
So when I was asked what should have been done in Iraq



I said, I thought we used the wrong reason first of all. Then I said, I was confused that we couldn't just pinpoint the targets and use air assaults like we did for the most part in Kosovo. I was told it was because we lacked intelligence due to Clinton's cuts. We lacked intelligence, but we knew that there were WMDs. We, however, didn't have the intelligence to target specific locations. How was the intelligence great enough to support a ground invasion if that is truly the case??? :think:

Not meant to attack. I simply don't understand this logic. :confused:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
air assaults are a dumb idea. they are much more inaccurate than cnn/propaganda would have you believe, incense the natives, and don't accomplish anything of substance.


Toshi said:
air assaults are a dumb idea. they are much more inaccurate than cnn/propaganda would have you believe, incense the natives, and don't accomplish anything of substance.

I agree they are inaccurate, but it worked in Kosovo. Why wouldn't it work there??? I am not an educated person about this. I will say GPS navigation seems inaccurate since XM doesn't work going under bridges. Just wondering. Not sure how well the plan was thought through.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
um, whether they worked in kosovo is a matter of much debate. see my comments about madeleine albright elsewhere for instance, or read "imperial hubris", or simply google. did we make things better? how many died in the process? does the world respect us more for it now?