
the mountain bike camp

Is anyone stil interested in attending the YMCA freeride/race camp? We will be teaching many things and giving away alot more. The camp will be held at South Sea-tac. 20 riders max and 3 of the best riders, people in the sport. Bart has beat Brain lopes in dual slalom, Casey rode for Factory Dirtworks, and Kim is now riding for factory Cannondale. all of these riders are sick and can teach you to ride like them! how to work on oyur bike like a pro and other things you never probaly thought of. Like I said we can fit only 20 riders and spots are running out! Camp will cost 60 dollars total, unless your a YMCA member. Azonic, Smith, SDG,Bicycles West and www.sponsorhouse.com have all sent me stuff to give to the 20 lucky riders who participate, one lucky rider will get a free membership to sponsor house (for a year)thanks to Rich Housman. If you want to register call 206-937-1000 and get it done, we cannot accept registation on site. Any questions call me at the YMCA or email me at corybibby@msn.com

Cory Bibby :thumb: