
Somewhere, high above Golden ...


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Disclaimer: I'm still very new in town so every old ride is new/awesome.
So, I had plans to ride with some friends visiting from out of town. They predictably got their drunk on last night so I ended up heading out solo over to Chimney Gulch in Golden. The climb is steady but not awful, ascending about 1,400ish feet (according to the map) with the first 1/4 of the climb being the more difficult.

On the way up...

See the hang glider?

A brief, welcome stop to help a cute girl name Megan fix her broken chain and it was back to the climb.

Stopped here to eat my sandwich (turkey w/spicy mustard > clif bars)
Climb tops out at that tower.

More awful views ...

Chill for a few then head back down to the car. I thought about riding down Apex but didn't really know that way and didn't have extra energy to get lost or be left with a long road ride back to the car. The descent was ripping fast and all in all a great ride, followed by a big plate of stir fry shrimp, garlic and veggies at home ... .burp!
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Apr 13, 2004
Denver, CO
I was riding White Ranch yesterday, think I saw that same hang glider floating around. He was up there for a while, a solid 45 minutes or so from what I saw. Good stuff!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Ha! Nice RR, man. Some day we'll have a chance to ride together... maybe do the Falcon-LOTB loop? :brows:
Be careful what you wish for, adam is a ripper and is half your age (as I found out when he callously declared "you're as old as my dad".) Great guy with a penchant for ghey pasta dishes.