
The Political Weatherman


Jul 27, 2003
Lake Elsinore, CA
As the political weatherman
It is a joy to report
The Gray skies were blown away with such force
That it won't be challenged in court.

There was nothing they could do
To save their political deathgrip
On the Golden State they turned to dust
Through their fingers they watched it slip.
With a loud hurray! and fists thrust high
A victory like this hasn't been seen
Since the PAN beat the PRI.

Now that it's done I still have to wonder
Because my faith in Arnold SchwartzenKennedy is not 100%
Will new hopes and dreams be realized
Or will they yet be put asunder
Will he make good on his promises
Or will we wonder where they went?

The work has just begun
Even though the Gray skies have gone
Davis has left Arnold a present
Right on the state's from lawn.
We can't get afford to get lost
Staring at the clear skies for a while
Because waiting for Arnold
Is a huge, stinking, budgetary pile!
And since I do enjoy the best of joking
I say this one is still so fresh
That it really is "Still Smoking!"

Because I am reading here
So many beginning to whine
I was compelled to offer these bits of cheese and pearls
To the rats and to the swine (ie. Davis supporters)
Your man is out and please don't cry
Come join the party, the people have spoken
Sing with us Na-Na-Na-Na, Na-Na-Na-Na
Hey-Hey-Hey, Goo-oodbye!
I don't expect you to take me up on it
It was merely a hollow token.

There is one thing I am very sure of
My life savings I'll bet-cha'
We will be better off this way
Than with Davis, Huffington, Flynt, Carey, Coleman, or BustaMECHA!

I didn't vote for Arnold, I voted for McClintock!