
The child-sized hands reach for the red phone


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Ships deplored to the Korean peninsula.

That's going to end well...


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
I can respect that people will have opinions and positions that differ from mine, but I have zero respect for the lack of consistency and clearly partisan response to this situation. The Constitution REQUIRES that the President obtain Congressional approval prior to taking action. To do anything less is illegal and I'm flumoxed (well, not really considering our current political environment) that our elected officials have been so indifferent in ceding this power to a single entity.

I don't care if the President is Democratic or Republican. I don't care whether the strike is warranted or not. I don't even care if the campaign is effective or linked to a larger strategy. What I DO care about is blatant shirking of explicitly defined separation of powers with no consequences.

While I only have one vote to give, you can be sure I'm making note of the hypocrites in Congress and you can be sure I'll be happy to vote for those who stand apart regardless of whether they have an (R) or (D) next to their name.