
Swinger 6 way help


May 18, 2003
Portland, OR
I've got a Swinger 6, a few years old, and I'm assuming she needs a tune-up. The shock wasn't mine to start, and the first time I adjusted the high/low knobs, I think I over-torqued one of them (don't remember which from work). A little oil leaked out after doing so, so I tightened the knob back down. According the manual, I now need to bleed the damping system and replace the damping adjustment knobs. From the manual, it looks like I could do it myself. However, I called a shop and they said I need to send the shock back to Answer for service because the shock is N charged. I didn't think the shock was N charged, and that the reservoir was for compressed air from the shock pump. That's right, right?

Anyone know if this is a possible DIY, or does the shock need to go back? To be honest, I don't even know if it is worth it. The shock feels great to me as is, but could probably be benefited by some low-speed compression adjustment for pedally courses.

Advice, anyone? Beuller, anyone, Beuller?