
Time to pull in the garden...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Another season has come and gone. I pulled in about 25lbs of tomatoes last night and we'll see what ripens and what doesn't. Time to throw the garden leftovers in the compost bin and start getting ready for next year! :D


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Every one of our tomatos this year were involuntary. The plants exploded out from underneath the compost bin.

We (well..she...my wife did all the work) transplanted several and now we have what I call a "tomato plague".

I think caprese is on the menu tonight.

The rest of our garden is rockin. Tons of lettuce, zukes, herbs, etc. The strawberries were all devoured by something though. Sad.

I have thomson seedless vines planted too. Hopefully we'll get some fruit next year.