
This should end well


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Well it appears most of you support BLM’s over the top ham fisted approach to settling a grazing rights dispute with a family. The question you may want to ask is why BLM was so heavy handed, this could be handled administratively.
What, like send them a letter and ask for the fees?

Big J

Jul 18, 2005
less that we support the BLM, more that we recognize bundy as a bozo. he lost, he exhausted all legal options, yet still refuses to give up.
I agree that it’s a bit like tilting against windmills though I do give him credit for standing up to ‘The Man’.

Hopefully it’ll get sorted without anyone getting hurt.

btw, when did the BLM get all military? I pictured those guys in light green uniforms with pocket protectors, clipboard in hand, driving beige ’67 F150s chatting it up w/ Yogi.

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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I agree that it’s a bit like tilting against windmills though I do give him credit for standing up to ‘The Man’.

Hopefully it’ll get sorted without anyone getting hurt.

btw, when did the BLM get all military? I pictured those guys in light green uniforms with pocket protectors, clipboard in hand, driving beige ’67 F150s chatting it up w/ Yogi.

i definitely give him credit for taking the appropriate legal recourse. but he's an effin' moron for not knowing when to give up, and for allowing his family and "supporters" to escalate this to the brink of violent conflict.

and BLM does have an enforcement branch that receives federal law training through Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). Law Enforcement Rangers attend the Land Management Police Training (LMPT) academy at FLTEC, while BLM Special Agents attend the Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP) at FLETC.




bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Well it appears most of you support BLM’s over the top ham fisted approach to settling a grazing rights dispute with a family. The question you may want to ask is why BLM was so heavy handed, this could be handled administratively.

It’s interesting that Harry Reid and his son weighed in on the dispute and his former staffer heads up the BLM. What dog do the Reid’s have in this hunt?

Doesn’t a rancher friend of Harry Reid have a grazing waiver? I’m not sure, something for you RM fact checkers.

Like maybe BLM should take him to court 3 times? Maybe the Reids have had to respond because tin foilers keep saying they want to build a solar farm?

I agree that it’s a bit like tilting against windmills though I do give him credit for standing up to ‘The Man’.

Hopefully it’ll get sorted without anyone getting hurt.

btw, when did the BLM get all military? I pictured those guys in light green uniforms with pocket protectors, clipboard in hand, driving beige ’67 F150s chatting it up w/ Yogi.

While I'm certainly not one to approve of the militarization of every Federal Office, or even my local Police Department, have you considered the fact that in this case it was obviously justified? You know, Since Rancher Bumblefvck and his Merry Band of Tinfoil "Patriots®" certainly gave every appearance of wanting to start an actual range war.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
While I'm certainly not one to approve of the militarization of every Federal Office, or even my local Police Department, have you considered the fact that in this case it was obviously justified? You know, Since Rancher Bumblefvck and his Merry Band of Tinfoil "Patriots®" certainly gave every appearance of wanting to start an actual range war.
high noon at the clock tower!

Big J

Jul 18, 2005
You really know nothing about the BLM do you?
Not really, like most I'm too busy working and living life.

I think your response has to do more with our disagreement on gun control than a pop quiz on Gov agencies.

You can turn that butt hurt dial back a bit since we’d likely agree on many issues unless you’re a total big government guy.

Questioning authority is always a good thing and in the case of BLM vs Bundy there may be more to this story. Harry Reid seems to have a vested interest in tamping down a disgruntled rancher.....one would think the Senate majority leader would have other priorities.

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Artisanal Tweet Curator
Repeating extremely poorly informed opinions isn't 'questioning authority'. More than anything else, that's what made me respond with that question.

If you're too busy 'living life' to know what government agencies do, where they came from, and their relationship to the people that fund them, then you can't possibly be expected to be taken seriously when you pretend to have strong opinions on their actions.

Me pointing that out isn't butthurt, it doesn't have anything to do with my feelings on gun regulation....it's literally just my response to the frequency in which you state some solid steadfast opinion on something, only to have it come out that you really don't know jack shlt about it.

