
***Sunday GMT***


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Morning Folks. Semi busy at work yesterday. It was HOT, at least for around here, damn near 90, almost a record. It snowed two weeks ago.:twitch: Made progress on the patio after work. Off to work, then this evening is shakedown ride on the new frame, so screw you patio! Have a great day!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Afternoon. We got a ton of rain overnight and most of the day. Sq-Earl and I rode 50 miles in the American Diabetes Association TourdeCure in the rain...it was wet and cold. We returned home to drink Guiness and soak in the hot tub. Good times!!

Anyone want to donate to our TourdeCure ride...it's not too late and we still haven't met our fundraising goals? Any amount will be greatly appreciated and a big "THANK YOU" to those who have already donated. :thumb: My father is a diabetic (type 2 adult onset) so it's a cause that is near & dear to me.TreeSaw Linky
Sq-Earl Linky