
The beastie boys will never be the same


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
I have no words. I'll just leave this.

Don't fear your mortality, because it is this very mortality that gives meaning and depth and poignancy to all the days that will be granted to you. - Paul Tsongas


not worthy of a Rux.
Jun 22, 2009
Seeing the announcement vid brings home how ****ty cancer really is.

Even the cases where people have great odds of beating it, even when it's localised to a small area of the body it can still be a horrific illness.

My thoughts go out to his family, I'm sure that they'll be set for life financially and have a great network of friends to help them through this but that still doesn't replace a loved one.

MCA really didn't deserve to be taken so young. From a musical view he inspired so many to go on and make music, he (and the rest of the beastie Boys) was a spokesperson for a generation of restless youths. He was a fashion icon, doing just as much for Adidas and the 3 stripes as Run DMC.

Outside of music, he was doing such great work with charities, event's and his buddhism, how many other people can get sincere tributes from the dalai lama and the entire music community? He was even a backer to Brooklyn Machine Works back in the glory days before Doc left and Pharrell bought Yauch's share.

I wasn't a huge fan, I loved the music but never went to a show, bought merch or geeked out over new releases, but still I miss him and his contribution to music and the world in general.

To close out this rather long message I wasn't planning on writing (I was originally only going to say RIP, perhaps that would have been better) here's a tribute from Coldplay.

Coldplay may be gayer than cuddling under blankets and kissing a dudes neck, but the fact that a crowd full of people at a coldplay gig still know the words to the Beastie Boys just goes to show how big MCA, Mike D and Ad rock are and how far their influence has spread.



<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I still hate Coldsore, I mean Coldplay. Why couldn't they get cancer?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Why not a Kardashian, a Bieber or that weird tanning parolur lady? RIP MCA, thanks for making being a white kid cool for a little bit...
Buddy Holly released three studio albums.

Britney Spears has released seven.

God exists, but he's a malevolent asshole...


Jul 19, 2010
truely a sad day in the world of music. Fortunately I was able to see the Beastie Boys back in 95/96 at the Nassau Coliseum, and i still remember vivdly how amazing of a performance they put on.