
The Beer Exchange Holy Grail


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
The flamboyantly competitive Scottish brewery BrewDog has released Sink the Bismarck!, a "quadruple IPA" that they say is the most alcoholic in the world at 41%. BrewDog had previously earned similar attention last year with their then-record-setting 32% ABV beer, Tactical Nuclear Penguin, but rival brewery Schorschbrau just weeks ago (briefly) reclaimed the beer potency title with their Schorschbock, at 40% ABV, prompting Brewdog's latest counterattack.

Sink the Bismarck!'s 41% ABV renders it more alcoholic than whiskey or vodka. BrewDog has preempted the expected accusations of irresponsibility from British alcohol awareness groups, and explains that the beer should be consumed responsibly, "in spirit-sized measures."

Says BrewDog's managing director James Watt:

Beer has a terrible reputation in Britain, it's ignorant to assume that a beer can't be enjoyed responsibly like a nice dram or a glass of fine wine. A beer like Sink the Bismarck should be enjoyed in spirit sized measures.

It is important that you be careful with this beer and show it the same amount of sceptical, tentative respect you would show an international chess superstar, clown or gypsy.

BrewDog is no stranger to controversy over the strength of its product. Prior to the 40% Tactical Nuclear Penguin, their 18.2% Tokyo was criticized by alcohol awareness groups, so it crafted a low alcoholic brew called Nanny State. However, Alcohol Focus Scotland, for one, is waving the white flag of surrender with the news of Sink the Bismarck:

Over the past few months BrewDog have continued to produce stronger and stronger beers. By commenting on this irresponsible brewing practice we only serve to add to their marketing and therefore we have no further comment to make.
Sink the Bismarck! will cost £40 for a 330ml bottle, available solely through the BrewDog website.

A lifetime of + rep for whoever can send me this beer.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
I knew abut the Penguin, but this one is new to me. With the amount of distillation it goes through to get the abv that high, I wonder if it even tastes like a beer or more like a hopped spirit.