
Song of the Day (22Aug06) [touch and go #3]


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
goddamn...tough choices all around...in the end i decided that Killdozer trumped fellow wisconsinites Die Kreuzen because they had:

1 - a better name
2 - a more developed sense of humor
3 - i had more familiarity/liking for them

hard to believe michael gerald is now a tax lawyer...but the lyrical 'drag you down to the lowest human level possible' is so real...if you doubt it, listen closely (or google) to the lyrics in the songs i post...funny as hell, yet downright soiled, too. human depravity knows no bounds, but the hobson bros and gerard tried their damnedest to describe it. they coupled the lyrical ideas and musical grind and came up w/ the midwest parallel to nick cave's Birthday Party. if you ever feel devious, spin their covers-only For Ladies Only at yr next party. plus, gerald's pained howl ('I cultivated my voice with beer and cigars') only lends creedence to the proceedings.

it's also funny to think that butch 'garbage' vig produced the heart of their lineup; at one point vig was THEE preferred knob twiddler for AmRep and Touch and Go bands, long before he was associated w/ Nirvana or Shirley Manson.

[this is a classic tale of the 70s disaster movies mogul irwin allen]
Man vs Nature

The Puppy

This song [The Puppy] is about a true incident - here's Michael Gerald telling the story in his own words:

SP: If there's one line I may never get out of my head (much as I want to) it'’s the one that goes something like "When I lit Sonny'’s balls on fire/You didn't even blink." Where did that come from?
MG: There was a biker gang outside of Madison, WI, called Satan'’s Dragons, that didn'’t even own motorcycles. They were in the news because one of their initiates had been found dead and naked in a field, castrated and with his dick stuffed into his mouth. They were caught when one of them reported to the police the theft of his Harley Davison ring, which had been found underneath the head of the dead initiate. The dudes referred to their initiates as "puppies." I naturally imagined them being the type who would set a dog'’s balls on fire...
Knucles the dog who helps people

The Pig Was Cool

b side of that single was a cover of EMF's "unbelievable" i TOLD you they had a sense of humor...