
--{ Thursday GMT }--

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Morning Monkies! IRB has already run halfway to Boston and stevew been up since 3; it's time you got you ass moving as well. On tap for my day is a fruity breakfast of strawberries, banana, yogurt and granola. Munch, munch.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
morning slackers... good weight lifting session last night and belive me I can feel it this morning. Coffee is perfect, it is attempting to dissolve the mug. Tonight I go for a run after walking the dogs for 2 miles ( I don't run the old dog, at ten years old I just let him set the walking pace).

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Maiden voyage of Felicia yesterday. She's nice, real nice. Gonna take some time figure out where the suspension likes to be set, but a solid shakedown ride. Did get to help extract a friend from the trail who had a bad crash... That story is in yesterday's GMT.

Unless you have one with lunch.
or breakfast.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Mornin. shitty night's sleep was shitty. waking up to 6" of wet, slippery snow was even shittier. decided to drive the boy to daycare instead of trying to push the chariot through that shit for an hour. Now I'm sitting at my desk feeling like shit, and have a shit-ton of newly "urgent" deadlines to deal with. today is going to be shitty.

on the plus side, cedar-plank salmon on the new grill last night was yummy. could have had a second and even third helping if there had been more. next time...


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

PT today. Working on my cup of motivation. Got out and did 23 miles on the single speed yesterday, and holy balls, did the wind kick my ass. The last 5 miles took as long as the first 18. :dead:


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
When I interviewed for my new position the director emailed me the day prior to the interview and said, "We wear jeans every day around here, so don't dress professional." :D
How do you channel your inner rebel then? I wear jeans every day despite the strict dress code. Take that, corporate lizard overlords! :ph34r:


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Rotten Wednesday behind me. Here's to an marginally awesomer Thursday :cheers:
Several doctors appointments today, a little work and with a little luck a ride in the afternoon.

Also, Mountain Toad beers make me foggy the next morning.
Every. Single. Time. I'm done with that place.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Mariko had a fever last night and ended up sleeping in our bed. There was intermittent sleep by all but it wasn't great.

Now she's on the couch watching Daniel Tiger (her treat when home sick from preschool), Yuna is rolling around on the floor in lieu of the crawling that she still doesn't do, the wife is cooking eggs for breakfast, and I'm alternately working/wasting time from home since I was on academic time anyway and I don't feel like actually going in to my office.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Work. I manged to get in an hour on the elliptical last night and some study time, so I'm pretty blown out this morning.

Had the 'what you want vs. what you can get' conversation with Wifey yesterday. She finally listened when I told her if she wants round 2, that getting her Q7 and giant house are off the table. She's upset that because we make so much more money than any of our friends that we can afford to live nicer because they do (keeping up with the Jones' much?).

I spent a lot of time trying to explain that we save more money than the average person (because we can and should). Trying to explain that saving now sets us up way better later, including the ability to pay for college doesn't seem to stick. She said "we can always save less" which damn near gave me a seizure.

Honestly, doing this job will make you go crazy. Talking to people who are or will be living their retirement in poverty will really make you want to save every penny that you can, just to avoid that.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Work. I manged to get in an hour on the elliptical last night and some study time, so I'm pretty blown out this morning.

Had the 'what you want vs. what you can get' conversation with Wifey yesterday. She finally listened when I told her if she wants round 2, that getting her Q7 and giant house are off the table. She's upset that because we make so much more money than any of our friends that we can afford to live nicer because they do (keeping up with the Jones' much?).

I spent a lot of time trying to explain that we save more money than the average person (because we can and should). Trying to explain that saving now sets us up way better later, including the ability to pay for college doesn't seem to stick. She said "we can always save less" which damn near gave me a seizure.

Honestly, doing this job will make you go crazy. Talking to people who are or will be living their retirement in poverty will really make you want to save every penny that you can, just to avoid that.
make her go live in a van down by the river.

sometimes i have these sorts of situations w/ my wife (want vs need). i find myself utilizing the phrase "welcome to reality" frequently. i also make the argument that better savings = more likely to retire early, that argument seems to carry some weight, so it might be worth trying.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
make her go live in a van down by the river.

sometimes i have these sorts of situations w/ my wife (want vs need). i find myself utilizing the phrase "welcome to reality" frequently. i also make the argument that better savings = more likely to retire early, that argument seems to carry some weight, so it might be worth trying.
Hahah. Yeah, I've tried the whole retire early thing, as that's what I do for a living. Doesn't work.

As for van down by the river, having lived in a van at one point growing up and in my truck after leaving school, having lots of savings is a very important thing for me. I want Haley in no way to ever experience that in life.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Work. I manged to get in an hour on the elliptical last night and some study time, so I'm pretty blown out this morning.

Had the 'what you want vs. what you can get' conversation with Wifey yesterday. She finally listened when I told her if she wants round 2, that getting her Q7 and giant house are off the table. She's upset that because we make so much more money than any of our friends that we can afford to live nicer because they do (keeping up with the Jones' much?).
Dude... I don't envy your position. It's a tough (and REAL) thing, the desire for people to keep up with the Jones'...

