
Something I've noticed about women...


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Good stuff here. My only comment is that women are not the only ones who have to deal with people who want to compete on social rides and other petty stuff. I mean things like not letting someone pass or whatever go both ways - it's an equal opportunity pain in the ass.

As for how you dress, quite honestly I don't think whether you choose to go with a shirt or just a sports bra will matter much to most guys whose response is worth worrying about. Some guys are neanderthals and will always see women as objects to be clubbed and dragged back to the cave and how you dress won't matter to those clowns. For the rest of us, your actions and attitude are way more important than how you dress. We will either see you as a potential riding buddy or a potential date - or, if the stars align, both.



Turbo Monkey
hey sunny...first of all, i am one of those old chics so you would NEVER catch me strollin around in a sports bra...let alone riding in one. :biggrin:

the shirt in question is actually just a REALLY comfortable halter top. it's A shaped so it's wider at the waist but wrapped around my neck versus say a tank top look. it only exposes my shoulders arms and upper back. black and REALLY soft. sure...i don't have chiseled arms...but i'm so self conscious about how i look that i would never go out in anything that accentuated my "issues". this seems to work well with my body. :biggrin:

BUT...it is a shame that women can't be both...

tough and capable and courageous
cute and pretty, and wears a bit of makeup
i'd like to think a balance of both is what makes an incredible women. but i understand what you're explaining as well.

at my age :think: i'm at a point where it's taken me FAR too long of denying one part or the other that i'm not doing it anymore. I'll be both and the women OR men that like me...great...and those that don't...OH FVCKIN WELL. :biggrin:

btw...you girls seem like you have a great sense of balance :thumb: and inspire my riding all the time.


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
hey sunny...first of all, i am one of those old chics so you would NEVER catch me strollin around in a sports bra...let alone riding in one. :biggrin:

the shirt in question is actually just a REALLY comfortable halter top. it's A shaped so it's wider at the waist but wrapped around my neck versus say a tank top look. it only exposes my shoulders arms and upper back. black and REALLY soft. sure...i don't have chiseled arms...but i'm so self conscious about how i look that i would never go out in anything that accentuated my "issues". this seems to work well with my body. :biggrin:
I don't see any problem with this at all.

BUT...it is a shame that women can't be both...

[ tough and capable and courageous
cute and pretty, and wears a bit of makeup]
But that's just it - you absolutely can, but you have to walk a fine line, and recognize that if you dress and act as a sex object, it's only natural for men to see you that way. You know this. Wear your halter top if it's comfortable, and don't give in to the temptation to enjoy the attention on the trail because of it.

btw...you girls seem like you have a great sense of balance :thumb: and inspire my riding all the time.
Very kind. I've had good teachers. :)


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Right. Right. So, WTF is up with "skinny" jeans? Seriously. Why do they call them skinny jeans when they even make skinny girls look hefty? And why do girls with large stomachs insist on wearing skinny jeans with short shirts? And ugs. Why!!!
Do not leave guys out of the skinny jean phenomenom.

Any guy who 220lbs really shouldn't feel the need to squeeze into jeans with a 28 inch waist with 4 inches of his gut overlapping the top and wearing a medium slim fit tshirt of whatever his favorite shi**y band is at the moment.

Looking like an up to date version of phillip seymour hoffmans character in boogie nights is not a look one should strive for.



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
This is a great question. Good for you for having the courage to ask.

Women are rare enough on the trail or in the bike scene, that just showing up with a bike gets you style points. As a female, I don't care what you wear, but if you are in a sports bra, you'd better be serious about your riding and not looking for a date, because if you flirt with boys on the trail while wearing minimal clothing, I will be tempted to write you off as trolling for dates and not really there to ride.

If you are just one of those girls who loves to feel cute and pretty, and wears a bit of makeup and cute clothes because you love it and not because you're trying to catch some bikerboy's attention, it will show, and few people will really care. They'll figure you're there to ride, you're just a little eccentric about your attire.

My problem with women who ride in sports bras and flirt on the trail is this: Women cyclists ALREADY have to work for acceptance amongst the male cycling crowd. We have to be tough and capable and courageous. We have to break out of female stereotypes. Women who come in and REINFORCE the stereotype only hurt the cause of being seen as a CYCLIST (riding buddy/friend) first and a WOMAN (target/hook-up) second. It's unfortunate, but usually true.

You should probably choose: Do you wish to be seen as a buddy with no immediate action taken on possible sexual attraction, or do you wish to be seen as a potential good time after the trail ride? I'd say, unless you know the people you're riding with really well, dress for the part.

