
SS Race #2....how was it?

Jun 11, 2004
Since I couldn't make it......I was just curious how the weekend went off?

Kind of shocked there was next to no pre-race chatter.......so just looking for "the scoop."

How was the turnout? The weather? The course? Anything new on the trails? Were there any bear encounters?

Yes, I'm trying to live vicariously through other riders......since I won't be riding for at least another month!:nopity:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
The conditions were great...until just before the pros ran their race runs and it started raining. Since the course was a mix of the old sport course and other established trails the mud wasn't much of a factor, but you could see that caution on the rocks and roots effected the pro times, slightly.

I switched to spikes and it was probably 50/50. The corse was really hardpacked so it was a little sketchy, but I had great traction in some other sections. Moto and I ran almost the EXACT same time and he was still on regular times.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Basically, it was the sport course, but right as you turn into the VERY top part of Ball and Jack, where it flowed through, they added some berms and some table tops. You REALLY had to keep speed through everything there, because if you didn't, you'd stall on the table tops.

A lot of people didn't like it. I thought it was ok, I like berms anyway, but I wish it could have had a bit more flow all the way through, because on the big bikes it made it a bit daunting, and you had to work to get through. All in all it was a FAST as course. Sorry y'all missed it.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Basically, it was the sport course, but right as you turn into the VERY top part of Ball and Jack, where it flowed through, they added some berms and some table tops. You REALLY had to keep speed through everything there, because if you didn't, you'd stall on the table tops.

A lot of people didn't like it. I thought it was ok, I like berms anyway, but I wish it could have had a bit more flow all the way through, because on the big bikes it made it a bit daunting, and you had to work to get through. All in all it was a FAST as course. Sorry y'all missed it.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 19, 2005
North Carolina
SUCH a fast course, almost scary in some spots. I had a blast in my race run smashing through puddles. :) Doug hope you remembered your prize money this time. ;)


Turbo Monkey
Oct 3, 2004
Cary, NC
When I got to the mountain mid-day Friday, it was super hot and real dry. The course was almost dusty in spots. Of course at Snowshoe it can't be sunny for more than 2 days, so it had to pour on Sunday. I believe the rain started coming down hard minutes before the amateur 17 and under class started. I was near the end of the class and the course was already soaked. I used a swampthing on the back wheel for my run.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 3, 2004
Cary, NC
Also once the rain started, so did the timing problems. Apparently rain got on the timing computer, which messed it up. 4 guys from my class had to do reruns.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
What I think is funny is the fact that it was NOT arm pump from brakes, BUT hanging on as the bike friggin FLEW!

The Shockwave got to going SO fast I damn near wet myself, especially passing people on STP.....It fvcking rocked!

OMG was it FAST! I rode most of Friday and had a bout 6 runs total on Saturday after the hangover slowly dissipated


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Grand Haven, MI
I had a great time. 10 weeks since I wrecked myself at the Open so I was a bit slow. My last practice run was much faster than my race run since I pushed harder to pass people rather than going solo at a slow pace. I made the mistake of not switching to clear goggles for my race run. I had to use the force to find my way through the woods since it was super dark with the blue lens that was perfect on every other run.

I love that course minus the stupid table top jumps that lacked any flow. It would have been cool on my MX bike or if they were worked in a little more.

Anyway, I was happy that some of my riders hit the podium. Heather got 3rd in Pro women. JohnM ended up in 2nd in the expert 40+. Craig was 5th in Expert 30-39. Other Michigan riders took a bunch of more podium spots including Adam with the win. It's nice to know that he started racing DH at our local races just a few years ago.

We had a bunch of people hanging in the condo on Saturday night. It was a good time. I would think it would be cool if Snowshoe did a beer tent at the last race this year.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
The vibe for the whole weekend was so good. The top of the lift over on the DH side was like a cycling reunion every time you got to the top. The first reports I was getting from guys that had already made a run or two was that it was: A.) Fast and B.) Crowded. So, I was admittedly nervous rolling through the tent and onto the trail for the first time of the day not really knowing what to expect from a "crowded" DH course that's built for every class to run, but everyone was on their best behavior, and things ran really smooth on every run. Plenty of places to pass safely(and non-safely) and the easy option of bailing out and running Power Line or Sweet Dreams if things got too thick midway down. Fun times......:cheers:
Jun 11, 2004
The conditions were great...until just before the pros ran their race runs and it started raining.
Oh man.......that sucks to practice a course all weekend only to have conditions completely change right before your race run!

Glad to read that your gonna get to spend your prize $$ this time!:biggrin:
Seems like all in all everyone had a great weekend!

Thanks for the updates! I was thinking about SS ALL DAY yesterday.......:rant:


Mar 23, 2002
Macon, GA
Killer time, as always. Low turnout was kind of a bummer, but I suppose that's what happens with Sugar the previous weekend and Diablo the same weekend competing for riders.

Course was fast as heeelllllll but like previous courses, the quickie last minute stuff they cut didn't ride well and doesn't look sustainable. Seems like they need to have a longer term game plan for trail mods on the mountain.


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
I thought the course was freakin' awesome. It was so super fast except for the previously mentioned tables. Kind of sucked that it rained but aside from that the vibe was awesome all weekend.

I did notice a lot more flats than usual (myself included) but it's probably because of the speed everyone was carrying over jagged rocks.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC
two amazing days of very fast balls out riding, which in turn lead to a loose rear axle on my race run, causing me not to be able to pedal for most of the course, even with that I still had an amazing weekend!
The cource was a blast imo, with the exception of a few of the table top jumps that were just horrible in a race run

Mr Ridiculous

Margarita my slippers
Apr 21, 2006
Morgantown, WV
Definitely a fun weekend. Anybody that was camping at silvercreek has a new appreciation for "bear encounters." Only bummer was that I had 3 flats in two days...one of them being on my race run. Stupid pinch flats. Perhaps I should switch to tubeless.

Anybody got full results yet? I was grumpy about flatting and left before they were posted.

Mr Ridiculous

Margarita my slippers
Apr 21, 2006
Morgantown, WV
You guys weren't fortunate enough to have Doug the rock-throwing champion nearby. He did a little 4am slinging to keep our little slice of the parking lot safe.
However, we were fortunate enough to have a few individuals who will remain nameless that were champions at slamming the lid of the dumpster shut on it, and then standing on said lid. Throw in the rent-a-cops and you have a recipe for pure awesome.