
Tabasco x 8000


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
that's silly.

I love hot sauce. infact, I have 3 bottles of it on my desk here at work.

the stuff in that bottle isn't really for eating. and it's WAY too expensive.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I just bought some pickles that have Tobasco mixed in. I don't know if I could handle 8,000x hotter than Tobasco. Why not just shove the Sun down my throat?


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
I Are Baboon said:
I just bought some pickles that have Tobasco mixed in. I don't know if I could handle 8,000x hotter than Tobasco. Why not just shove the Sun down my throat?
that's the thing, this stuff isn't for eating, really.
it's made to show off to your friends.....


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Standard Blair's death rain sauce is not only hot but very tasty. Death rain potato chips are great too. Death rain dry spice is very very hot - I only use a small dash. Blair is located not far from hartshorne woods :)

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Someday, somewhere, some spice hero will taste it and declare it to be "pretty hot but not the hottest thing I've ever had" despite the 3rd degree tongue burns.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
my buddy completed the Cluck U Chicken "911 challenge", it was insane. I can't remember how many wings exactly he had to eat but it was a LOT and them bitches is HOT!

Here's the waiver you have to sign before attempting.

Cluck U Chicken said:

1) Your Eyes Will Water!

2) Your Nose Will Bleed!

3) It is Much Easier IN than OUT!



I am fully aware that I am about to eat one of the hottest sauces known to man, the dreaded CLUCK-UCHICKEN “911” winger sauce.

I hereby release CLUCK-U-CHICKEN, and hold myself completely responsible if any of the following should occur:

1. My eyes burn and proceed to pop out of my head, including if I stick my finger in my eyes after eating the dreaded “911” winger sauce.

2. Any part of my mouth bleeds profusely.

3. Severe gastrointestinal problems occur before, during, or after the ingestion of the dreaded “911” winger sauce.

Once again, I am fully aware of the potential problems that may occur from eating the “911” winger sauce, and will not hold CLUCK-U-CHICKEN liable for anything that may happen to my body before, during, or after taking the “911” challenge. I am an idiot.

Finally, I understand that all sales of the dreaded “911” winger sauce are final. There are no refunds, exchanges, returns or credits on “911” sauce.

Print Name:_________________

Sign Name:__________________


Not all Cluck-U Chicken stores offer 911 sauce and for those units
who do offer it, they must have you sign a similar WAIVER as above.
Before you take the challenge, you must find out about the reward,
Since not all the units participate in that challenge.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
I'm no doctor, but I would imagine that something that is 8000 times stronger than Tabasco would do some damage to your body...

I would be drinking a ton of milk and a lot of Tums...


Feb 7, 2005
We've got "Dixie's BBQ" around here and he's got this scud he calls "The Man". A couple drops from the end of a toothpick will ruin your meal. The pain going in, the heartburn the rest of the day, and the pain coming out just isn't worth it.
My current favorite for adding some good heat AND flavor is Harry's Habanero. It simply rocks on tacos:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
valve bouncer said:
Someday, somewhere, some spice hero will taste it and declare it to be "pretty hot but not the hottest thing I've ever had" despite the 3rd degree tongue burns.
It cracks me up when someone thinks it is a measure of their manhood by the amount of "heat" they can handle.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Qman said:
We've got "Dixie's BBQ" around here and he's got this scud he calls "The Man". A couple drops from the end of a toothpick will ruin your meal. The pain going in, the heartburn the rest of the day, and the pain coming out just isn't worth it.
My current favorite for adding some good heat AND flavor is Harry's Habanero. It simply rocks on tacos:
I have yet to go the Dixies, but one day may try to get out there and "meet the man."

that brings up a great story though. I am a chilli head. I like my food spicy. I usually have a bottle of something hot on my desk for lunch time and this prompted someone to purchase a bottle of Daves Insanity Sauce for me. I have had a few different bottles of Daves sauces and know it's painfully hot.

I like to pour some sauce on each bite of whatever I'm eating and Daves doesn't work well for this. it's too painful, and in my opinion, not very tastey.
fast forward a few weeks and I'm eating lunch at my desk. In walks one of our sales guys and he strikes up a conversation with me. He is a super macho tough guy. he asks me if I'm eating the Daves stuff and I mention it being too hot....

He goes on to tell me he loves spicey food and once he got his entire table free lunch at Dixies because he was able to eat the "man" hot sauce. I told him I had never been to Dixies, but this Daves stuff was pretty hot..(I don't really like this guy so I wasn't being too talkative and I was trying to eat..)

he grabs the bottle of Daves off my desk, grabs a writing pen and jams the end of the pen into the bottle of hot sauce. it dipped the pen end about one inch into the sauce and stuck it in his mouth.

Two seconds later he was standing up and looking at me with very wide eyes. he sat back down, then stood back up, sat back down and then suddenly ran out the door to get some water from the drinking fountain.

I laugh everytime I think of that story.

the weird thing is, someone recently told me Daves has nothing on "the man"...


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
PNJ, that story cracks me up.

I make Diablo pasta every once in a while with Dave's insanity hot sauce. I dip a toothpick in the sauce. Once I double dipped the toothpick. My marinara was then classified a chemical weapon as it would char flesh in seconds. My neighbor used to make burritos in batches and micro them for lunch. He accidentally applied too much Dave's to his recipe. The result, burritos you give to spite your enemies.

The moral: apply Dave's with care, the life you save could be your own!
Handle Dave's with care