
The Wussification of American Children

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Ahh growing up

Riding 10 speeds all over LA at all hours of the day or night
Flaming Tennis Ball Cannons
Scuba diving from age 15 on
Rock Climbing
Ice Climbing
trying every drug that wasn't a pill or needed a needle
off road racing
climbing radio towers
assorted forms of tresspassing and vandalism
Sport F***ing


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
they quit giving an x beside kids name on a chart at my kids daycare because a mom thought it was to nagative. her kid was getting more than anyones. they give worse than an x when kid grow up.
don't get me going on that "it will hurt their self esteem" crap..


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
all of my kids like to play outside and get REALLY dirty. i've seen noah take diggers that would have broken my neck but he just gets up and tries it again. my youngest daughter has a head the size of a small planet and she uses it regularly to beat up her brother and sister.

i think my kids are going to be ok...but i do fear for some. we have friends who consider us bad parents for letting noah take the risks he does and for the way i throw my girls around in the air.

and my childhood claim to fame was lighting my hand on fire with acetone and, of course, making some rather intricate spud guns and blowing holes in wooden fences with it :D


Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2006
where i grew up in california we did really fun things
bb gun fights, bottle rocket fights, burning stuff, throwing pumkins and fruit, etc. but the kids in ct are all pvssy's they just wear their collared shirts and drink. then make up some rumors and giggle like little girls.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I heard a lady in the supermarket telling another lady that soccer is too dangerous for kids.

We also used to play full contact hockey, lacrosse and tackle football without a single piece of protective clothing. Hockey was always played late into the year until we started falling through the ice (pond was only 3 ft deep)


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
We also used to play full contact hockey, lacrosse and tackle football without a single piece of protective clothing.
Hell yeah....I remember when I was in junior high my friend was blocking me (playing football) and he hit me in the face with his forearm and my braces/teeth stuck into his arm, it was pretty nasty looking....good times.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
noah and i fight/wrestle until one of us bleeds. sometimes he gets carried away and slugs me in public and of course i respond with a big open handed smack to the back of the head...which usually leads to him kicking the crap out of my shins. we've gotten more than a few dirty looks for our "aggressive antics" :D what's the point of having kids if you can't beat them up once in a while ;)


Turbo Monkey
Dec 4, 2003
Tar Effing River!! NC
It's getting to the point we will be wearing some sort of protective gear for everything we do. I can just see a "bathroom helmet" in the future. You could slip in the shower and hit your dome...so wear this light weight, water friendly helmet and wash your hair sitting down.

I let my kids do dumb things, jump bikes, skateboard, play with a machete and get sips of my beer. They have all their fingers and toes, most of their brain cells, they are super healthy, athletic, get good grades. You can't protect em from everything and if you try, well your life is gonna suck cause you spend so much time worrying about them.

I want them to live life, get the most out of every minute and if that means getting some bumps and bruises along the way, so be it. I did all the dumb things listed above and quite a few more of my own invention. I remember riding ice chunks in Golden Hill creek during the spring thaw and almost drowning when you fell off or it crumbled out from underneath you. I fell out of a tree when I was 9 and broke my nose....I turned that little episode into a 20 year career. My whole life has been dangerous, from the tree climbing to high steel work to all this bike ridin stuff, my life has been an absolute blast. It would be a shame not to let my kids have the same experiences.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
I grew up as a military brat.

Football = broken collar bone, broken wrist
BMX = Broke ribs
Dirt Jumping = Numerous scars
Shot my brother in the head with a terget point arrow on a 30# bow
Build home made hand grenades during the summer
general blowing sh*t up.
Built home made tasers in electronics lab
Rode the bus all over San Diego at 10
Biked every from the mexican border to oceanside in the middle teens
Worked with Nuclear reactors, Nuclear weapons, and Intel in the twenties.

My wife thinks a scooter is too dangerous for our daughter.:disgust:


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I have a theory that if you take your kids camping and outdoors enough it lowers their expectations and requirements for everything in life. I know people that have barely ever had to sleep somewhere other than a bed. If you spend some time freezing in a tent, dodging pools of water, wearing wet boots and generally having a hilariously crappy/awesome time, a dry couch or the floor doesn't seem so bad. That's my theory, in any case.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I have a theory that if you take your kids camping and outdoors enough it lowers their expectations and requirements for everything in life. I know people that have barely ever had to sleep somewhere other than a bed. If you spend some time freezing in a tent, dodging pools of water, wearing wet boots and generally having a hilariously crappy/awesome time, a dry couch or the floor doesn't seem so bad. That's my theory, in any case.
...so if you want your kid to be content as a derelict...

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
I notice a lot of us have put down making bombs...
Lets not kid ourselves, who doesnt make bombs?

Althought for the most part their all little M-80's on crack, people still make their own "fireworks".

(Dont let the feds hear that...)
i think my kids are going to be ok...but i do fear for some. we have friends who consider us bad parents for letting noah take the risks he does and for the way i throw my girls around in the air.

I know where you are coming from. I am new to this site but from some of the pitchers i have seen that you posted on the southeast photo thread your doing an exellent job with Noah, man he rips! no doubt to be on the cover of Freeride Illistrated one day. i get the same thing with my four year old daughter. i throw her all over the place and teach her to brush off all the skint knees she get from riding her bike and playing soccer. we camp and hike all the time. Your biulding a relationship and bond with him will go on forever. keep up the good work.

i ride salem all the time maybe i'll see ya out there sometime.
i think my kids are going to be ok...but i do fear for some. we have friends who consider us bad parents for letting noah take the risks he does and for the way i throw my girls around in the air.

I know where you are coming from. I am new to this site but from some of the pitchers i have seen that you posted on the southeast photo thread your doing an exellent job with Noah, man he rips! no doubt to be on the cover of Freeride Illistrated one day. i get the same thing with my four year old daughter. i throw her all over the place and teach her to brush off all the skint knees she get from riding her bike and playing soccer. we camp and hike all the time. Your biulding a relationship and bond with him will go on forever. keep up the good work.

i ride salem all the time maybe i'll see ya out there sometime.


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
Sure we all took risks and lived, but there are many factors like Brian stated. Traffic is heavier, people are more stupid, things just move faster. I would have said I'd let Caroline do whatever, but having spent days at the hospital with her when she was an infant, I'll suspect that's when things changed. Kill your kids if you like, but I'll choose to love mine and protect her with every ounce of my might.


Apr 10, 2006
O man. This thread just reminded me of my favorite kids activity. We used to put metal folding chairs on top of skate boards, pile on pads from various sports, and bomb down hills trying to knock each other off. You could steer by tilting, but had to be careful not to tilt to hard while swinging your broom and the other riders. The best parts was that probably half the time when you wrecked the folding chairs would, well, fold and squish the loser.


Aug 28, 2007
haha ya as others have said, love this thread!

dirt jumping
biking all around the city (in my case HB)
used to skateboard
did the whole streetloushing thing when i was younger
played stupid games
light anything that seemed like it could ignite
m-80s rock, especially when you run from the cops when they hear em go off
bottlerocket wars are awesome
and even tho this sounds pretty lame, halo (for xbox) parties and t.p.ing and ding-dong-ditching never get old


Given the group here, does that really surprise you?
the transition of what used to be a perfectly normal after school activity to attract sentiments like"omg he likes to ____, _____ is a symptom of anti-social behavior and it's so dangerous in my mind and it doesn't contribute to a harmonious sophisticated European-style society" happens all too often these days as people became more domesticated. It happens even though the said activities are completely legal, and generations of Americans grow up participating in it and became responsible citizens.

I suspect most people from USA here know what I'm talking about, but for the interest of not causing controversy, let's pretend I was walking about fireworks. shall we?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
and t.p.ing and ding-dong-ditching never get old
ah yes, "rolling" the neighborhood. a select few from my youthgroup at church, when i was a teen, called ourselves the "holly rollers". we were notorious for doing an elegant job of tp'ing someones yard and then leave a sympathy card on their door. we'd usually take around 75-95 rolls of tp to each "job." we'd climb the trees and wrap each limb individually, like a cast.
oh man...we made lots of friends that way ;) :D
7 of us piled into a mazda mx3 one night after the dad came bolting out the door in his tighty whities after us.....fitting 7 in a tiny car is a lesson in physics i need not learn again :busted:
sweet! i'm sure we'll cross paths soon. i live about 2 minutes from there, literally. maybe an afternoon session tomorrow w/ some of the bmx kids i've been hanging with at the track.
Thanks for the invite, but i'm heading to blowing rock for the day (and no i wont be mtbing:disgust:) so i'll catch you next time. I normally ride early but i'll have to start hitting it in the afternoon more. are ya'll out there most sunday afternoons?

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
I remember riding my bike all the way across town in the chicago suburbs to go to my cousin's house. Mom and did din't have a problem with me riding 5 miles through traffic.

Kids are too soft these days.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
the transition of what used to be a perfectly normal after school activity to attract sentiments like"omg he likes to ____, _____ is a symptom of anti-social behavior and it's so dangerous in my mind and it doesn't contribute to a harmonious sophisticated European-style society" happens all too often these days as people became more domesticated.

My point about RM and People involved in biking:

1. Generally don't give the weight to society's opinion as the average joe, being a pretty individualistic bunch.
2. Are participating in a fairly dangerous sport (#2 sport cause of ER visits)
3. RM'ers in particular are intelligent enough to think for themselves and make their own decisions.

So basically you have a bunch of people who aren't afraid, don't care what society thinks, and are smart enough to make their own decisions and survive.


Feb 27, 2007
Virginia, USA
Seriously, lets think about this;
It's more "The wussification of American parents"
My paren't wont let me do anything that's fun or semi-dangerous.. Which is why I am into computers, because I never got to do anything extreme as a kid...


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
As a parent I can't help but to compare the apparent dangers of when I was young compared to what my kid has to face today.

There are way more weapons, drugs and psychos out there. There was in my day too, just not to the same extent.

And to think "Oh I turned out just fine" only goes so far. I know many people that I grew up with who did not. One kid from my neighborhood died wrapping a Kawasaki around a tree at 17. Another died drunk driving. Teen pregnancies. Drug addiction. Overdoses. Etc.

I think if you let kids think they are completely indestructible they don't get a clear sense of danger later in life.