Harry Reid does not run the BLM. That's the secretary of interior, who the state of Nevada in their constitution appoints authority for management over a huge portion of their land. Being flat out ignorant is not something to be proud of.

You don't even know this area. There's no windfarm or solar array going up in a national recreation area being regulated for the protection of an endangered species. The exact same groups that are suing the BLM would then be suing whoever the hell tries it.

Big J

Jul 18, 2005
One doesn’t need to know every facet of an agency to recognize a heavy handed response to what is essentially a minor dispute.

Your condescension does come off as a bit butt hurt.



Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
The BLM response is given the timeframe not even close to being "Heavy handed".
And it's actions when faced with hostility was the very model of restraint IMO.

The average civil police department would have been vastly less restrained and pragmatic in it's response under the same circumstances.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
One doesn’t need to know every facet of an agency to recognize a heavy handed response to what is essentially a minor dispute.

One should at least have a general idea of what that agencies mission is before one critiques it as well. One would think that 20 years, and three (four, depending on how you count them) court cases would also warrant forfeiture of property. And I don't know about you, but one would also think that a million plus dollars in fines, making threats against federal employees, and inciting insurrection, hardly seems like a "minor dispute".


Artisanal Tweet Curator
One doesn’t need to know every facet of an agency to recognize a heavy handed response to what is essentially a minor dispute.

Your condescension does come off as a bit butt hurt.


Considering some of the roid ragers that exist in the BLM and the artillery they carry around for closing down meth labs and militia tards, this was like a little wag of the finger.

How SHOULD they have handled it?

Big J

Jul 18, 2005
Considering some of the roid ragers that exist in the BLM and the artillery they carry around for closing down meth labs and militia tards, this was like a little wag of the finger.

How SHOULD they have handled it?
An administrative approach seems logical since the dispute has been going on forever.

One has to ask why the big line in the sand now?

You have to admit that the timing of Reid’s former staffer taking the BLM helm, the agency’s confrontation with the Bundy’s, some media suggesting Harry Reid’s involvement followed by BLM’s quick exist and terse words from Harry Reid and his son does make for interesting coincidence. Conspiracy theorist will run amok with the timeline.

It will be interesting to see how this story unfolds.

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Big J

Jul 18, 2005
One should at least have a general idea of what that agencies mission is before one critiques it as well. One would think that 20 years, and three (four, depending on how you count them) court cases would also warrant forfeiture of property. And I don't know about you, but one would also think that a million plus dollars in fines, making threats against federal employees, and inciting insurrection, hardly seems like a "minor dispute".
Considering all of the other BS that going on inside, outside and along our boarders I would consider this minor, like way down the f'n list.

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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
An administrative approach
You keep saying that, but I don't think you know what that means. How much more administrative than 21 years and reams of legal paperwork in the court system can you get? What's BLM SUPPOSED to do? Take him to court for the 4th time and say "pretty please, for realzies this time? "

And there is no conspiracy. NONE. Each and every single bullsh1t conspiracy theory dreamed up by the Freedum® crowd has been completely and thoroughly debunked. Even Retards like Beck and who ever the morons are left at Breitbart have called BS on all the "conspiracy" theories.
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Considering all of the other BS that going on inside, outside and along our boarders I would consider this minor, like way down the f'n list.

You don't even look up a wikipieda article before you decide that some government agency whose mission you can't even define is the face of satan himself? You sure seem to believe that the BLM is a big fvck deal right now.

Information age indeed. :rolleyes:
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
An administrative approach seems logical since the dispute has been going on forever.

One has to ask why the big line in the sand now?
I'm not even sure you know what an administrative approach is. That's court. That's fees and fines. That's exactly what HAS been done up to this point.

You also don't know why this is coming up now.

This is why.


The BLM is being proactive to cut down on 'big gubbamint spending' chasing around court costs. Plus they're legally in the wrong allowing him to graze there.

It has nothing to do with anyone who works in Nevada transferring jobs.

