
Sweaty Armpits


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
Ok so here is my next strange question.
Who out there has really sweaty armpits.... you see I need to get dressed up for work a lot. And most of the time before 8:00 in the morning I have already got sweaty pits (not stinky) under my shirt. But I never want to lift my arm because of the huge wet rings.

So I am wondering if anyone else has the problem and has anyone found a solution?


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Since no one really looks like they want to coment on this topic. I even feel a little strange discussing this, but here goes, have you looked into a deodorant with a good anti-perspirant. Maybe your buying a deodorant without it. My wife does that because she read anti-perspirant could lead to breast cancer since it's basically clogging the sweat gland in some form or fashion. My boss appears to have the same issue, except he doesn't try to hide it. Good Luck...


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
when I am stressed or nervous, my pits can get damn sweaty - even if I am just sitting and it doesnt matter what anti persp I used..............hmm, lets see today = dry pits :D


Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
I had the sam problem konabumm when I worked at a doctors office. I started wearing knit polo type shirts instead of dress shirts. It seemed to fix the problem because the rings wouldn't show. Do not buy anti-persperant because it does clog pores and your body has them open for a reason. Well hope that helped.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
2 things

1) a good antipersperant... try a few different ones, some work better than others.
2) spend the money on a good, moderately heavy, tight/fitted undershirt. Not the cheapy ones from Haynes or whatever, but a good one. Go to some trendy store and find a plain solid white t-shirt. Make sure the material is somewhat heavy so it can absorb the sweat, not your dress shirt. If it doesn't fit tight to your body (think Under Armour base layer shirts), then buy it one size too small. The last thing you want is a bulky tshirt under a nice dress shirt. If you get it fitted, it won't affect how your good clothes fit.


Jan 26, 2003
Rochester, NY
bwaahahahah!!!... sorry... I just keep picturing konabumm sitting at work with sweaty pits, sporting a woody from his Viagra... :D :dancing:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Yeah, I have this problem too. I've tried numerous antiperspirants with mixed results. I recently switched to Mitchum clear gell and so far it works better than any others I've tried.

And I do what jacksonpt suggests. I always wear a fitted t-shirt under everything.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
hmm...so, it's weird because I can feel my pits getting wet, and a little stinky and I don't really use deodorant, but my shirt doesn't get the rings. but, my girlfriend gets the rings even with anti-perspirant. so, I guess, it really depends on the person and maybe there's no hope Kona


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I Are Baboon said:
How about just wedging some ice cubes in your pits? Sure it *could* leave water stains, but at least the sweat issue will be taken care of.
Good idea. Hey, what about those frozen ice pack things that you put in coolers and such - wouldn't have to worry about them melting like you would ice cubes.

dh girlie

JSB said:
Since no one really looks like they want to coment on this topic. I even feel a little strange discussing this, but here goes, have you looked into a deodorant with a good anti-perspirant. Maybe your buying a deodorant without it. My wife does that because she read anti-perspirant could lead to breast cancer since it's basically clogging the sweat gland in some form or fashion. My boss appears to have the same issue, except he doesn't try to hide it. Good Luck...
you can tell your wife that that is an urban legend about the deoderant and she can start wearing silks again! :D

dh girlie

manziman said:
hmm...so, it's weird because I can feel my pits getting wet, and a little stinky and I don't really use deodorant, but my shirt doesn't get the rings. but, my girlfriend gets the rings even with anti-perspirant. so, I guess, it really depends on the person and maybe there's no hope Kona

You don't wear deoderant and you still have a girlfriend? That must be true love...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Scar tissue does not sweat so just give yourself 3rd degree burns to the armpits with a blowtorch or something.


Jun 10, 2002
undershirts helped with that problem. i didn't get them bad, though, so i stuck with Jockey "under****s". that was in high school. like, if we'd be playing some music, and i was getting into it, my pits would get rather wet. i always thought that was odd. for some reason, i don't sweat as much now. often times i forget to wear anti-perpirant.


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
i have tried undershirts and i go right through them.
i have tried polos and go right through them
I have trimmed my pit hear. NO WORK
I have tried tons of anti-perpirants. NO WORK
I did goto a very important dinner a few months ago and ducktaped my armpits... THAT WORKED.... but hurt like hell afterwards. So I really dont want to do that every day.

Well thats for the ideas everyone


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
Do you drink a lot of coffee or other caffienated beverages? If so, maybe cutting back a bit might help.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
dude, i have the same problem. i'll sweat in a freezer....i have shirts that are "riding only" shirts because the pits are either stained or hard when they come out of the wash. its so bad that i can feel the sweat running down my side if i'm sitting around the house w/out a shirt on. i know ladies...awesome mental picture isn't it? :D

i have yet to find a cure. my wife had a similar problem and her dr. prescribed some sort of pre-deodorant stuff. she said it burned like crazy but that it worked.

i like to think that i just have so much manliness that it's overflowing and leaking out :thumb: :D


Sep 21, 2001
Lucky for me I don't get sweaty pits, and when I do sweat I don't wreak.

I know you've said you tried lots of anti-perspirants but have tried Old Spice Red Zone? If that doesn't stop your pits from sweating I don't know what will. Just a little bit of that stuff and I couldn't wash it off for a couple days.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
If i forget to wear deodorant for one day, Im a stink fest. So I keep a stick of it in my backpack...for those moments in math class when i realize that i forgot to put it on. :thumb:


Feb 24, 2005
Rochester Hills, MI
Great thread! Only on the internet can you share embarrassing hygene stories and tips with complete and utter strangers... :thumb:

Try Crystal Stick. Available at your local pharmacy over the counter. It's 100% natural mineral salts with no perfumes or chemicals. Comes in a little purple roll-on thingy. Simply wet the top and roll it on. Mine was more of an odor issue, but since I started using the Crystal Stick a couple months ago the sweat and odor are practically non-existant. It also leaves no residue and washes off easily. Best of all, this it's guaranteed to last a year. My father in-law turned me onto it. He's been using it for some time and swears by it.

they even have a website: www.thecrystal.com

good luck
Feb 14, 2004
Try women's deoderant. I used to sweat like crazy with old spice, but my freind told be to try secret and god... night and day difference. Sure you might smell a lil feminine, but w/e right?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
manimal said:
oh yeah....since everyone is wondering ;)

no, shaving your armpits won't help either :eek: itch....itch.....:help:

I just shaved my head... and the lowers. For some reason my head doesnt itch, but south of the border is driving me nuts. :nope:

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
I used to have that problem really bad, and then I started not worrying so much about schit and my stress level went down and that helped, on the other hand, my ass crack sweats like a mofo, not so bad anymore like with the armpit thing, but..........


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
pixelninja said:
I recently switched to Mitchum clear gell and so far it works better than any others I've tried.

And I do what jacksonpt suggests. I always wear a fitted t-shirt under everything.
mitchum has to be the best stuff out there. i only use it every couple days because the stuff works so damn well. still get a little pit sweat sometimes, but not nearly as much as i used to.
undershirts are key to eliminating pitstains.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
I don't sweat that much, so no pit stains for me.

I find it wierd that when I am exercising hard, I don't sweat at all, but when I stop for a few minutes, it looks like someone hit me with a hose