
Superbowl ads, fair or fowl?


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
I figure there is no way to do this thread without getting everybody fighting, and the typical smartass comments, but is it possible people could discuss this thread with an intelligent, mature like, adult like mindset here?

CNN reports several superbowl ads were pretty raunchy. Including mention of one of pro female race car driver Danica in yet another low concept GoDaddy commercial laced with sexual inuendos and obvious references to women's breasts. You can almost see Bob Parsons owner of godaddy, in an almost child like fashion giggling in the corner like a preschooler that just saw his first boob, because he pulled off another dumb commercial on national television with no quality, no consumer benefit, poor concept and lousy execution.

I listened to the CNN reporter today state that he had kids and questioned if the superbowl ads are being allowed to get too raunchy with consideration to children watching the game with their parents.

One to be without kids, I still can understand the reason for some of the concern. If I had kids, I would be very concerned about my children watching a Godaddy type commercial. Every year Godaddy seems to purposely try to push the envelope just far enough to get more attention and people to his website. It works. But at what cost?

I have domains at Godaddy but I don't condone their commercials. A rich man that Bob Parsons is, I think he could afford a Madison Avenue ad agency to come up with a better concept than women's breast implants, over and over, year after year. Okay Bob, we get it. Boobies.

I am sure that some Ridemonkey.com members here do have children. What do you think? Are the ads going too far? Is the network allowing it to go too far? What is the limit?

What are your thoughts? And please, keep it professional in opinion and give a good reason for your answers, and let's not go hating if you don't like someone's answer. I think that Ridemonkey's owners and their ad sponsors would like to hear your input, and not a lot of fighting back and forth, because let's face it, this site is supported on advertising. Good clean advertising.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
They're just tits. A big milky tit is the first thing children get introduced to. I see no reason to keep them so secretive and risque.


Dec 4, 2008
i didn't pay attention to the first half of the bowl but i did see a few goOd comercials. been awhile sice the complete package of the superbowl represented itself with class as i thought this one did.

did you hear about the porno clip that was publicly aired during half time on some channel which don't know which one? yup, it's all over the bottom headliner of the news this morning and the network peeps are still trying to figure out how the signal got interrupted.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Cash 4 gold? Worst Sperbowl, ever.
See I thought that was one was relatively funny. I thought MacGruber was bad...and I'm a HUGE MacGyver fan. Huge.

Anyways as far as the sexual innuendo thing goes...I too was a little surprised at what a couple of the commercials suggested. Specifically I remember the flower commercial where the girl gets a box of insulting flowers in her office and they say "No one wants to see you naked!" Funny, but I wasn't expecting that to be played in a national commercial.

I'm no prude and I don't have a problem with distasteful or off-color commercials as long as they're somewhat funny and/or make a point. We're so sheltered here in the U.S. when it comes to sexuality; take a look at what is commonplace in terms of television ads in Europe. We should broaden our scope a little bit and make people uncomfortable. It's good for the soul.

But yeah, the godaddy.com commercial was just plain dumb.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
We certainly wouldn't want our children to be exposed to boobies while watching a game where people try to smack the crap out of each other and smacking each other in the asses.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Given the challenges my kids will face over their lifetimes, Superbowl ads are the least of my worries. The ads for useless crap on the cartoon channel blatantly targeting them as consumers have a bigger effect, frankly.

They see their mom naked more often than I do. :banghead:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
They're just tits. A big milky tit is the first thing children get introduced to. I see no reason to keep them so secretive and risque.
bingo. They're only as taboo as parents & society make them.

In Denmark they air TV shows that teach kids how to masturbate. Let me emphasize that they are TARGETED to kids. No joke.


Dec 19, 2006
Millis, MA
I liked the 1 Second Ad

Go here for free stuff(relatively):

Changed a little, but still accessible.

As for the ads, the media will complain about whatever it feels like.

If I had kids, I'd rather they see boobs than some guy getting his head blown off.

Whatabout this one that I guess wasn't aired (except in Texas?):


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I noticed a lot of sex and violence in the commercials. That Doritos, snow globe, commercial was rather destructive.

I wonder if there is going to be a trend towards that.


Dec 19, 2006
Millis, MA
I noticed a lot of sex and violence in the commercials. That Doritos, snow globe, commercial was rather destructive.

I wonder if there is going to be a trend towards that.
Makes sense, it appears as though the trend in the US is that you don't have to be accountable for anything anymore so you might as well do whatever you want to do.