I understand some people benefit from it. However, let's call a spliff a spliff and admit this is recreational and stop with the green crosses.

Personalized audio microclimates - Headphones on everyone in this town. Big white outlines on faces, or bigger, bolder Beats on their heads. I get it; a world full of high people dragging their pets into the Walgreens is a world I'd want to ignore, too.

Lululemon - The irony is that they make it obvious you weren't doing anything athletic.

Starbucks cups - If you liked coffee, it'd be an espresso, not a giant golden brown milkshake. I've also seen you not doing shit all day, so that caffeine isn't necessary to help you sit on your ass faster.

To be continued.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I should probably add Forum Rants. Zero fvks given about your first world problems. You have a web connection and a device. You're probably sipping on a $7 coffee while you type with your "bad" thumb. Well, at least that ice blended diabetes silo is probably cooling the carpel tunnel inflammation you got from watching intent porn in your dong shed.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
You should get a lawn, so you can yell at the kids who are on it.
Artificial grass lawns - Great idea to reduce water consumption and gas powered yard work utensils. Except, it really means you are a Prius driving attention seeker, begging the affection of the general populous for your selfless act. Ignore the environmental damage caused by the production of this gimmick, and the fact that it will look like green Velcro dragged through the lint trap of your dryer after six months of winds through your yard, and being saturated with service dog piss and shit.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Handicap parking spots- I feel as though I see quite a few folks using those spots who are either mooching off of an elderly family member or their only disability is being too goddamn fat to schlep their celestial sized ass any further than they have to.

Open carrying firearms - just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Lulumon, almost always see through in the sunlight... I'm good.

Service dogs, I only like fake ones I can pet. Too many rules with real ones.

Headphones make it hard to hear "on your left" so I hopes it's cool if I run over you.

Pot smokers... meh, a scotch or two a day is good for the heart so I'm good there to.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Handicap parking spots- I feel as though I see quite a few folks using those spots who are either mooching off of an elderly family member or their only disability is being too goddamn fat to schlep their celestial sized ass any further than they have to.

Open carrying firearms - just because you can doesn't mean you should.
After heart surgery I was automatically qualified under state law, there was a application already filled out and signed by the discharge nurse. I never sent it in because total failure if I had to use it.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
After heart surgery I was automatically qualified under state law, there was a application already filled out and signed by the discharge nurse. I never sent it in because total failure if I had to use it.
Probably a good idea. The open carry makes accidental discharge more likely, and the shock from that sudden, loud noise might undo whatever they fixed in your ticker.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Tattoos - At one time, these were representative and symbolic of achievements and affiliations, Now they are fashion forward bumper stickers. I know there are monkeys, from jK DDS to the late, great Dirt McGerp Esq. who fly colors, and are semi-responsible (if not a little mischievous) members of society, having earned their money and made grown-man decisions about how to spend it. However, I'm forever surrounded by 21 year olds who celebrate turning 22 by rounding out their bucket lists with a boutique armful of ink, elegantly stopping clean and even, just before it peeks out from under a formal sleeve. You're different, just like all the other girls.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I got one of these too, but goddamnit, there was no way I was going to use one as long as I could actually walk again.

Oh. We're talking handicap signs. I got one and use it, just like everyone else in this town with a pink-mafia doctor. Otherwise, I gotta call an über to take me from my parking spot to where I intended to arrive. I generally use it to get out of paying for metered parking, and park in permit-only areas. However, if I've gotta carry something heavy (by my standards) from the shop, I'm parking close. I've got a short bladder fuse, too, so every extra minute walking through a parking lot means I'm that much closer to pissing someone's pants (probably mine).


