
The Atlantic Triangular Trade? Srsly?

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Are. You. Kidding. Me.

Texas board of edumacation...putting the "ass" in association.

Article said:
Among the recommendations facing a final vote: adding language saying the country's Founding Fathers were guided by Christian principles and including positive references to the Moral Majority, the National Rifle Association and the GOP’s Contract with America.

Other amendments to the state's curriculum standards for kindergarten through 12th grade would minimize Thomas Jefferson's role in world and U.S. history because he advocated the separation of church and state; require that students learn about "the unintended consequences" of affirmative action; assert that "the right to keep and bear arms" is an important element of a democratic society; and rename the slave trade to the "Atlantic triangular trade.”


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
OMG, now students and their families will have to do some THINKING on their own.

As a 100% publicly educated child, I know there is a liberal bias to the books. I'm not bothered by textbooks with a conservative slant.

Ultimately it falls to the parents and the students themselves to decide what is right and wrong.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
and what exactly did they trade?

it certainly wasn't african americans.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
As a 100% publicly educated child, I know there is a liberal bias to the books. I'm not bothered by textbooks with a conservative slant.
You can't be serious. There is a natonalistic bias, but the textbooks I used absolutely did not have a liberal bias.

And you're truly not bothered by the revisionist history above? You really think American parents have the capacity, let alone will, to make sure their children get the facts and have a fruitful discussion on these topics? Why not just teach abstinence only, since it's afterall it's up to the parents to discuss this stuff with their kids. In fact, why even teach children at all? Parents should all homeschool their kids.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Nope, because African American infers "American", as in citizen. They were just trading in Africans.
and so this attempt to water it down like they were trading spices or livestock is pretty degrading to their humanity, much like the trade itself.

call a spade a spade & be done w/ it.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
OMG, now students and their families will have to do some THINKING on their own.

As a 100% publicly educated child, I know there is a liberal bias to the books. I'm not bothered by textbooks with a conservative slant.

Ultimately it falls to the parents and the students themselves to decide what is right and wrong.

What head injury (specifically) are you living your life under the influence of?


Nam I am
You can't be serious. There is a natonalistic bias, but the textbooks I used absolutely did not have a liberal bias.
History Books always have a Slant some Liberal , some conservative, but it always comes down to "History is written by the Victor" and the Unwritten rule "That history is Fact : Weather it happened or not"

when I went to school ( shortly after JBP,) the Indians were in the west and were Ruthless savges and were just protecting ourselvs from them ; Now in my Kids History Books ( with a much more liberal bias ) they are Native Americans who were just Misunderstood, and were ruthlessly hunted down by the Savage white man to Steal His land.

Now which one is correct ? Niether and Both


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210

Macy's better give me a free upgrade to the revised caption version of my new shirt.

...and clearly the new language is fine, the triangles are obvious.