Seriously dude, look at a real news site for once in your life. You really don't even know the basics. That's why you have so many questions. You haven't bothered to look for any answers. Most of these 'mysteries' to you have real answers. And not knowing them makes you think it's totally cool for a bunch of delusional fvcktards to start taking aim at government employees just doing their job.
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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
An administrative approach seems logical

BTW, I deal in Administrative Law. It's my job. By it's nature, Administrative Law is limited in it's scope and what you can do.
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filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Bottom line is that Bundy is the perfect example of a freeloading moocher sucking off the gubbmints hind teat for his own fun and profit. Imagine if one of us stopped paying his rent or mortgage...we get thrown out on our asses...no matter how many idiot friends we call to help prevent the eviction. Or if Bundy was anything other than lily white.

And if he only recognizes the government of Nevada, perhaps he should read the section of the Nevada Constitution that recognizes the Federal government and their decisions as supreme over those of Nevada...


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
And if he only recognizes the government of Nevada, perhaps he should read the section of the Nevada Constitution that recognizes the Federal government and their decisions as supreme over those of Nevada...

That reading part, yeah about that...... I think I found the problem right there.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Well it appears most of you support BLM’s over the top ham fisted approach to settling a grazing rights dispute with a family. The question you may want to ask is why BLM was so heavy handed, this could be handled administratively.

It’s interesting that Harry Reid and his son weighed in on the dispute and his former staffer heads up the BLM. What dog do the Reid’s have in this hunt?

Doesn’t a rancher friend of Harry Reid have a grazing waiver? I’m not sure, something for you RM fact checkers.

Administrative handling.

Seriously, there have been multiple lawsuits (that the ranchers had lost) and finally the BLM decided to round up cattle that were trespassing on federal land to pay for the fees that he owes. Like if you owe thousands of dollars in parking tickets for parking your car illegally and your car is seized while it is, you know, parked illegally.
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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Administrative handling.

Seriously, there have been multiple lawsuits (that the ranchers had lost) and finally the BLM decided to round up cattle that were trespassing on federal land to pay for the fees that he owes. Like if you owe thousands of dollars in parking tickets for parking your car illegally and your car is seized while it is, you know, parked illegally.
Logic, some fail to see it.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
As Hank Williams Jr might say, "It's a family tradition".
The early years of Mormonism were characterized by violence, both by and against the Latter Day Saints. The ‘Danites,’ Joseph Smith’s secret police, suppressed dissent and attacked enemies of the church. Along with their polygamy, that kind of behavior is what got the Saints kicked out of Ohio and then Missouri. After their prophet was lynched in Illinois, Smith’s followers moved further West to set up an Earthly dominion of God (read: theocracy) beyond the reach of federal power. To clear the way for their settlements, new Mormon paramilitary groups harassed and intimidated the Native Americans that were already living in the Utah territory, but when tensions with the federal government hit fever pitch in 1857, those militias struck up an alliance with the Paiute tribe. The most notable achievement of that coalition was the slaughter of a pioneer wagon train. In fact, Bundy’s ancestor Dudley Leavitt, mentioned above, was a participant in that September 11, 1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre, which sparked the so-called ‘Utah War’ of 1858. Although the conflict ultimately fizzled, it threatened to turn very bloody, and it has long been understood as a prequel to secession and the Civil War.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
so some pictures of "dead cattle" are making the rounds on teh FB. purporting to be bundy's. people are absolutely flipping sh*t over some dead cows that were destined for the butcher anyways. it's pathetic that there's more outrage from conservatives over this than there were for dead children.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I was thinking about that.

If you don't recognize the legitimacy of the US gov't, can you get all uppity about its borders? 'Illegal' refers to a violation of the laws held by the country you don't think exists. Same with 'alien'.

Is this like the consitution where merka is a holy concept, ordained by divinity, who's ruling and structural system is irrelevant?

Being a braindead fvcking moron is hard to figure out for an outsider. I could use some help.

Hey gastro: how does this work?
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