
$$$$$$$$ Thursday GMT $$$$$$$$$

Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
These are not dogs. These are monsters sent by god/Yahweh/Buddah/Cthulhu pick a deity. That deity is trying to destroy me. This house smells like piss and **** no matter how much orange cleaner I use to clean the piss and **** up. I'm slowly going more insane than I was when I got here. Good news is at least my depression isn't acting up. So there's that. I need a beer.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
These are not dogs. These are monsters sent by god/Yahweh/Buddah/Cthulhu pick a deity. That deity is trying to destroy me. This house smells like piss and **** no matter how much orange cleaner I use to clean the piss and **** up. I'm slowly going more insane than I was when I got here. Good news is at least my depression isn't acting up. So there's that. I need a beer.
Wife and I had a discussion the other day. Topic: "Where is that poop smell coming from!?" The smell went away, so I am guessing the other dog found it and ate it.

Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
I get to play "find the poop smell" every morning and evening. Last night was a tough one. Bedroom, far side of bed. They don't usually go in that room. I can tell what dog left what poop by size and consistency.

Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
I let them out every morning. They've been outside frolicking for 30 min. and when I let them in before I leave they will promptly **** all over the place. It happens every time. I let them out at least five times from the the time get here to the time I go to bed and that last time--boom, poop inside. It's like they know.


Jan 5, 2013
These are not dogs. These are monsters sent by god/Yahweh/Buddah/Cthulhu pick a deity. That deity is trying to destroy me. This house smells like piss and **** no matter how much orange cleaner I use to clean the piss and **** up. I'm slowly going more insane than I was when I got here. Good news is at least my depression isn't acting up. So there's that. I need a beer.
It would be hilarious if your cleaner smells like piss when it is dried. I bet some drunken A-hole pissed in your orange cleaner.


Sep 8, 2009

Holy wind advisory batman! It's around 30°F with the wind blowing at 30-40mph. I thought that my van was going to blow off the highway a few times this morning. I should have stayed in my warm comfy bed.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I spent a bit of time this weekend adding sound deadening and replacing a damaged window sill on my Forester. This morning was the first time I've driven it, as I've been driving around Wifey's car. So much quieter it's not even funny. Except under heavy acceleration, it's the same volume as her car.

Haley and Wifey are back. Working today. That is all.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
there's this big fvcking orange thing in the sky.....no clouds.....blue skies....


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
User calls me asking for help printing an email. A receipt for something she bought over the phone, an email she doesn't have and will never receive. I had to explain this to her.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
New girl comes to work tommorow. In order to try to keep up with deadlines I'm going to dump some deadlines on her so hard she's going to think it was the hammer of thor. Still feel kinda bad about since she is hot but office romance is a bad idea anyway so it's better to meet deadlines and not work 14h days than risk being in deep ****

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
New girl comes to work tommorow. In order to try to keep up with deadlines I'm going to dump some deadlines on her so hard she's going to think it was the hammer of thor. Still feel kinda bad about since she is hot but office romance is a bad idea anyway so it's better to meet deadlines and not work 14h days than risk being in deep ****
So you're successfully avoiding being deep in two different things?

Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
New girl comes to work tommorow. In order to try to keep up with deadlines I'm going to dump some deadlines on her so hard she's going to think it was the hammer of thor. Still feel kinda bad about since she is hot but office romance is a bad idea anyway so it's better to meet deadlines and not work 14h days than risk being in deep ****
Pics or GTFO.

Took lunch thirty minutes early because it's screen reclamation day and I ****ing hate doing that ****. I have something like 38 screens to reclaim and have only gotten 12 done. Stupid time consuming important tasks. I'm hoping I can get at least another 15-20 done before I leave at 16:30.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Insurance added 2 more comp vehicles, neither have the options mine did and are sticking with the lowball offer. I am sick of dealing with it and the reality is I doubt I woud have gotten that much for it if I would have sold it. But there isn't enough left over after getting a truck to buy back the salvage, so I am letting her go. :(

Marceline, you will be missed.



Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head

Am I the only one around here that lets his dogs out so they can sh*t outside?
Not at all

I let them out every morning. They've been outside frolicking for 30 min. and when I let them in before I leave they will promptly **** all over the place. It happens every time. I let them out at least five times from the the time get here to the time I go to bed and that last time--boom, poop inside. It's like they know.
Sometimes that method ain't good enough. Plus, ours are alone for nine hours a day and sometimes they just need a mid-day poop. I mean, I've been there myself!
Feed them better and a little less...... My dogs are inside for ten hours ish every day, they have no accidents

Monzie..... You need to crate train your dogs, teach them that when you go out, its time to ****, teach them not to **** in their own home. Crate at night, let them out, do not let them in until they ****.... when they **** in the house.... lock them in there crate, when you open up the crate.... put them outside


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Have two potential job offers I am considering, job descriptions almost identical. Base salary identical.

Option 1: In Seattle, Will have to travel about 20% of the time. Will get paid OT for "billable field work". Will have to live in Seattle. Larger well established company. I have a hunch I will get worked like a rented mule. Met co-workers in sterile interview environment, they seem OK.

Option 2: Forest VA, 2 hours south of where I would really like to be. No potential OT. Extremely small company. Owner has stated he values work life balance, he wants his employees to have fun outside of work, he started the company to fund his motorcycle racing habit. Can I believe him? Interview was very informal, after a few hours it turned into joking around and telling stories, confident that I will really like the people I work with. The cost of living in Forest is dirt ****ing cheap, almost half that of Seattle. It seems I can buy land for less than $3K an acre. Ideas of personal trails are dancing through my head. Forest Va is smack dab in the bat-****-crazy bible belt, the quality and quantity of available women pales in comparison to Seattle.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Club desirable WA women over head, strap to fender of GTI, move to VA.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
As much as I love Portland, Seattle is too big/busy/expensive for me to ever consider. You've been up there a while and should have a good feel for it, but the 2nd option sounds great.

I was burned in the past by small companies that didn't make it. But I prefer the feel of a small company (why I tok this job) because like option 2, my company values employees.

Starting this year my company now offers up to $2k vacation expense reimbursement to encourage you to USE your 2 weeks paid vacation. This is not a perk other companies offer around here. This is on top of the insane bennies I already have.

I vote for option 2, bring a chick with you from Seattle.

<edit> Sniped. :rofl:
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Club desirable WA women over head, strap to fender of GTI, move to VA.

I love SEA, but it would take a metric sh*t ton of cash to get me to actually live there. Go VA, work to live, not live to work. You can buy a woman from russia if that really becomes an issue.

i find bible belt easier to ignore the longer i have lived around it.....
This is my experience. When we moved to the evangelical nut job heartland I raged against it for several years. But it is slowly and surely fading to back ground noise. Too much other stuff going on for me to worry about it.
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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
This is my experience. When we moved to the evangelical nut job heartland I raged against it for several years. But it is slowly and surely fading to back ground noise. Too much other stuff going on for me to worry about it.
I thought Medford, OR would be like that. So much to see and do that the local ignorance wouldn't bother me. I was wrong. Medford is more than just bible crazy, though. Toss in a ton of meth and a collective IQ of 60 with the bible crazies and it takes things to a whole new level. :rofl:

<edit> Except for a few folks like Uncle Cliffy, of course.
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I thought Medford, OR would be like that. So much to see and do that the local ignorance wouldn't bother me. I was wrong. Medford is more than just bible crazy, though. Toss in a ton of meth and a collective IQ of 60 with the bible crazies and it takes things to a whole new level. :rofl:

<edit> Except for a few folks like Uncle Cliffy, of course.
Drugs are bad Mmmmmmmkay?