Mountain bike clothing covers more of your body because it's there to protect you.

weird, just the other day after a group ride:

bob: hey doug, you see tom wore his sleeveless jersey?
me: I know, and he only wears that when he thinks there will be attractive women on the ride
bob: yup, and he was flirting with all of the women riding today
me: yeah, I wonder if he realizes what they'll think of him.
bob: right, those women won't think of him as an independent, smart, funny guy and definitely won't respect his riding.
me: I know they'll only look at him as a sex object, us men have worked too hard to earn respect and he's ruining it.
bob: we need to talk to him
me: We'll have to do it tomorrow, he went with those 2 hotties to their apartment to have some adult beverages and hang out in their hot tub.



Turbo Monkey
weird, just the other day after a group ride:

bob: hey doug, you see tom wore his sleeveless jersey?
me: I know, and he only wears that when he thinks there will be attractive women on the ride
bob: yup, and he was flirting with all of the women riding today
me: yeah, I wonder if he realizes what they'll think of him.
bob: right, those women won't think of him as an independent, smart, funny guy and definitely won't respect his riding.
me: I know they'll only look at him as a sex object, us men have worked too hard to earn respect and he's ruining it.
bob: we need to talk to him
me: We'll have to do it tomorrow, he went with those 2 hotties to their apartment to have some adult beverages and hang out in their hot tub.



Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
This has just turned into my little *itch fest hasn't it? Well, here's another one that miffs me. Have any of you other girls been insulted by other women for "oh my god how could you allow yourself to be gender stereotyped" by wearing any sort of pink while riding, or having any sort of pink on your bike, or OMG wearing more feminine bike clothes?


I looove pink stuff, flowery stuff, etc (as long as it does it's job though...will not sacrifice fashion for function). I love it because it's such a direct contrast to "I'm going to go out and play in the mud and dirt". I don't bag on you for not liking pink stuff, don't bag on me for liking it...K? K.

Having the right females along can be great in any sport if you use it to push each other, but when it becomes an "I'm better than you" b*tch fest is when it stops being fun.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
One final note: If you show up for a trail ride wearing a sports bra and a bare mid-section, or if you're a guy and wear no shirt / go sleeveless, please be fairly young and chiseled, because I don't want to be looking at your aging, sagging skin if I happen to be riding behind you.
Are you for real? Seriously. If I want to wear a sports bra with my flabby stomach hanging out because it's a hundred degrees I'm going to wear it. I don't care what you think, or what every other person at the trail head thinks. You say women who bare skin are seen as sex objects first and women second. Then you insist that people who do bare skin be young (wtf?) and chiseled. The double standard is making me woozy.

Perhaps for confident people, baring skin has very little to do with other people checking them out and everything to do with being comfortable.

See I'm fortunate. I'm not toned and fit so I can bare skin and not be seen as a sex object at all. How lucky for me. :rolleyes:

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Are you for real? Seriously. If I want to wear a sports bra with my flabby stomach hanging out because it's a hundred degrees I'm going to wear it. I don't care what you think, or what every other person at the trail head thinks. You say women who bare skin are seen as sex objects first and women second. Then you insist that people who do bare skin be young (wtf?) and chiseled. The double standard is making me woozy.

Perhaps for confident people, baring skin has very little to do with other people checking them out and everything to do with being comfortable.

See I'm fortunate. I'm not toned and fit so I can bare skin and not be seen as a sex object at all. How lucky for me. :rolleyes:


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Usually those hung up on such superficial things have self esteem problems....which seems to be pretty much everyone these days.


Jun 13, 2008
A tick north of Seattle
Chicks! Man, we are so complicated... :banghead:

I don't care if you show up nekkid to ride (that's between you and your saddle). And whatever motivates you to get out and ride.... but the "hook-up" dynamic can be distracting.

But the "underlying" competiveness/alpha-female crap is there, thinly veiled, for all to gawk at. Maybe it's time to just laugh at those "insecure" alpha's? :rolleyes:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Chicks! Man, we are so complicated... :banghead:

I don't care if you show up nekkid to ride (that's between you and your saddle). And whatever motivates you to get out and ride.... but the "hook-up" dynamic can be distracting.

But the "underlying" competiveness/alpha-female crap is there, thinly veiled, for all to gawk at. Maybe it's time to just laugh at those "insecure" alpha's? :rolleyes:
hey, that reminds me...the mount snow nakid crit! just maybe reason enough to pay for a room in the condo vs driving back & forth home for the national championships.


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
Are you for real? Seriously. If I want to wear a sports bra with my flabby stomach hanging out because it's a hundred degrees I'm going to wear it. I don't care what you think, or what every other person at the trail head thinks. You say women who bare skin are seen as sex objects first and women second. Then you insist that people who do bare skin be young (wtf?) and chiseled. The double standard is making me woozy.

Perhaps for confident people, baring skin has very little to do with other people checking them out and everything to do with being comfortable.

See I'm fortunate. I'm not toned and fit so I can bare skin and not be seen as a sex object at all. How lucky for me. :rolleyes:
Um, OK. Wear whatever you want on the trail. By all means, be comfortable. Personally, I don't want to be an eyesore, nor do I want to make anyone else feel uncomfortable. I think people should be responsible with what they wear.

