
Someone's gonna git fired for this one...


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
This is what welcomed me when I arrived back at work after lunch today...

Basically what happened was, the truck is equipped with an overhead rail rack...that we built. It was test fitted on the truck. They were in the middle of removing it to finish welding it.

Well as it turns out, there was a brake line bracket that interfered with the removal of the trestle. So the monkey got under the truck to remove it. Well the bracket is what provides the reaction force for the parking brake. Bracket comes off, parking brake lets go, truck begins to roll, monkey still under truck, truck takes forklift with it. Monkey is not dead, but should be.

So anyway, we strapped the lift to my MIGHTY Liberty, and righted the lift.

There is a decent amount of damage to the brand new truck. There are going to be repercussions when the boss gets back in the office on Thurs......



Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Man... your boss is gonna be pissed.

Glad no one was killed. Was the monkey hurt? I don't wanna make fun of him unless he's OK. :)

Seriously though, glad no one was killed.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Ciaran said:
Man... your boss is gonna be pissed.

Glad no one was killed. Was the monkey hurt? I don't wanna make fun of him unless he's OK. :)

Seriously though, glad no one was killed.
Business-wise, I'm glad he didn't get hurt because in addition to damaging the truck, he could sue the hell out of the company and get on workers' comp forever. Oh wait, you aren't in the US are you?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
SO who is in more trouble: the person who let the brakes go, or the person who didn't park the truck in gear? Hopefully it wasn't the same person!