Try telling her that the Jones' are basically dumbass douchebags. See if that helps. :D

Honestly, doing this job will make you go crazy. Talking to people who are or will be living their retirement in poverty will really make you want to save every penny that you can, just to avoid that.
Just keep in mind that it's a balance for everyone - 'cause there's no guarantee that you're gonna make it TO retirement. But you should at least plan for it...

But yeah - keeping up with the Jones' is a surefire way to:
  1. Be disappointed
  2. Never actually attain what you *think* you want
It's a bad idea to pattern your life after what everyone else is doing. 'Cause there are a LOT of people doing it wrong.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Hahah. Yeah, I've tried the whole retire early thing, as that's what I do for a living. Doesn't work.

As for van down by the river, having lived in a van at one point growing up and in my truck after leaving school, having lots of savings is a very important thing for me. I want Haley in no way to ever experience that in life.
oh i wasn't suggesting everyone living in a van down by the river :D


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Work. I manged to get in an hour on the elliptical last night and some study time, so I'm pretty blown out this morning.

Had the 'what you want vs. what you can get' conversation with Wifey yesterday. She finally listened when I told her if she wants round 2, that getting her Q7 and giant house are off the table. She's upset that because we make so much more money than any of our friends that we can afford to live nicer because they do (keeping up with the Jones' much?).

I spent a lot of time trying to explain that we save more money than the average person (because we can and should). Trying to explain that saving now sets us up way better later, including the ability to pay for college doesn't seem to stick. She said "we can always save less" which damn near gave me a seizure.

Honestly, doing this job will make you go crazy. Talking to people who are or will be living their retirement in poverty will really make you want to save every penny that you can, just to avoid that.
Jesus H. Christ. I'm not even married and I get friends telling me I make so much money and save so much that I should spend more and live "better." I've got too many friends living paycheck to paycheck with no retirement. Anemic 401k plans were drained a while ago to cover various life expenses. Now high rate credit card debt and school debt is crushing them. Home maintenance costs exceeded the benefit of property value growth. The list of money issues goes on.

In a recent office retirement seminar, the speaker asked "how many people have $X in savings?" At 40, I was on the younger end of the average age, and I was the only person who raised a hand.

Some people very close to me are going to get crushed by money woes as time rolls on. It's going to be hard to watch, and I can't save them.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Dude... I don't envy your position. It's a tough (and REAL) thing, the desire for people to keep up with the Jones'...

Try telling her that the Jones' are basically dumbass douchebags. See if that helps. :D

Just keep in mind that it's a balance for everyone - 'cause there's no guarantee that you're gonna make it TO retirement. But you should at least plan for it...

But yeah - keeping up with the Jones' is a surefire way to:
  1. Be disappointed
  2. Never actually attain what you *think* you want
It's a bad idea to pattern your life after what everyone else is doing. 'Cause there are a LOT of people doing it wrong.
Indeed. My goal is simple enough (I think) is to have $500k (we save a lot of money) set aside by the time we're 40. That gives a really good platform from which our future/retirement can be built. Getting a big house nukes that. Getting a Q7 seriously impacts that. Getting something like a Pilot, which she likes, impacts it less. Having rd 2 is global nuclear war to that goal.

Guess I just focus too much on the future...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Jesus H. Christ. I'm not even married and I get friends telling me I make so much money and save so much that I should spend more and live "better." I've got too many friends living paycheck to paycheck with no retirement. Anemic 401k plans were drained a while ago to cover various life expenses. Now high rate credit card debt and school debt is crushing them. Home maintenance costs exceeded the benefit of property value growth. The list of money issues goes on.

In a recent office retirement seminar, the speaker asked "how many people have $X in savings?" At 40, I was on the younger end of the average age, and I was the only person who raised a hand.

Some people very close to me are going to get crushed by money woes as time rolls on. It's going to be hard to watch, and I can't save them.
Now imagine having that conversation 30 times per day, telling people that their plans for retirement are not able to happen doing what they do. Very demoralizing to me and why saving is so important.

Also, you're the guy who will be done working when you're 55 and able to do fuck all what you want. I just want to maintain lifestyle at 62, so we're still young enough to enjoy it. I don't think it's asking a lot.
Last edited:


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Indeed. My goal is simple enough (I think) is to have $500k (we save a lot of money) set aside by the time we're 40. That gives a really good platform from which our future/retirement can be built. Getting a big house nukes that. Getting a Q7 seriously impacts that. Getting something like a Pilot, which she likes, impacts it less. Having rd 2 is global nuclear war to that goal.

Guess I just focus too much on the future...

You don't focus "too much" on the future. You get it. Tell that woman she's lucky to be paired up with you... Well, in regard to this issue.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
As for van down by the river, having lived in a van at one point growing up and in my truck after leaving school, having lots of savings is a very important thing for me.