I can see that you would tell me I have a double-standard, because I have said women (and men) should dress appropriately to the sport, which in mtn biking means covering up, and I also said essentially that those who choose not to cover up should look good and be able to wear the clothing well.

I stand by it.

There is such a thing as age-appropriate clothing. That's just the way it is. This is why we cringe at things that are inappropriate. Maybe I'll be inclined to change my mind in 10 years when I care less about perceptions, but I really hope I'll remember that older people with saggy skin have a choice to look really tough, or a little foolish, and it will be my choice which camp I fall in.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
I don't care if you show up nekkid to ride (that's between you and your saddle).
You're cracking me up! Seriously. I can't believe this thread is still going! So since we're talking about actual clothing choices and the whole hard body soft body thing, I could care less about what actual clothes anyone wears on the trail or walking down the street for that matter. It's not my problem if someone wants to wear a string bikini riding and they end up with wicked road rash on their tush. And in day to day life, "style" is a personal issue. I'm sure lots of people don't like what I wear but I do so it's good.

But, with that being said, and going back to the first page of this thread, whatever you choose to wear, please make sure it fits!! I don't know why but it's a pet peeve of mine when people wear clothes that really really don't fit. The muffin top picture on the front page is a great example. That girl is wearing jeans that I would guess are at about 3 sizes too small, I'm thinking in an attempt to be sexy. But the opposite is achieved and her rear end is all over the internet. The muffin top is a result of all the "tissue" around her hips and butt being pushed up over the tops of her pants. If she would wear pants that were the proper size, I'm guessing she would regain her waist and have a very reasonable figure, even with the midriff shirt (which again is a style thing so I just don't care).

Same thing with halter tops. I find there to be nothing wrong with throwing the girls out there (whatever their age, shape, ect) and showing some cleavage as long as the halter is fitted appropriately.

Maybe I'm a shallow shallow person, but I really appreciate when people make sure their clothes (whether it be designer jeans or sweat pants) fit their bodies (whatever shape or size their bodies are).
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i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
There is such a thing as age-appropriate clothing. That's just the way it is. This is why we cringe at things that are inappropriate. Maybe I'll be inclined to change my mind in 10 years when I care less about perceptions, but I really hope I'll remember that older people with saggy skin have a choice to look really tough, or a little foolish, and it will be my choice which camp I fall in.
You need to visit various vermont lakefronts :D



Nov 28, 2007
Everyone has a certain degree of insecurity. When it becomes an obsession and begins to cloud one's judgement and actions, I think it is a problem and very unattractive. The resulting pettiness is equally disturbing. But are we really surprised that so many people have problems with it? I mean look at the images our young people are bombarded with on a daily basis.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head

I tried, and tried to stay out of this thread.........But damnit, I had to look.... This is funny stuff. ANd this is also a topic I can get my foot very stuck in my mouth. So here goes.........

Like alot of the women in my town, they try wearing"Skinny" jeans because they think they look good, and its all the style. Truth be said, Alot of these girls sporting the skinny jeans and Muffin top, are actually very attractive women. They are not heavy, just a touch on the thick side, and if they were to wear some Properly fit jeans, they would be the ones turning heads. NOt trying to be insulting, but just because its the fashion, doesnt mean it works for your fashion.

Chicks that ride, are HOTTT. If they doing it just to get a Date, or because they really truly enjoy it. Back in my dating days, If I met up with a girl on the trails, last thing I did was try to get a date with her. Maybe get set up to go for another ride, and maybe after a few I might think of it. But for the most part I just figure there out for a ride, not out for a date.
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I tried, and tried to stau out of this thread.........But damnit, I had to look.... This is funny stuff. ANd this is also a topic I can get my foot very stuck in my mouth. So here goes.........

Like alot of the women in my town, they try wearing"Skinny" jeans because they think they look good, and its all the style. Truth be said, Alot of these girls sporting the skinny jeans and Muffin top, are actually very attractive women. They are not heavy, just a touch on the thick side, and if they were to wear some Properly fit jeans, they would be the ones turning heads. NOt trying to be insulting, but just because its the fashion, doesnt mean it works for your fashion.
Agreed, too many people get caught up in what's popular as opposed to going with what works best for them.

Chicks that ride, are HOTTT. If they doing it just to get a Date, or because they really truly enjoy it. Back in my dating days, If I met up with a girl on the trails, last thing I did was try to get a date with her. Maybe get set up to go for another ride, and maybe after a few I might think of it. But for the most part I just figure there out for a ride, not out for a date.
You mean women that ride in the woods are just there to ride ? So they're not there to find the next bucket of sweaty man meat ?

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Skinny jeans only look good on skinny chicks with a Paris Hilton type body - no hips and no curves. You can't judge a book by its cover but... for the most part, the naked curvies beat the hell out of stick figures in the sack. :thatsall: