
Survival of the fittest, online scam version...

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I know i should let the herd thin itself... but..

Very Important! They're already getting started... I just received an email, supposedly from the IRS.gov <http://irs.gov/> . Claiming that I needed to click on a link and fill out the necessary information to receive my 2008 Stimulus Economic Refund. Don't be fooled, it's looks legit and very real. I checked on the IRS.gov <http://irs.gov/> site, and they clearly advise against responding to the email, and against opening the link, as it may place a virus onto your computer. They note that they do not correspond with anyone via email, and that it's a scam. If you should receive this email, please forward to: phishing@irs.gov. Please pass this on and be aware!!!

You can read more here: http://www.irs.gov/privacy/article/0,,id=179820,00.html