
The Death of a City...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Kill the pig, Cut her throat, Spill her blood
Kill the pig, Cut her throat, Spill her blood
Kill the pig, Cut her throat, Spill her blood
Kill the pig, Cut her throat, Spill her blood
Kill the pig, Cut her throat, Spill her blood


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
luken8r said:
note the middle right, middle top and center. its all under water
As is the top right, top center, most of the bottom right, half of center left, and at least a quarter of bottom left. :eek:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
my mom and adopted aunt drove down there yesterday morning to try and locate my aunt's family. she made contact with them tues. night and they said they haven't had food/water for 3 days.

i'm so pissed that my mom didn't call and tell me that she was heading down there until she was already gone.......IF she gets in with a working vehicle, she'll be a prime target for car jacking. i haven't heard from her since yesterday morning and when i call her cell i get a "due to the hurricane in this area, all towers are down" message.

don't know what i'm gonna do if i don't hear from her by saturday.....but if i do go looking for her, you can bet my pistols/shotgun and AR-15 will be joining me.


Sep 6, 2001
Orange County, CA
All I know is I remember the looting that went down during the LA riots. I'm sure that was not squat compared to what's going down right now in NO. But I will say it was the most intense few days of my life. NO ONE was outside with out a gun.
I sat on the roof of my friends shop in Inglewood for 2 days to keep it from getting looted.

They have to restore order somewhat before they can really do what needs to be done.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
manimal said:

don't know what i'm gonna do if i don't hear from her by saturday.....but if i do go looking for her, you can bet my pistols/shotgun and AR-15 will be joining me.
Dude, it's your MOM...wait till Saturday????

Get your ass down there!


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
H8R said:
Dude, it's your MOM...wait till Saturday????

Get your ass down there!

she doesn't live there or anything, just went looking for family....and i have absolutely no way of contacting her. she's a very capable woman and she told me she would find some way to contact me by sat. i can be there in about 8 hours so if i haven't heard from her by sat morning i'll be on the way. even though i have NO IDEA how i'll find her.

by the way, she's not going to NO, my aunts family was in pascagula, MS and i don't think the looting/violence is as bad there.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
manimal said:
she doesn't live there or anything, just went looking for family....and i have absolutely no way of contacting her. she's a very capable woman and she told me she would find some way to contact me by sat. i can be there in about 8 hours so if i haven't heard from her by sat morning i'll be on the way. even though i have NO IDEA how i'll find her.

by the way, she's not going to NO, my aunts family was in pascagula, MS and i don't think the looting/violence is as bad there.

Well, not GOOD, but ok I guess. Good luck to your mom and the folks!

This whole thing is way f8cked up. Katrina blew in over like 3-4 days after it hit the gulf. It moved at 11 knots. They should have had national guard outside of NO ready to put the hammer down on looters from day one.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
SkaredShtles said:
This will happen again. Next time there will probably more people living there.

I am sure levees and water pumps will be built bigger and stronger than ever before. The government's actions are always reactive and rarely proactive. I have no doubt New Orleans will be rebuilt. How long that will take is anyone's guess.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I Are Baboon said:
I am sure levees and water pumps will be built bigger and stronger than ever before.
I'm sure they will. They'll try. And Ma Nature will send them something that will destroy their bigger and better stuff.

They're in a swamp, below the level of a huge lake on one side and a huge river on the other.

I think it might be time to throw in the towel on the Big Easy. Rebuild it on slightly higher ground.


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
I Are Baboon said:
I am sure levees and water pumps will be built bigger and stronger than ever before. The government's actions are always reactive and rarely proactive. I have no doubt New Orleans will be rebuilt. How long that will take is anyone's guess.

I think I had heard that IF most of the buildings (commercial) are total losses they may begin by backfilling the whole area to bring the city above sea level.

That would be a start. Not to mention some underground water management system.


May 30, 2005

I feeel the same way as many about looting for basic nessicities, and the money losses from that are insignificant compared to the overall losses, but what it leads to is lawlessness. The people shouldn't have to loot for food at this point. The basic needs should be taken care of. Looting leads to violence, as one person has more than others, they get mad, then fight back. The mentallity of every man for themselves is unacceptable because it severly hampers the rescue and recouvery operations. Looting will go down as the basic needs are answered. Then it will be easier to punish those who are doing it solely for personal profit. But we need to get those people what they need immediatly.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
PonySoldier said:
We should ask the Dutch for advice on this...isn't their whole country below Sea level?...
Not too many Cat 5 hurricanes hit Europe, its a little different with huge storm surge and 150mph winds.


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
Mountain_Dewd said:

I feeel the same way as many about looting for basic nessicities, and the money losses from that are insignificant compared to the overall losses, but what it leads to is lawlessness. The people shouldn't have to loot for food at this point. The basic needs should be taken care of. Looting leads to violence, as one person has more than others, they get mad, then fight back. The mentallity of every man for themselves is unacceptable because it severly hampers the rescue and recouvery operations. Looting will go down as the basic needs are answered. Then it will be easier to punish those who are doing it solely for personal profit. But we need to get those people what they need immediatly.

