
Sisters, OR. Last summer


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
The weather here has continued to stay crappy, and it's finals week coming up. I sorted through my pictures from last summer to lift my spirits.

My friends and I took a week long trip to Sisters Oregon, and did a bunch of random stuff.

We rode the Mackenzie River Trail

Got lost at one point (or thought so) and had to cross that unfinished bridge. Turns out we just missed the fork.

The Mackenzie River Trail is long, up on top its super technical and rocky. But fun. really fun. The river is beautiful and so are the blue pools and water falls. The lower section is super fast and flowy. In the shade of the afternoon we just cruised.
I stepped off my bike at the end and my quads seized up. what a great way to start a trip!

Next we backpacked into North Sister

It was a blast, more relaxed. We hiked in one day, climbed it the second day, and hiked out the third. More recovery from the Mackenzie

After that we spent a day at Smith Rock

The climbing there is insane, although I don't like to climb much I had a ton of fun. We went with a Bend local who climbs a lot. It made the day way more fun and I'd suggest having a friend who knows the ropes... (ha)

On the last day we spent the morning at Phils outside Bend and the afternoon on the deschutes river

Phils trails were a ton of fun, and we were glad to have a map. There is so much to ride in there. All of it was pretty mellow, smooth and flowy. Nothing super technical or out of hand. Flowy and fast.

Not too many pics of the riding because we were, well, riding. says to me that the trails were awesome and so was everything else.

Bend/Sisters OR is an outdoor mecca we found


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
You should be our new Chamber of Commerce :D Looks like a great trip!


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Dammit - you should have let me know you were coming - I could have joined y'all!
ha, that would have been fun. besides the times when our friend was with us, we were clueless about the area.

And I'll have to write down the cache Mountain trail for next time... We spent 6 days down there and it was packed full of adventures. Even went fishing and played a round of frisbee golf


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Nice photos! It looks like you packed a lot into your trip
Yea, it was crazy how much there was to do. We had originally planned to spend half the week in Sisters and the other half of the trip backpacking here, in the Wallowa Mountains:

but when it came to drive east we just couldn't bring ourselves to do it and kept rallying around Sisters until we were ready to drop dead