
This explains a lot


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
A few of the Chemicals needed to make good acid are no longer commercially available. MDMA also. It saddens me that a whole generation has come up with out knowing how good drugs used to be. The exception is weed is 10 times better then it was back then. Who buys brick weed? WTF are you thinking. What the Californians have done to weed is amazing.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Though I've never experienced a hallucinogen. Pretty sure all the things I'd see would be bad.
Location Location location. Middle of the desert on a warm afternoon, deserted beaches, high mountain meadows with a few close trustworthy friends. never at a party, large event, anywhere you can get paranoid of cops , people and things. Right setting and its awesome, wrong and oh shit.. had both experiences


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Location Location location. Middle of the desert on a warm afternoon, deserted beaches, high mountain meadows with a few close trustworthy friends. never at a party, large event, anywhere you can get paranoid of cops , people and things. Right setting and its awesome, wrong and oh shit.. had both experiences
Ha ! In art school there were parties where no one was drinking, but there were easily a 100 peeps tripping balls.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
You ever seen a chick's head inflate like a giant weather balloon while you're talking to her ?
no but I did see a pink dolphin swimming in pool of green jello while I was sitting on the garage roof at a party ( lady of the house swimming nude in the pool at night) Dolphin said jump in the waters warm. Tossed off my clothes and jumped from the roof to the pool...damn water was freaking freezing

Then there was the time on peyote out in the Desert. Easter Sunday morning. The church group next to us in the campground had stayed up late singing hymns I was peaking, had hair down to my waist. stripped down to just a nylon poncho made a crown of thorns and pushed the spines into my head so that I was bleeding and strolled though the campground and sunrise blessing people. The religious folks were appalled everyone else was rolling.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
no but I did see a pink dolphin swimming in pool of green jello while I was sitting on the garage roof at a party ( lady of the house swimming nude in the pool at night) Dolphin said jump in the waters warm. Tossed off my clothes and jumped from the roof to the pool...damn water was freaking freezing

Then there was the time on peyote out in the Desert. Easter Sunday morning. The church group next to us in the campground had stayed up late singing hymns I was peaking, had hair down to my waist. stripped down to just a nylon poncho made a crown of thorns and pushed the spines into my head so that I was bleeding and strolled though the campground and sunrise blessing people. The religious folks were appalled everyone else was rolling.
What is with encountering old people as the sun is rising when you've been up all night ingesting chemicals. I think may have scared a few myself.

I had friends who ate acid everyday, even in class. I'd look over and one friend would have the weirdest smirk and fully dilated eyes during studio class.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
dear east bay, california, this is the man who will save you when your life hangs in the balance.

Right and because I have seen and done so much weird shit in my time nothing I encounter in EMS is going to flip me out. I am really good at dealing with folks on drugs or having psychotic episodes and because of those past experiences I an able to calm them down and make them at ease

Dude there are these 6 foot purple spiders in the room and they want to hurt me

Me: Nah that's just Herbie and Bob They're cool, they were just just hanging out to make sure you were ok until we could get here.
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
dear east bay, california, this is the man who will save you when your life hangs in the balance.

I'd rather have an EMT like eric with real world experiences scraping me off the ground than someone who's read about it. Like getting substance abuse advise from a counselor who's only experience with drugs is in a classroom, v.s. a counselor who used to be a junkie.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
You know how you forget where you parked your car at the grocery store? You come out and nothing. You walk every aisle and nothing... Well once while tripping my ass off I lost my car in Philadelphia. I knew I had taken a trolley at some point, and then the subway.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
best trip: On the Dive Boat the Vision out of Santa Barbara on a 6 day dive trip at San Clemente Island near the Mexican Border and 60 miles offshore. It was in the 80s during the day and the water was 75 degrees with 100' plus visibility. At night there was a slight phosphorescence. no current and we anchored in 40' of water for the night. a bunch of us ate some schooms and once we started coming on donned our and went night diving under a full moon. Glowing trails from the plankton as you moved. Fish darting about leaving phosphoescent trails with the moonlight filtering through the kelp. freaking most awesome hour I have ever spent underwater