
Side-o in berkeley

does anyone here know their way down the trail?? i have done it once and do not remember.

If someone here does, would you be down to go on a group ride with me and a few friends and act as a guide ?? mabe there will be shuttling if we find our way down !


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
It is an illegal trail and the good members of RM do not support trail poaching!


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
BIGHIT8989 said:
U down for a Saturday ride ? i will try and get sum shuttle's so we can at least get 2 or 3 runs
I no longer live anywhere near there.


Hint: go up to Grizzly Peak.

Find a dangerous looking trail.

Ride down it.
Jul 1, 2005
oakland, CA
i just learned a classic lil bit of information from one of my friends
when we were shooting a lil footie up there,
which is that hiking's also illegal on the singletrack!
so when fools start talking $hit, just kindly remind em that we're all
in the same gang....


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
stoney98 said:
Rules about Side-o:
1. If you don't know where it is, then you shouldn't be riding it.
2. Weekend riding is a definate NO. It is the most busy time for hikers.
3. It's an illegal trail, off hours are the ONLY hours.
4. If you don't know someone who know the trail and can take you down it, you DON'T BELONG ON IT!

Soooo... It's kinda like Fight Club?
stoney98 said:
Rules about Side-o:
1. If you don't know where it is, then you shouldn't be riding it.
2. Weekend riding is a definate NO. It is the most busy time for hikers.
3. It's an illegal trail, off hours are the ONLY hours.
4. If you don't know someone who know the trail and can take you down it, you DON'T BELONG ON IT!
good to kno dun wanna get in the way of locals and hiker.

I have followed every rule for the past times i have ridden there. and was planning the ride for saturday not knowing rule #2. but now i know the "rules" i;ll respect them. Gotta help preserve the good trails in the east bay :)
Jul 1, 2005
oakland, CA
bdamschen said:
I'm not from around there so maybe I don't get it, but... If you can't hike or bike on the single track, what is it there for?
it's part of a vast phenomenon like crop circles & the Nazca lines --
this one probably guides ufo's straight to lawrence berkeley labs.....
for the last decade i've been researching the relationship & proximity of mountain biking trails to these areas. One such example:


or not.......