
Tips for 60 mile MTB


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
Im probably only going to last 40 miles of it but im trying to think of things that will help.

Shorts? im a baggy guy but the spandex ones seem to have a substantially better maxi pad. Any brand spandex is better or what should i look for?

Other things ive thought of:
extra pair of socks
maybe even bring flip-flops for the river crossings
large bandaids/blister protection
snacks for every hour im planning on riding
Sport Legs
Calcium tabs
Wet Ones (TP)

Anyway, thanks for any little tip.



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Don't underestimate the amount of food and water you will need. If you are going to be in wilderness type areas it is not a bad idea to bring iodine tables for purifying water in case you need to drink from one of the streams/rivers.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
yeah. i forgot to mention that this is an organized even and has checkpoints with food and water. but there will be hours between checkpoints so thats why im taking small hourly snacks and lots of water.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
As a roadie, I have a large collection of lyrca shorts. So I try to wear Raceface Indy's shorts, which do not have an inner liner but have a seamless crotch as well.

The ultimate lycra short is the bib short. If you look at the peleton, who average 7 hours per race, that is all they wear.

But the major brands like Pearl Izumi, Cannondale, Sugoi, etc; all make great shorts. I would buy the highest quality short you could afford, which is typically $100 for regular and $140 for bib. I think it is worth the extra cost.

P.S. All my 6+ hour rides, I only wore one pair of socks, but I did not have stream crossings.

P.P.S. My tri-athlete boss recommended rolaids. Besides the calcium, he said if you eat only gu and power bars for 10 hours, the rolaids helps to keep your stomach right.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
sanjuro - thanks. excellent info. particularly the impact seams would have when sitting in the saddle for so long.

I'll look at getting a bib.

also, the extra socks were just incase something goes wrong on one of the creek crossings.


Jul 17, 2002
Atlanta, GA
My epic rides are on a road bike but I also ride 12 to 20 miles on a given weekend off road. Personally I'd go with the baggie riding shorts. They offer a greater level of protection in the groin and from trees, bushes, unscheduled dismounts. They have greater abrasion resistance. A good pair has a good liner. Use them before the trip to make sure they are right for you. Nothing is worse than using ill fitting gear. A good lubricant is essential. Make sure your bike is in perfect working condition. Bring extra tubes and patch kit. Bring good tools. Bring a power link or two (chain link). Mountain bike action has had a couple articles about epic ride gear in the past, look for them. With the help of the food/rest stops you can keep your load light. Take only what you will consume from one station to the next. Take some real food like wraps. Whole wheat wraps around a bannana and peanut putter is a welcome relief on the trail. They are easy to make and more portable than a sandwich. Sun screen and lip balm are very handy. When your lips are dry the sensation of thirst is greater. Bring the appropriate layers of clothing. Wind breaker or vest, knee or arm warmers depending what time of year you go. Will the ride be completed during day light hours? If not you will need a light. As for shoes and socks, personally I'd only bring one pair of good bike specific socks. When I ride my feet get wet one way or another, sweat or river/creek water. If your shoes are fitted properly and have good ventilation they will dry out fast with the combination of air circulation and body heat. Make sure you have good gloves and eye protection. Helmet is obvious. And finally, it's good to have a partner of similar riding ability. Helps to pass the time and you can help each other out on the trail.

Good luck! Give us a post ride report.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Chamois butter and shorts, not baggies.
extra socks eh
leave the extra shoes at home
2 tubes

i dont what shape your in so i cant really recommend anything else but have fun. The OC is supposed to be awesome!

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Nutrition - Use what you know. I used the Hammer electrolyte capsules the year I rode it. I got cramps, but starting taking them like candy and that helped a lot. Eat well the whole week before and get a good breakfast. The pancakes at the start help, but I would recommend some protein also. Carry some Tums with you also, this will stop cramps if they do appear. Take some food bars because you can't do this ride on water alone.

Feed Stations - There are three feed stations where they have bananas, peanut butter, water and maybe some other basics. Since Hammer is sponsoring the event, they will probably have an energy drink at the stops this year. The first part of the ride is by far the easiest. The first rest stop with food is pretty far in compared to the others, but you'll need less at it. Make sure you fill up at each one though.

Bike Supplies - Don't pack too much junk/weight. New brake pads would be a good thing to get. I would carry at least one tube and cartridge and a patch that will fix a slice in your tire. Even new ones can get cut on the rocks. A multitool with a chain tool on it will help. Did you see Rambo carrying a ton spare parts with him, hell no!! You go out there with the bare necessities. If you have a support crew put your major parts in there...

Remember the hard part of the ride is at the end with Blowout Mt... so pace yourself. It's not a race but a tour.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
I have a ride buddy who's shooting for 4:30, look for him he'll be off the front with a very large Yetti in tow.
they will be the odd ball couple one dude is 5'9" 140lbs the other is 6'10" 250lbs. The yetti will fall of the pace but will still finish strong.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
Freekin awesome ride, although i did my fair share of cussing along the way.

I didnt make the second check point by 2pm and that was fine with me. In all, i was on the trail for 8.5 hours and covered 50 miles. The Womble Trail was incredible. On the 9 mile road ride back to town i missed a turn and went 5 miles out of the way into BFE Ark. Ive never ridden that far or been on a bike that long before. My equipment all did great. Next year, i just need more training.


The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Hey congratulations! Its a tough ride.

My buddy got second but missed his target time by 17 minutes. I'm not sure how the yetti did but i'm getting updates as they wake up.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
We had 11 out of 22 local bike club riders finish the OC this year.


My buddy finished 3rd overall............ on his Walt Works 29er single speed..


N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
The Toninator said:
haha my buddy beat your buddy.

anyhoo Nik(aka Will) black was also on a 29'er but he was running gears.
... SS with a rigid fork I might add.... :dead:

Whatever bike you ride... that course it brutal!


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
Jimmy_Pop said:
Freekin awesome ride, although i did my fair share of cussing along the way.

I didnt make the second check point by 2pm and that was fine with me. In all, i was on the trail for 8.5 hours and covered 50 miles. The Womble Trail was incredible. On the 9 mile road ride back to town i missed a turn and went 5 miles out of the way into BFE Ark. Ive never ridden that far or been on a bike that long before. My equipment all did great. Next year, i just need more training.

Sweet Joel! Congrats, that's awsome.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
ghostrider said:
Dude, you aren't supposed to shove the bottle IN your ass.

i could really dive this thread into the lower depths but i'll refrain...

Let's just say i've never used chamois butter and probably never will, and baggies are the same thing as tights only they are baggy. i hope mt. bikers aren't going to start shaving their legs again....