I think the problem now is that the lawlessness and the lack of respect for the law is keeping them from getting the help they need. FEMA, the red cross and other are not putting their people in harms way do to the fact that these people are shooting at them when they come near.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
What's going on down there is incredible. I was in NOLA a little over a year ago and it's hard to believe what's happening. I agree it's somewhat acceptable to stock up on food, water, and other necessities, especially because there is no commerce happening - there is nobody selling anything anymore. But when people start taking televisions and stereos there is just no excuse. Plus, the residents don't have electricity or homes anymore, so chances are good the people doing the looting of un-essentials are the least effected by the damage. The riots in LA were different because the looting did not arise from people needing food and water, but in both situations it's just a lawless mob mentality. I can only hope I am never in the same situation.

And how about the reports of the Superdome? Tens of thousands of people, no power, no food, no water, no way in or out except on foot, people sick, people dying...and if you are in another part of the city and ask where to go, they tell you to go to the Superdome...
SkaredShtles said:
I'm sure they will. They'll try. And Ma Nature will send them something that will destroy their bigger and better stuff.

They're in a swamp, below the level of a huge lake on one side and a huge river on the other.

I think it might be time to throw in the towel on the Big Easy. Rebuild it on slightly higher ground.

If they (civil planners and govt. folk) decide to rebuild on the same spot its a serious waste of tax dollars.


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
Zark said:
Not too many Cat 5 hurricanes hit Europe, its a little different with huge storm surge and 150mph winds.

They get their share....

A European windstorm is a severe cyclonic storm that tracks across the North Atlantic towards north-west Europe in the winter months. These storms usually track over the north coast of Scotland towards Norway but can veer south to affect other countries including Ireland, England, Wales, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Germany. As these storms can generate hurricane-force winds, they are sometimes referred to as hurricanes, even though very few originate as tropical cyclones.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
PonySoldier said:
They get their share....

A European windstorm is a severe cyclonic storm that tracks across the North Atlantic towards north-west Europe in the winter months. These storms usually track over the north coast of Scotland towards Norway but can veer south to affect other countries including Ireland, England, Wales, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Germany. As these storms can generate hurricane-force winds, they are sometimes referred to as hurricanes, even though very few originate as tropical cyclones.
Ummm........ have they ever seen a Cat 5? :think:

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
manimal said:
she doesn't live there or anything, just went looking for family....and i have absolutely no way of contacting her. she's a very capable woman and she told me she would find some way to contact me by sat. i can be there in about 8 hours so if i haven't heard from her by sat morning i'll be on the way. even though i have NO IDEA how i'll find her.

by the way, she's not going to NO, my aunts family was in pascagula, MS and i don't think the looting/violence is as bad there.

Hey man, there is no way she can get into the city/area. No one gets in who is not authorized to. They are talking the soonest anyone can get in is 4 weeks from now.

I live in La so we are getting tons of news reports constantly.

But, if you plan on going down there, bring all the firepower and friends you have. It is bad!


Apr 17, 2004
TN said:
yeah, but over 200,000 were killed there...different scale of destruction.

So by your logic, less people dead and dying, living in filth means a slower response is acceptable? Remember, we knew this was coming...


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Bullitrider said:
So by your logic, less people dead and dying, living in filth means a slower response is acceptable? Remember, we knew this was coming...
thats not my logic. your perception is off.
what i mean is, that you cant compare the two other than they were both devastating natural disasters.

most people who didnt leave, COULDNT LEAVE. NOLA is a very poor city.


SkaredShtles said:
I'm sure they will. They'll try. And Ma Nature will send them something that will destroy their bigger and better stuff.

They're in a swamp, below the level of a huge lake on one side and a huge river on the other.

I think it might be time to throw in the towel on the Big Easy. Rebuild it on slightly higher ground.
yup - inland I tell ya.


Mar 25, 2004
Wilmington, NC
I Are Baboon said:
I remember watching a Discover Channel program a few years ago on hurricanes, and they were describing what could happen to NOLA if a cat 5 storm hit. Man, they were spot on. :(
I remember watching that. It was pretty chilling, and convincing. Turns out they were spot on.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Ciaran said:
My point is that in the face of all this he does not talk about offering help to the people, or compassion, he talks about "lawlessness" and punishment.
My quess is that quote is from a speech given by Bush. Somehow I doubt he forgot to mention that they were sending help down there as well.

Journalists don't put everything that has been said into an article and editors will often remove what they feel is excess. I think the fact that there are 28,000 troops down there means that Bush and the rest of the government feels that helping people is important.

The Ito


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I Are Baboon said:
I remember watching a Discover Channel program a few years ago on hurricanes, and they were describing what could happen to NOLA if a cat 5 storm hit. Man, they were spot on. :(
Saw it too. Thought it might have been National Geographic though?? Basically described what happened. Weird how spot on they were.