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
Artificial grass lawns - Great idea to reduce water consumption and gas powered yard work utensils. Except, it really means you are a Prius driving attention seeker, begging the affection of the general populous for your selfless act. Ignore the environmental damage caused by the production of this gimmick, and the fact that it will look like green Velcro dragged through the lint trap of your dryer after six months of winds through your yard, and being saturated with service dog piss and shit.
I was at Thanksgiving dinner and the yard at this person's house was Astro turf, kept the cows from breaking the fence down.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Oh. We're talking handicap signs. I got one and use it, just like everyone else in this town with a pink-mafia doctor. Otherwise, I gotta call an über to take me from my parking spot to where I intended to arrive. I generally use it to get out of paying for metered parking, and park in permit-only areas. However, if I've gotta carry something heavy (by my standards) from the shop, I'm parking close. I've got a short bladder fuse, too, so every extra minute walking through a parking lot means I'm that much closer to pissing someone's pants (probably mine).
Well, I for one would be happy to take a swing at the man you claimed you didn't have a use for one.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I got one of these too, but goddamnit, there was no way I was going to use one as long as I could actually walk again.
I could have gotten one when I was hobbling around on a cane with massive gout flare-ups, but I could technically still walk.

I don't like seeing people who are ambulatory use those spots. So one day I decided to call someone out on it, and the dude tells me it's for his kid with autism. I thought it was BS, and went on my ride only to have what I thought was a heart attack. It took Fire and Rescue six hours to get me out of the woods. Turns out one of the side effects from a gout med causes heart attack like symptoms, yay.

I later sort of felt like a dick for calling that guy out. And maybe it was Karma, or just coincidence. Either way, I try not to let those kind of judgements get out of my head.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Well, I for one would be happy to take a swing at the man you claimed you didn't have a use for one.
I once thought an elderly gentleman approaching me at the grocery store lot was going to launch into a lecture. Turns out, he just wanted to make a lighthearted comment and compliment my choice in car color.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Drop off spots.

I get it, you don't want to get out of your car while your husband or wife runs into the store to get milk. But move out of the god damn way and go park somewhere that isn't in front of the grocery store doors. I've seen people parked in the emergency services no parking area for 20+ minutes, only for the other person to come hobbling out of the store with a weeks worth of crap. And not that I'm a tree hugger or anything, but they sit there with their cars running.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Internet product reviews - Whatever you bought didn't come with unicorn anal... The good nor bad kind. You either want validation or you need to vent. Nobody reads past the star-count. You aren't helping anyone.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Drop off spots.

I get it, you don't want to get out of your car while your husband or wife runs into the store to get milk. But move out of the god damn way and go park somewhere that isn't in front of the grocery store doors. I've seen people parked in the emergency services no parking area for 20+ minutes, only for the other person to come hobbling out of the store with a weeks worth of crap. And not that I'm a tree hugger or anything, but they sit there with their cars running.
You'd absolutely loathe Long Island then.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
The manager of a local grocery store told me he's only allowed to ask if it's a service animal. They say yes, he can't do anything. So I've started confronting the idiots pushing their stupid mutt around the store and just being mean as shit.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Stupid signed parking for everything lately 'this spot reserved for' that they manage to sign all the best spots with:

to-go orders between 11-2pm
expectant mothers
people with children
trucks with trailers
yada yada yada

F that jazz. It's every man for himself. If you legitimately need a handicap placard to park closer, get from your grandma like everyone else does.

On a side note, I don't really mind the to-go order signs at Chipotle. Nobody actually reads them, they just see a sign and park elsewhere. It's like I always have my own reserved spot, which goes for most of the other signs as well, because IDGAF.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Stupid signed parking for everything lately 'this spot reserved for' that they manage to sign all the best spots with:

to-go orders between 11-2pm
expectant mothers
people with children
trucks with trailers
yada yada yada

F that jazz. It's every man for himself. If you legitimately need a handicap placard to park closer, get from your grandma like everyone else does.

On a side note, I don't really mind the to-go order signs at Chipotle. Nobody actually reads them, they just see a sign and park elsewhere. It's like I always have my own reserved spot.
Vet got sh!t for parking in Vet only parking



Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Disclaimer: I don't park handicap spots or some spot like that. I'm not that clueless or a douche.
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